Bibliography : Astronomy and Astrophysics

Apr 2016 - 71 Abstracts found

1.- Apr 2016 - MNRAS - (2016MNRAS.457.4296W)

A comprehensive comparative test of seven widely used spectral synthesis models against multi-band photometry of young massive-star clusters

Wofford, A.; Charlot, S.; Bruzual, G.; Eldridge, J. J.; Calzetti, D.; Adamo, A.; Cignoni, M.; de Mink, S. E.; Gouliermis, D. A.; Grasha, K.; Grebel, E. K.; Lee, J. C.; Östlin, G.; Smith, L. J.; Ubeda, L.; Zackrisson, E.

Keywords: stars: early-type, H II regions, galaxies: individual: NGC 1566, NGC 5253, galaxies: star clusters: general, galaxies: star formation
2016 The Authors Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of the Royal Astronomical Society

2.- Apr 2016 - MNRAS - (2016MNRAS.457.3743D)

Pathways to quiescence: SHARDS view on the star formation histories of massive quiescent galaxies at 1.0 < z < 1.5

Domínguez Sánchez, Helena; Pérez-González, Pablo G.; Esquej, Pilar; Eliche-Moral, M. Carmen; Barro, Guillermo; Cava, Antonio; Koekemoer, Anton M.; Alcalde Pampliega, Belén; Alonso Herrero, Almudena; Bruzual, Gustavo; Cardiel, Nicolás; Cenarro, Javier; Ceverino, Daniel; Charlot, Stéphane; Hernán Caballero, Antonio

Keywords: galaxies: evolution, galaxies: formation, galaxies: high-redshift, galaxies: stellar content
2016 The Authors Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of the Royal Astronomical Society

3.- Apr 2016 - MNRAS - (2016MNRAS.457.3666C)

A search for H I and OH absorption in z ≳ 3 CO emitters

Curran, S. J.; Allison, J. R.; Whiting, M. T.; Sadler, E. M.; Combes, F.; Pracy, M. B.; Bignell, C.; Athreya, R.

Keywords: galaxies: active, galaxies: evolution, galaxies: ISM, quasars: absorption lines, galaxies: starburst, ultraviolet: galaxies
2016 The Authors Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of the Royal Astronomical Society

4.- Apr 2016 - MNRAS - (2016MNRAS.457.3541C)

Large-scale clustering of Lyman α emission intensity from SDSS/BOSS

Croft, Rupert A. C.; Miralda-Escudé, Jordi; Zheng, Zheng; Bolton, Adam; Dawson, Kyle S.; Peterson, Jeffrey B.; York, Donald G.; Eisenstein, Daniel; Brinkmann, Jon; Brownstein, Joel; Cen, Renyue; Delubac, Timothée; Font-Ribera, Andreu; Hamilton, Jean-Christophe; Lee, Khee-Gan; Myers, Adam; Palanque-Delabrouille, Nathalie; Pâris, Isabelle; Petitjean, Patrick; Pieri, Matthew M.; Ross, Nicholas P.; Rossi, Graziano; Schlegel, David J.; Schneider, Donald P.; Slosar, Anže; Vazquez, José; Viel, Matteo; Weinberg, David H.; Yèche, Christophe

Keywords: cosmology: observations
2016 The Authors Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of the Royal Astronomical Society

5.- Apr 2016 - MNRAS - (2016MNRAS.457.3306O)

SImulator of GAlaxy Millimetre/submillimetre Emission (SÍGAME): CO emission from massive z = 2 main-sequence galaxies

Olsen, Karen P.; Greve, Thomas R.; Brinch, Christian; Sommer-Larsen, Jesper; Rasmussen, Jesper; Toft, Sune; Zirm, Andrew

Keywords: radiative transfer, methods: numerical, ISM: clouds, ISM: lines and bands, galaxies: high-redshift, galaxies: ISM
2016 The Authors Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of the Royal Astronomical Society

6.- Apr 2016 - MNRAS - (2016MNRAS.457.2318M)

Statistical properties of diffuse Lyα haloes around star-forming galaxies at z ˜ 2

Momose, Rieko; Ouchi, Masami; Nakajima, Kimihiko; Ono, Yoshiaki; Shibuya, Takatoshi; Shimasaku, Kazuhiro; Yuma, Suraphong; Mori, Masao; Umemura, Masayuki

Keywords: galaxies: formation, galaxies: high-redshift, cosmology: observations
2016 The Authors Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of the Royal Astronomical Society

7.- Apr 2016 - MNRAS - (2016MNRAS.457.2287A)

Galaxy And Mass Assembly (GAMA): stellar mass growth of spiral galaxies in the cosmic web

Alpaslan, Mehmet; Grootes, Meiert; Marcum, Pamela M.; Popescu, Cristina; Tuffs, Richard; Bland-Hawthorn, Joss; Brough, Sarah; Brown, Michael J. I.; Davies, Luke J. M.; Driver, Simon P.; Holwerda, Benne W.; Kelvin, Lee S.; Lara-López, Maritza A.; López-Sánchez, Ángel R.; Loveday, Jon; Moffett, Amanda; Taylor, Edward N.; Owers, Matt; Robotham, Aaron S. G.

Keywords: galaxies: spiral, galaxies: stellar content, large-scale structure of Universe
2016 The Authors Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of the Royal Astronomical Society

8.- Apr 2016 - MNRAS - (2016MNRAS.457.1828K)

UVES and X-Shooter spectroscopy of the emission line AM CVn systems GP Com and V396 Hya

Kupfer, T.; Steeghs, D.; Groot, P. J.; Marsh, T. R.; Nelemans, G.; Roelofs, G. H. A.

Keywords: accretion, accretion discs, binaries: close, stars: individual: GP Com, V396 Hya
2016 The Authors Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of the Royal Astronomical Society

9.- Apr 2016 - MNRAS - (2016MNRAS.457.1371V)

A SCUBA-2 survey of FeLoBAL QSOs. Are FeLoBALs in a 'transition phase' between ULIRGs and QSOs?

Violino, Giulio; Coppin, Kristen E. K.; Stevens, Jason A.; Farrah, Duncan; Geach, James E.; Alexander, Dave M.; Hickox, Ryan; Smith, Daniel J. B.; Wardlow, Julie L.

Keywords: galaxies: evolution, galaxies: formation, galaxies: high-redshift, quasars: absorption lines, submillimetre: galaxies
2016 The Authors Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of the Royal Astronomical Society

10.- Apr 2016 - Icar - (2016Icar..268..215G)

Characteristics of north jovian aurora from STIS FUV spectral images

Gustin, J.; Grodent, D.; Ray, L. C.; Bonfond, B.; Bunce, E. J.; Nichols, J. D.; Ozak, N.

Keywords: Aurorae, Hubble Space Telescope observations, Jupiter, atmosphere, magnetosphere, Spectroscopy
(c) 2016 Elsevier Inc.

11.- Apr 2016 - Icar - (2016Icar..268..145S)

Stability within Jupiter's polar auroral 'Swirl region' over moderate timescales

Stallard, Tom S.; Clarke, John T.; Melin, Henrik; Miller, Steve; Nichols, Jon D.; O'Donoghue, James; Johnson, Rosie E.; Connerney, John E. P.; Satoh, Takehiko; Perry, Michael

Keywords: Aurorae, Jupiter, atmosphere, Infrared observations, Ionospheres
(c) 2016 Elsevier Inc.

12.- Apr 2016 - AstL - (2016AstL...42..228B)

Hercules and Wolf 630 stellar streams and galactic bar kinematics

Bobylev, V. V.; Bajkova, A. T.

Keywords: kinematics, stellar streams, Wolf 630 stream, Hercules stream, Galactic bar, Galaxy (Milky Way)
(c) 2016: Pleiades Publishing, Inc.

13.- Apr 2016 - AsBio - (2016AsBio..16..301G)

Protection of Nitrate-Reducing Fe(II)-Oxidizing Bacteria from UV Radiation by Biogenic Fe(III) Minerals

Gauger, Tina; Konhauser, Kurt; Kappler, Andreas

Keywords: Archean, Biominerals, UVR, Protection.

14.- Apr 2016 - AsBio - (2016AsBio..16..245N)

Solar Irradiance Changes and Phytoplankton Productivity in Earth's Ocean Following Astrophysical Ionizing Radiation Events

Neale, Patrick J.; Thomas, Brian C.

Keywords: Algae, Photosynthesis, UV radiation, Supernovae, Radiative transfer.

15.- Apr 2016 - ApJ - (2016ApJ...821L..27V)

High-resolution Spectroscopy of a Young, Low-metallicity Optically Thin L = 0.02L* Star-forming Galaxy at z = 3.12

Vanzella, E.; De Barros, S.; Cupani, G.; Karman, W.; Gronke, M.; Balestra, I.; Coe, D.; Mignoli, M.; Brusa, M.; Calura, F.; Caminha, G.-B.; Caputi, K.; Castellano, M.; Christensen, L.; Comastri, A.; Cristiani, S.; Dijkstra, M.; Fontana, A.; Giallongo, E.; Giavalisco, M.; Gilli, R.; Grazian, A.; Grillo, C.; Koekemoer, A.; Meneghetti, M.; Nonino, M.; Pentericci, L.; Rosati, P.; Schaerer, D.; Verhamme, A.; Vignali, C.; Zamorani, G.

Keywords: cosmology: observations, galaxies: formation

16.- Apr 2016 - ApJ - (2016ApJ...821..130P)

Narrow-line X-Ray-selected Galaxies in the Chandra-COSMOS Field. I. Optical Spectroscopic Catalog

Pons, E.; Elvis, M.; Civano, F.; Watson, M. G.

Keywords: catalogs, galaxies: general, surveys, X-rays: galaxies

17.- Apr 2016 - ApJ - (2016ApJ...821..123H)

Evolution of Stellar-to-Halo Mass Ratio at z = 0 - 7 Identified by Clustering Analysis with the Hubble Legacy Imaging and Early Subaru/Hyper Suprime-Cam Survey Data

Harikane, Yuichi; Ouchi, Masami; Ono, Yoshiaki; More, Surhud; Saito, Shun; Lin, Yen-Ting; Coupon, Jean; Shimasaku, Kazuhiro; Shibuya, Takatoshi; Price, Paul A.; Lin, Lihwai; Hsieh, Bau-Ching; Ishigaki, Masafumi; Komiyama, Yutaka; Silverman, John; Takata, Tadafumi; Tamazawa, Hiroko; Toshikawa, Jun

Keywords: galaxies: evolution, galaxies: formation, galaxies: high-redshift

18.- Apr 2016 - ApJ - (2016ApJ...821..100S)

Minifilament Eruptions that Drive Coronal Jets in a Solar Active Region

Sterling, Alphonse C.; Moore, Ronald L.; Falconer, David A.; Panesar, Navdeep K.; Akiyama, Sachiko; Yashiro, Seiji; Gopalswamy, Nat

Keywords: Sun: activity, Sun: filaments, prominences, Sun: flares, Sun: magnetic fields, Sun: UV radiation

19.- Apr 2016 - ApJ - (2016ApJ...821...81G)

Living with a Red Dwarf: Rotation and X-Ray and Ultraviolet Properties of the Halo Population Kapteyn's Star

Guinan, Edward F.; Engle, Scott G.; Durbin, Allyn

Keywords: planets and satellites: individual: Kapteyn b, stars: activity, stars: individual: Kapteyn's Star, stars: late-type, ultraviolet: stars, X-rays: stars

20.- Apr 2016 - ApJ - (2016ApJ...821...80B)

Towards a Global Evolutionary Model of Protoplanetary Disks

Bai, Xue-Ning

Keywords: accretion, accretion disks, magnetohydrodynamics: MHD, methods: numerical

21.- Apr 2016 - ApJ - (2016ApJ...821...72S)

Morphologies of ~190,000 Galaxies at z = 0-10 Revealed with HST Legacy Data. II. Evolution of Clumpy Galaxies

Shibuya, Takatoshi; Ouchi, Masami; Kubo, Mariko; Harikane, Yuichi

Keywords: cosmology: observations, early universe, galaxies: formation, galaxies: high-redshift

22.- Apr 2016 - ApJ - (2016ApJ...821...63B)

Patterns of Activity in a Global Model of a Solar Active Region

Bradshaw, S. J.; Viall, N. M.

Keywords: Sun: corona, Sun: transition region, Sun: UV radiation

23.- Apr 2016 - ApJ - (2016ApJ...821...57D)

The Double-peaked SN 2013ge: A Type Ib/c SN with an Asymmetric Mass Ejection or an Extended Progenitor Envelope

Drout, M. R.; Milisavljevic, D.; Parrent, J.; Margutti, R.; Kamble, A.; Soderberg, A. M.; Challis, P.; Chornock, R.; Fong, W.; Frank, S.; Gehrels, N.; Graham, M. L.; Hsiao, E.; Itagaki, K.; Kasliwal, M.; Kirshner, R. P.; Macomb, D.; Marion, G. H.; Norris, J.; Phillips, M. M.

Keywords: supernovae: general, supernovae: individual: SN 2013ge

24.- Apr 2016 - ApJ - (2016ApJ...821...42H)

Near Infrared Diffuse Interstellar Bands Toward the Cygnus OB2 Association

Hamano, Satoshi; Kobayashi, Naoto; Kondo, Sohei; Sameshima, Hiroaki; Nakanishi, Kenshi; Ikeda, Yuji; Yasui, Chikako; Mizumoto, Misaki; Matsunaga, Noriyuki; Fukue, Kei; Yamamoto, Ryo; Izumi, Natsuko; Mito, Hiroyuki; Nakaoka, Tetsuya; Kawanishi, Takafumi; Kitano, Ayaka; Otsubo, Shogo; Kinoshita, Masaomi; Kawakita, Hideyo

Keywords: dust, extinction, ISM: lines and bands, ISM: molecules, open clusters and associations: individual: Cygnus OB2 association

25.- Apr 2016 - ApJ - (2016ApJ...821...27G)

Constraining White Dwarf Structure and Neutrino Physics in 47 Tucanae

Goldsbury, R.; Heyl, J.; Richer, H. B.; Kalirai, J. S.; Tremblay, P. E.

Keywords: globular clusters: individual: 47 Tuc, methods: data analysis, methods: statistical, neutrinos, stars: atmospheres, white dwarfs

26.- Apr 2016 - ApJ - (2016ApJ...821....2H)

Water Ice at the Surface of the HD 100546 Disk

Honda, M.; Kudo, T.; Takatsuki, S.; Inoue, A. K.; Nakamoto, T.; Fukagawa, M.; Tamura, M.; Terada, H.; Takato, N.

Keywords: circumstellar matter, protoplanetary disks, stars: pre-main sequence

27.- Apr 2016 - ApJ - (2016ApJ...820L..23S)

The MOSDEF Survey: The Strong Agreement between Hα and UV-to-FIR Star Formation Rates for z ~ 2 Star-forming Galaxies

Shivaei, Irene; Kriek, Mariska; Reddy, Naveen A.; Shapley, Alice E.; Barro, Guillermo; Conroy, Charlie; Coil, Alison L.; Freeman, William R.; Mobasher, Bahram; Siana, Brian; Sanders, Ryan; Price, Sedona H.; Azadi, Mojegan; Pasha, Imad; Inami, Hanae

Keywords: dust, extinction, galaxies: general, galaxies: high-redshift, galaxies: star formation, infrared: galaxies

28.- Apr 2016 - ApJ - (2016ApJ...820..133K)

Cosmic Reionization On Computers. Ultraviolet Continuum Slopes and Dust Opacities in High Redshift Galaxies

Khakhaleva-Li, Zimu; Gnedin, Nickolay Y.

Keywords: cosmology: theory, intergalactic medium, large-scale structure of universe, methods: numerical

29.- Apr 2016 - ApJ - (2016ApJ...820..132K)

Stellar Populations of Early-type Galaxies with Mid-infrared Excess Emission

Ko, Jongwan; Chung, Haeun; Hwang, Ho Seong; Lee, Jong Chul

Keywords: galaxies: evolution, galaxies: stellar content, infrared: galaxies

30.- Apr 2016 - ApJ - (2016ApJ...820..130Y)

Green Pea Galaxies Reveal Secrets of Lyα Escape

Yang, Huan; Malhotra, Sangeeta; Gronke, Max; Rhoads, James E.; Dijkstra, Mark; Jaskot, Anne; Zheng, Zhenya; Wang, Junxian

Keywords: galaxies: high-redshift, galaxies: starburst, line: profiles, radiative transfer, ultraviolet: ISM

31.- Apr 2016 - ApJ - (2016ApJ...820..121B)

Possible Signatures of a Cold-flow Disk from MUSE Using a z ˜ 1 Galaxy-Quasar Pair toward SDSS J1422-0001

Bouché, N.; Finley, H.; Schroetter, I.; Murphy, M. T.; Richter, P.; Bacon, R.; Contini, T.; Richard, J.; Wendt, M.; Kamann, S.; Epinat, B.; Cantalupo, S.; Straka, L. A.; Schaye, J.; Martin, C. L.; Péroux, C.; Wisotzki, L.; Soto, K.; Lilly, S.; Carollo, C. M.; Brinchmann, J.; Kollatschny, W.

Keywords: galaxies: evolution, galaxies: formation, intergalactic medium, quasars: individual: SDSS J142253.31–000149

32.- Apr 2016 - ApJ - (2016ApJ...820...98L)

Young Galaxy Candidates in the Hubble Frontier Fields. III. MACS J0717.5+3745

Laporte, N.; Infante, L.; Troncoso Iribarren, P.; Zheng, W.; Molino, A.; Bauer, F. E.; Bina, D.; Broadhurst, Tom; Chilingarian, I.; Huang, X.; Garcia, S.; Kim, S.; Marques-Chaves, R.; Moustakas, J.; Pelló, R.; Pérez-Fournon, I.; Shu, X.; Streblyanska, A.; Zitrin, A.

Keywords: cosmology: observations, galaxies: clusters: individual: MACS J0717.5+3745, galaxies: high-redshift, gravitational lensing: strong

33.- Apr 2016 - ApJ - (2016ApJ...820...96D)

Dust Attenuation of the Nebular Regions of z ~ 2 Star-forming Galaxies: Insight from UV, IR, and Emission Lines

De Barros, S.; Reddy, N.; Shivaei, I.

Keywords: dust, extinction, galaxies: evolution, galaxies: high-redshift, galaxies: starburst

34.- Apr 2016 - ApJ - (2016ApJ...820...89F)

The MUSCLES Treasury Survey. I. Motivation and Overview

France, Kevin; Parke Loyd, R. O.; Youngblood, Allison; Brown, Alexander; Schneider, P. Christian; Hawley, Suzanne L.; Froning, Cynthia S.; Linsky, Jeffrey L.; Roberge, Aki; Buccino, Andrea P.; Davenport, James R. A.; Fontenla, Juan M.; Kaltenegger, Lisa; Kowalski, Adam F.; Mauas, Pablo J. D.; Miguel, Yamila; Redfield, Seth; Rugheimer, Sarah; Tian, Feng; Vieytes, Mariela C.; Walkowicz, Lucianne M.; Weisenburger, Kolby L.

Keywords: planetary systems, stars: activity, stars: low-mass

35.- Apr 2016 - AJ - (2016AJ....151..107Z)

LUT Reveals an Algol-type Eclipsing Binary With Three Additional Stellar Companions in a Multiple System

Zhu, L.-Y.; Zhou, X.; Hu, J.-Y.; Qian, S.-B.; Li, L.-J.; Liao, W.-P.; Tian, X.-M.; Wang, Z.-H.

Keywords: binaries: close, binaries: eclipsing, stars: evolution, stars: individual: V548 Cygni

36.- Apr 2016 - AJ - (2016AJ....151..105C)

Utilizing Synthetic UV Spectra to Explore the Physical Basis for the Classification of Lambda Boötis Stars

Cheng, Kwang-Ping; Neff, James E.; Johnson, Dustin M.; Tarbell, Erik S.; Romo, Christopher A.; Prabhaker, Arvind; Steele, Patricia A.; Gray, Richard O.; Corbally, Christopher J.

Keywords: ultraviolet: stars

37.- Apr 2016 - A&A - (2016A&A...588L...5C)

Origin of the Lyman excess in early-type stars

Cesaroni, R.; Sánchez-Monge, Á.; Beltrán, M. T.; Molinari, S.; Olmi, L.; Treviño-Morales, S. P.

Keywords: stars: early-type, HII regions, ISM: molecules

38.- Apr 2016 - A&A - (2016A&A...588A.139M)

Anatomy of the AGN in NGC 5548. VII. Swift study of obscuration and broadband continuum variability

Mehdipour, M.; Kaastra, J. S.; Kriss, G. A.; Cappi, M.; Petrucci, P.-O.; De Marco, B.; Ponti, G.; Steenbrugge, K. C.; Behar, E.; Bianchi, S.; Branduardi-Raymont, G.; Costantini, E.; Ebrero, J.; Di Gesu, L.; Matt, G.; Paltani, S.; Peterson, B. M.; Ursini, F.; Whewell, M.

Keywords: X-rays: galaxies, galaxies: active, galaxies: Seyfert, galaxies: individual: NGC 5548, techniques: spectroscopic

39.- Apr 2016 - A&A - (2016A&A...588A.126C)

Solar irradiance observations with PREMOS filter radiometers on the PICARD mission: In-flight performance and data release

Cessateur, G.; Schmutz, W.; Wehrli, C.; Gröbner, J.; Haberreiter, M.; Kretzschmar, M.; Rozanov, E.; Schöll, M.; Shapiro, A.; Thuillier, G.; Egorova, T.; Finsterle, W.; Fox, N.; Hochedez, J.-F.; Koller, S.; Meftah, M.; Meindl, P.; Nyeki, S.; Pfiffner, D.; Roth, H.; Rouzé, M.; Spescha, M.; Tagirov, R.; Werner, L.; Wyss, J.-U.

Keywords: Sun: activity, instrumentation: photometers, Sun: UV radiation, solar-terrestrial relations

40.- Apr 2016 - A&A - (2016A&A...588A.124L)

Constraints on the H2O formation mechanism in the wind of carbon-rich AGB stars

Lombaert, R.; Decin, L.; Royer, P.; de Koter, A.; Cox, N. L. J.; González-Alfonso, E.; Neufeld, D.; De Ridder, J.; Agúndez, M.; Blommaert, J. A. D. L.; Khouri, T.; Groenewegen, M. A. T.; Kerschbaum, F.; Cernicharo, J.; Vandenbussche, B.; Waelkens, C.

Keywords: stars: AGB and post-AGB, stars: abundances, stars: mass-loss, stars: winds, outflows, stars: carbon

41.- Apr 2016 - A&A - (2016A&A...588A.116W)

Constraints on energy release in solar flares from RHESSI and GOES X-ray observations. II. Energetics and energy partition

Warmuth, A.; Mann, G.

Keywords: Sun: flares, Sun: X-rays, gamma rays, acceleration of particles

42.- Apr 2016 - A&A - (2016A&A...588A.102B)

Unveiling the radio counterparts of two binary AGN candidates: J1108+0659 and J1131-0204

Bondi, M.; Pérez-Torres, M. A.; Piconcelli, E.; Fu, H.

Keywords: galaxies: active, galaxies: nuclei, galaxies: interactions, radio continuum: galaxies, techniques: interferometric

43.- Apr 2016 - A&A - (2016A&A...588A..88M)

The X-ray/radio and UV luminosity expected from symbiotic systems as the progenitor of SNe Ia

Meng, Xiangcun; Han, Zhanwen

Keywords: binaries: symbiotic, stars: evolution, supernovae: general, white dwarfs

44.- Apr 2016 - A&A - (2016A&A...588A..80S)

Distant activity of 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko in 2014: Ground-based results during the Rosetta pre-landing phase

Snodgrass, Colin; Jehin, Emmanuel; Manfroid, Jean; Opitom, Cyrielle; Fitzsimmons, Alan; Tozzi, Gian Paolo; Faggi, Sara; Yang, Bin; Knight, Matthew M.; Conn, Blair C.; Lister, Tim; Hainaut, Olivier; Bramich, D. M.; Lowry, Stephen C.; Rozek, Agata; Tubiana, Cecilia; Guilbert-Lepoutre, Aurélie

Keywords: comets: individual: 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko

45.- Apr 2016 - A&A - (2016A&A...588A..26H)

The VIMOS Ultra Deep Survey: Lyα emission and stellar populations of star-forming galaxies at 2 < z < 2.5

Hathi, N. P.; Le Fèvre, O.; Ilbert, O.; Cassata, P.; Tasca, L. A. M.; Lemaux, B. C.; Garilli, B.; Le Brun, V.; Maccagni, D.; Pentericci, L.; Thomas, R.; Vanzella, E.; Zamorani, G.; Zucca, E.; Amorín, R.; Bardelli, S.; Cassarà, L. P.; Castellano, M.; Cimatti, A.; Cucciati, O.; Durkalec, A.; Fontana, A.; Giavalisco, M.; Grazian, A.; Guaita, L.; Koekemoer, A.; Paltani, S.; Pforr, J.; Ribeiro, B.; Schaerer, D.; Scodeggio, M.; Sommariva, V.; Talia, M.; Tresse, L.; Vergani, D.; Capak, P.; Charlot, S.; Contini, T.; Cuby, J. G.; de la Torre, S.; Dunlop, J.; Fotopoulou, S.; López-Sanjuan, C.; Mellier, Y.; Salvato, M.; Scoville, N.; Taniguchi, Y.; Wang, P. W.

Keywords: galaxies: evolution, galaxies: formation, galaxies: high-redshift

46.- Apr 2016 - A&A - (2016A&A...588A..23A)

Molecular gas in low-metallicity starburst galaxies:. Scaling relations and the CO-to-H2 conversion factor

Amorín, R.; Muñoz-Tuñón, C.; Aguerri, J. A. L.; Planesas, P.

Keywords: galaxies: ISM, radio lines: ISM, galaxies: starburst, galaxies: evolution, galaxies: general

47.- Apr 2016 - A&A - (2016A&A...588A...6G)

Chromospheric evaporation flows and density changes deduced from Hinode/EIS during an M1.6 flare

Gömöry, P.; Veronig, A. M.; Su, Y.; Temmer, M.; Thalmann, J. K.

Keywords: Sun: flares, Sun: chromosphere, Sun: corona, Sun: UV radiation

48.- Apr 2016 - MNRAS - (2016MNRAS.457.4236B)

A possible Chandra and Hubble Space Telescope detection of extragalactic WHIM towards PG 1116+215

Bonamente, M.; Nevalainen, J.; Tilton, E.; Liivamägi, J.; Tempel, E.; Heinämäki, P.; Fang, T.

Keywords: quasars: individual: PG 1116+215, large-scale structure of Universe
2016 The Authors Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of the Royal Astronomical Society

49.- Apr 2016 - MNRAS - (2016MNRAS.457.4195M)

The clustering amplitude of X-ray-selected AGN at z ˜ 0.8: evidence for a negative dependence on accretion luminosity

Mountrichas, G.; Georgakakis, A.; Menzel, M.-L.; Fanidakis, N.; Merloni, A.; Liu, Z.; Salvato, M.; Nandra, K.

Keywords: black hole physics, galaxies: active, galaxies: haloes, quasars: general, galaxies: Seyfert
2016 The Authors Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of the Royal Astronomical Society

50.- Apr 2016 - MNRAS - (2016MNRAS.457.3593F)

External photoevaporation of protoplanetary discs in sparse stellar groups: the impact of dust growth

Facchini, Stefano; Clarke, Cathie J.; Bisbas, Thomas G.

Keywords: accretion, accretion discs, hydrodynamics, planets and satellites: formation, protoplanetary discs, circumstellar matter
2016 The Authors Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of the Royal Astronomical Society

51.- Apr 2016 - MNRAS - (2016MNRAS.457.3133C)

Shining a light on galactic outflows: photoionized outflows

Chisholm, John; Tremonti, Christy A.; Leitherer, Claus; Chen, Yanmei; Wofford, Aida

Keywords: ISM: jets and outflows, galaxies: evolution, galaxies: formation, ultraviolet: ISM
2016 The Authors Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of the Royal Astronomical Society

52.- Apr 2016 - MNRAS - (2016MNRAS.457.2665M)

On the covering fraction variability in an EUV mini-BAL outflow from PG 1206+459

Muzahid, S.; Srianand, R.; Charlton, J.; Eracleous, M.

Keywords: galaxies: active, quasars: absorption line, quasars: individual: PG 1206+459
2016 The Authors Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of the Royal Astronomical Society

53.- Apr 2016 - MNRAS - (2016MNRAS.457.1905H)

Rapid radiative clearing of protoplanetary discs

Haworth, Thomas J.; Clarke, Cathie J.; Owen, James E.

Keywords: instabilities, protoplanetary discs, circumstellar matter, stars: pre-main-sequence, X-rays: stars
2016 The Authors Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of the Royal Astronomical Society

54.- Apr 2016 - MNRAS - (2016MNRAS.457.1399R)

A systematic search for lensed high-redshift galaxies in HST images of MACS clusters

Repp, A.; Ebeling, H.; Richard, J.

Keywords: galaxies: high-redshift, galaxies: statistics
2016 The Authors Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of the Royal Astronomical Society

55.- Apr 2016 - IJAsB - (2016IJAsB..15..119L)

An Assessment of macro-scale in situ Raman and ultraviolet-induced fluorescence spectroscopy for rapid characterization of frozen peat and ground ice

Laing, Janelle R.; Robichaud, Hailey C.; Cloutis, Edward A.

Keywords: astrobiological investigation, bioindicator, biomarker, Raman spectroscopy, spectroscopy, ultraviolet-induced fluorescence
(c) 2016: Copyright © Cambridge University Press 2015

56.- Apr 2016 - ApJS - (2016ApJS..223...24Y)

Forward Modeling of Standing Kink Modes in Coronal Loops. II. Applications

Yuan, Ding; Van Doorsselaere, Tom

Keywords: magnetohydrodynamics: MHD, Sun: atmosphere, Sun: corona, Sun: oscillations, waves

57.- Apr 2016 - ApJ - (2016ApJ...821L..29Z)

Observation of the Evolution of a Current Sheet in a Solar Flare

Zhu, Chunming; Liu, Rui; Alexander, David; McAteer, R. T. James

Keywords: Sun: corona, Sun: flares

58.- Apr 2016 - ApJ - (2016ApJ...821L..28G)

Stereoscopic Observation of Slipping Reconnection in a Double Candle-flame-shaped Solar Flare

Gou, Tingyu; Liu, Rui; Wang, Yuming; Liu, Kai; Zhuang, Bin; Chen, Jun; Zhang, Quanhao; Liu, Jiajia

Keywords: Sun: corona, Sun: flares, Sun: magnetic fields

59.- Apr 2016 - ApJ - (2016ApJ...821L..13N)

An Extremely Fast Halo Hot Subdwarf Star in a Wide Binary System

Németh, Péter; Ziegerer, Eva; Irrgang, Andreas; Geier, Stephan; Fürst, Felix; Kupfer, Thomas; Heber, Ulrich

Keywords: binaries: spectroscopic, Galaxy: halo, stars: atmospheres, stars: horizontal-branch, stars: kinematics and dynamics, subdwarfs

60.- Apr 2016 - ApJ - (2016ApJ...821L..11S)

First Detection of Galactic Latitude Dedpendence of Near-infrared Diffuse Galactic Light from DIRBE Renalysis

Sano, K.; Matsuura, S.; Tsumura, K.; Arai, T.; Shirahata, M.; Onishi, Y.

Keywords: dust, extinction, infrared: ISM, scattering

61.- Apr 2016 - ApJ - (2016ApJ...821...83S)

Dark Post-flare Loops Observed by the Solar Dynamics Observatory

Song, Qiao; Wang, Jing-Song; Feng, Xueshang; Zhang, Xiaoxin

Keywords: Sun: corona, Sun: flares, Sun: magnetic fields

62.- Apr 2016 - ApJ - (2016ApJ...821...71B)

Erratum: “Near-ultraviolet Spectroscopy of Star-forming Galaxies from eBOSS: Signatures of Ubiquitous Galactic-scale Outflows” (2015, ApJ, 815, 48)

Ben Zhu, Guangtun; Comparat, Johan; Kneib, Jean-Paul; Delubac, Timothée; Raichoor, Anand; Dawson, Kyle S.; Newman, Jeffrey; Yéche, Christophe; Zhou, Xu; Schneider, Donald P.


63.- Apr 2016 - ApJ - (2016ApJ...821...56F)

Space Telescope and Optical Reverberation Mapping Project. III. Optical Continuum Emission and Broadband Time Delays in NGC 5548

Fausnaugh, M. M.; Denney, K. D.; Barth, A. J.; Bentz, M. C.; Bottorff, M. C.; Carini, M. T.; Croxall, K. V.; De Rosa, G.; Goad, M. R.; Horne, Keith; Joner, M. D.; Kaspi, S.; Kim, M.; Klimanov, S. A.; Kochanek, C. S.; Leonard, D. C.; Netzer, H.; Peterson, B. M.; Schnülle, K.; Sergeev, S. G.; Vestergaard, M.; Zheng, W.-K.; Zu, Y.; Anderson, M. D.; Arévalo, P.; Bazhaw, C.; Borman, G. A.; Boroson, T. A.; Brandt, W. N.; Breeveld, A. A.; Brewer, B. J.; Cackett, E. M.; Crenshaw, D. M.; Dalla Bontà, E.; De Lorenzo-Cáceres, A.; Dietrich, M.; Edelson, R.; Efimova, N. V.; Ely, J.; Evans, P. A.; Filippenko, A. V.; Flatland, K.; Gehrels, N.; Geier, S.; Gelbord, J. M.; Gonzalez, L.; Gorjian, V.; Grier, C. J.; Grupe, D.; Hall, P. B.; Hicks, S.; Horenstein, D.; Hutchison, T.; Im, M.; Jensen, J. J.; Jones, J.; Kaastra, J.; Kelly, B. C.; Kennea, J. A.; Kim, S. C.; Korista, K. T.; Kriss, G. A.; Lee, J. C.; Lira, P.; MacInnis, F.; Manne-Nicholas, E. R.; Mathur, S.; McHardy, I. M.; Montouri, C.; Musso, R.; Nazarov, S. V.; Norris, R. P.; Nousek, J. A.; Okhmat, D. N.; Pancoast, A.; Papadakis, I.; Parks, J. R.; Pei, L.; Pogge, R. W.; Pott, J.-U.; Rafter, S. E.; Rix, H.-W.; Saylor, D. A.; Schimoia, J. S.; Siegel, M.; Spencer, M.; Starkey, D.; Sung, H.-I.; Teems, K. G.; Treu, T.; Turner, C. S.; Uttley, P.; Villforth, C.; Weiss, Y.; Woo, J.-H.; Yan, H.; Young, S.

Keywords: galaxies: active, galaxies: individual: NGC 5548, galaxies: nuclei, galaxies: Seyfert

64.- Apr 2016 - ApJ - (2016ApJ...821...37R)

The Diverse Origins of Neutron-capture Elements in the Metal-poor Star HD 94028: Possible Detection of Products of i-Process Nucleosynthesis

Roederer, Ian U.; Karakas, Amanda I.; Pignatari, Marco; Herwig, Falk

Keywords: nuclear reactions, nucleosynthesis, abundances, stars: abundances, stars: AGB and post-AGB stars, stars: individual: HD 94028

65.- Apr 2016 - ApJ - (2016ApJ...821...36K)

Magnetar-driven Shock Breakout and Double-peaked Supernova Light Curves

Kasen, Daniel; Metzger, Brian D.; Bildsten, Lars

Keywords: shock waves, stars: magnetars, stars: neutron, supernovae: general

66.- Apr 2016 - ApJ - (2016ApJ...821...31K)

Multi-viewpoint Observations of a Widely distributed Solar Energetic Particle Event: The Role of EUV Waves and White-light Shock Signatures

Kouloumvakos, A.; Patsourakos, S.; Nindos, A.; Vourlidas, A.; Anastasiadis, A.; Hillaris, A.; Sandberg, I.

Keywords: Sun: corona, Sun: coronal mass ejections: CMEs, Sun: flares, Sun: particle emission

67.- Apr 2016 - ApJ - (2016ApJ...820..117F)

On the Formation of Amide Polymers via Carbonyl-Amino Group Linkages in Energetically Processed Ices of Astrophysical Relevance

Förstel, Marko; Maksyutenko, Pavlo; Jones, Brant M.; Sun, Bing J.; Lee, Huan C.; Chang, Agnes H. H.; Kaiser, Ralf I.

Keywords: astrobiology, astrochemistry, ISM: molecules, methods: laboratory: molecular, molecular processes

68.- Apr 2016 - ApJ - (2016ApJ...820...95K)

M Dwarf Flare Continuum Variations on One-second Timescales: Calibrating and Modeling of ULTRACAM Flare Color Indices

Kowalski, Adam F.; Mathioudakis, Mihalis; Hawley, Suzanne L.; Wisniewski, John P.; Dhillon, Vik S.; Marsh, Tom R.; Hilton, Eric J.; Brown, Benjamin P.

Keywords: stars: flare, stars: low-mass

69.- Apr 2016 - A&A - (2016A&A...588A..53T)

Multiwavelength analysis for interferometric (sub-)mm observations of protoplanetary disks. Radial constraints on the dust properties and the disk structure

Tazzari, M.; Testi, L.; Ercolano, B.; Natta, A.; Isella, A.; Chandler, C. J.; Pérez, L. M.; Andrews, S.; Wilner, D. J.; Ricci, L.; Henning, T.; Linz, H.; Kwon, W.; Corder, S. A.; Dullemond, C. P.; Carpenter, J. M.; Sargent, A. I.; Mundy, L.; Storm, S.; Calvet, N.; Greaves, J. A.; Lazio, J.; Deller, A. T.

Keywords: stars: formation, planetary systems, protoplanetary disks

70.- Apr 2016 - A&A - (2016A&A...588A..28A)

Simulating the environment around planet-hosting stars. I. Coronal structure

Alvarado-Gómez, J. D.; Hussain, G. A. J.; Cohen, O.; Drake, J. J.; Garraffo, C.; Grunhut, J.; Gombosi, T. I.

Keywords: stars: coronae, stars: magnetic field, stars: late-type, stars: individual: HD 1237, stars: individual: HD 22049, stars: individual: HD 147513

71.- Apr 2016 - A&A - (2016A&A...588A..10R)

Observational signatures of past mass-exchange episodes in massive binaries: The case of HD 149 404

Raucq, F.; Rauw, G.; Gosset, E.; Nazé, Y.; Mahy, L.; Hervé, A.; Martins, F.

Keywords: stars: early-type, stars: fundamental parameters, binaries: spectroscopic, stars: individual: HD 149 404, stars: massive