Bibliography : Astronomy and Astrophysics
May 2016 - 111 Abstracts found
Line-driven ablation of circumstellar discs - I. Optically thin decretion discs of classical Oe/Be stars
Kee, Nathaniel Dylan; Owocki, Stanley; Sundqvist, J. O.Keywords: hydrodynamics, circumstellar matter, stars: early-type, stars: emission-line, Be, stars: mass-loss, stars: winds, outflows
2016 The Authors Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of the Royal Astronomical Society
A single model for the variety of multiple-population formation(s) in globular clusters: a temporal sequence
D'Antona, F.; Vesperini, E.; D'Ercole, A.; Ventura, P.; Milone, A. P.; Marino, A. F.; Tailo, M.Keywords: binaries: close, supernovae: general, globular clusters: general, globular clusters: individual: NGC 2808, globular clusters: individual: NGC 1851, globular clusters: individual: NGC 5286
2016 The Authors Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of the Royal Astronomical Society
Super- and sub-Eddington accreting massive black holes: a comparison of slim and thin accretion discs through study of the spectral energy distribution
Castelló-Mor, N.; Netzer, H.; Kaspi, S.Keywords: accretion, accretion discs, galaxies: active, galaxies: nuclei, galaxies: Seyfert
2016 The Authors Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of the Royal Astronomical Society
Short-term X-ray spectral variability of the quasar PDS 456 observed in a low-flux state
Matzeu, G. A.; Reeves, J. N.; Nardini, E.; Braito, V.; Costa, M. T.; Tombesi, F.; Gofford, J.Keywords: galaxies: active, galaxies: nuclei, quasars: individual: PDS 456, X-rays: gala-xies
2016 The Authors Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of the Royal Astronomical Society
External inverse-Compton emission from jetted tidal disruption events
Lu, Wenbin; Kumar, PawanKeywords: X-rays: general
2016 The Authors Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of the Royal Astronomical Society
Constraining the subgrid physics in simulations of isolated dwarf galaxies
Vandenbroucke, Bert; Verbeke, Robbert; De Rijcke, SvenKeywords: methods: numerical, galaxies: dwarf, galaxies: evolution, galaxies: formation
2016 The Authors Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of the Royal Astronomical Society
Spatially resolved dust emission of extremely metal-poor galaxies*
Zhou, Luwenjia; Shi, Yong; Diaz-Santos, Taino; Armus, Lee; Helou, George; Stierwalt, Sabrina; Li, AigenKeywords: galaxies: dwarf, galaxies: ISM
2016 The Authors Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of the Royal Astronomical Society
Infrared emission from tidal disruption events - probing the pc-scale dust content around galactic nuclei
Lu, Wenbin; Kumar, Pawan; Evans, Neal J.Keywords: methods: analytical, galaxies: nuclei, infrared: ISM
2016 The Authors Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of the Royal Astronomical Society
The CALYMHA survey: Lyα escape fraction and its dependence on galaxy properties at z = 2.23
Matthee, Jorryt; Sobral, David; Oteo, Iván; Best, Philip; Smail, Ian; Röttgering, Huub; Paulino-Afonso, AnaKeywords: galaxies: evolution, galaxies: high-redshift, galaxies: ISM
2016 The Authors Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of the Royal Astronomical Society
The void galaxy survey: Star formation properties
Beygu, B.; Kreckel, K.; van der Hulst, J. M.; Jarrett, T. H.; Peletier, R.; van de Weygaert, R.; van Gorkom, J. H.; Aragon-Calvo, M. A.Keywords: galaxies: formation, galaxies: star formation, galaxies: structure, large-scale structure of Universe
2016 The Authors Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of the Royal Astronomical Society
Testing quasar unification: radiative transfer in clumpy winds
Matthews, J. H.; Knigge, C.; Long, K. S.; Sim, S. A.; Higginbottom, N.; Mangham, S. W.Keywords: accretion, accretion discs, radiative transfer, methods: numerical, galaxies: active, quasars: absorption lines, quasars: emission lines
2016 The Authors Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of the Royal Astronomical Society
The effects of metallicity, UV radiation and non-equilibrium chemistry in high-resolution simulations of galaxies
Richings, A. J.; Schaye, JoopKeywords: astrochemistry, ISM: atoms, ISM: molecules, galaxies: evolution, galaxies: ISM
2016 The Authors Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of the Royal Astronomical Society
Simultaneous spectroscopic and photometric analysis of galaxies with STARLIGHT: CALIFA+GALEX
López Fernández, R.; Cid Fernandes, R.; González Delgado, R. M.; Vale Asari, N.; Pérez, E.; García-Benito, R.; de Amorim, A. L.; Lacerda, E. A. D.; Cortijo-Ferrero, C.; Sánchez, S. F.Keywords: techniques: photometric, techniques: spectroscopic, galaxies: evolution
2016 The Authors Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of the Royal Astronomical Society
A Hubble Space Telescope survey of the host galaxies of Superluminous Supernovae
Angus, C. R.; Levan, A. J.; Perley, D. A.; Tanvir, N. R.; Lyman, J. D.; Stanway, E. R.; Fruchter, A. S.Keywords: supernovae: general, galaxies: dwarf, galaxies: luminosity function, mass function, galaxies: starburst
2016 The Authors Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of the Royal Astronomical Society
13C and 15N fractionation of CH4/N2 mixtures during photochemical aerosol formation: Relevance to Titan
Sebree, Joshua A.; Stern, Jennifer C.; Mandt, Kathleen E.; Domagal-Goldman, Shawn D.; Trainer, Melissa G.Keywords: Titan, atmosphere, Atmospheres, chemistry, Atmospheres, composition
(c) 2016 Elsevier Inc.
Estimation of potential abilities of middle atmosphere density measurements from a near-Earth orbit within the UV wavelength range
Marichev, V. N.; Bochkovskii, D. A.; Sorokin, I. V.; Bychkov, V. V.Keywords:
(c) 2016: Pleiades Publishing, Ltd.
A Chemical Kinetics Network for Lightning and Life in Planetary Atmospheres
Rimmer, P. B.; Helling, ChKeywords: astrobiology, atmospheric effects, molecular processes, planetary systems
Detection of Lyman-alpha Emission from a Triply Imaged z = 6.85 Galaxy behind MACS J2129.4-0741
Huang, Kuang-Han; Lemaux, Brian C.; Schmidt, Kasper B.; Hoag, Austin; Bradač, Maruša; Treu, Tommaso; Dijkstra, Mark; Fontana, Adriano; Henry, Alaina; Malkan, Matthew; Mason, Charlotte; Morishita, Takahiro; Pentericci, Laura; Ryan, Russell E., Jr.; Trenti, Michele; Wang, XinKeywords: galaxies: evolution, galaxies: high-redshift, gravitational lensing: strong, methods: data analysis
Observations of an X-shaped Ribbon Flare in the Sun and Its Three-dimensional Magnetic Reconnection
Li, Y.; Qiu, J.; Longcope, D. W.; Ding, M. D.; Yang, K.Keywords: magnetic reconnection, Sun: flares, Sun: magnetic fields, Sun: UV radiation
Spectroscopic Diagnostics of Solar Magnetic Flux Ropes Using Iron Forbidden Line
Cheng, X.; Ding, M. D.Keywords: Sun: corona, Sun: coronal mass ejections: CMEs, Sun: flares, Sun: transition region, Sun: UV radiation
A Search for Short-period Rocky Planets around WDs with the Cosmic Origins Spectrograph (COS)
Sandhaus, Phoebe H.; Debes, John H.; Ely, Justin; Hines, Dean C.; Bourque, MatthewKeywords: binaries: eclipsing, eclipses, planetary systems, planets and satellites: detection, ultraviolet: general, white dwarfs
On the Bright Loop Top Emission in Post-eruption Arcades
Sharma, Rohit; Tripathi, Durgesh; Isobe, Hiroaki; Ghosh, AvyarthanaKeywords: Sun: flares, Sun: UV radiation
Slipping Magnetic Reconnection, Chromospheric Evaporation, Implosion, and Precursors in the 2014 September 10 X1.6-Class Solar Flare
Dudík, Jaroslav; Polito, Vanessa; Janvier, Miho; Mulay, Sargam M.; Karlický, Marian; Aulanier, Guillaume; Del Zanna, Giulio; Dzifčáková, Elena; Mason, Helen E.; Schmieder, BrigitteKeywords: magnetic reconnection, Sun: flares, Sun: transition region, Sun: UV radiation
The Very Massive Star Content of the Nuclear Star Clusters in NGC 5253
Smith, L. J.; Crowther, P. A.; Calzetti, D.; Sidoli, F.Keywords: galaxies: dwarf, galaxies: individual: NGC 5253, galaxies: starburst, galaxies: star clusters: general, stars: massive, stars: Wolf–Rayet
Bright and Faint Ends of Lyα Luminosity Functions at z = 2 Determined by the Subaru Survey: Implications for AGNs, Magnification Bias, and ISM H I Evolution
Konno, Akira; Ouchi, Masami; Nakajima, Kimihiko; Duval, Florent; Kusakabe, Haruka; Ono, Yoshiaki; Shimasaku, KazuhiroKeywords: galaxies: evolution, galaxies: formation, galaxies: high-redshift, galaxies: luminosity function, mass function
The ACS LCID Project. XI. On the Early Time Resolution of SFHs of Local Group Dwarf Galaxies: Comparing the Effects of Reionization in Models with Observations
Aparicio, Antonio; Hidalgo, Sebastian L.; Skillman, Evan; Cassisi, Santi; Mayer, Lucio; Navarro, Julio; Cole, Andrew; Gallart, Carme; Monelli, Matteo; Weisz, Daniel; Bernard, Edouard; Dolphin, Andrew; Stetson, PeterKeywords: early universe, galaxies: dwarf, galaxies: evolution, galaxies: photometry, galaxies: stellar content, galaxies: structure
The Most Luminous Heavily Obscured Quasars Have a High Merger Fraction: Morphological Study of WISE-selected Hot Dust-obscured Galaxies
Fan, Lulu; Han, Yunkun; Fang, Guanwen; Gao, Ying; Zhang, Dandan; Jiang, Xiaoming; Wu, Qiaoqian; Yang, Jun; Li, ZhaoKeywords: galaxies: active, galaxies: evolution, galaxies: high-redshift, galaxies: interactions
The UV-Optical Color Gradients in Star-forming Galaxies at 0.5 < z < 1.5: Origins and Link to Galaxy Assembly
Liu, F. S.; Jiang, Dongfei; Guo, Yicheng; Koo, David C.; Faber, S. M.; Zheng, Xianzhong; Yesuf, Hassen M.; Barro, Guillermo; Li, Yao; Li, Dingpeng; Wang, Weichen; Mao, Shude; Fang, Jerome J.Keywords: galaxies: high-redshift, galaxies: photometry, galaxies: star formation
Photoionization Modeling of the Low-luminosity Seyfert 1 Nucleus in NGC 3516
Devereux, NickKeywords: galaxies: individual: NGC 3516, galaxies: Seyfert, quasars: emission lines
Toward a Network of Faint DA White Dwarfs as High-precision Spectrophotometric Standards
Narayan, G.; Axelrod, T.; Holberg, J. B.; Matheson, T.; Saha, A.; Olszewski, E.; Claver, J.; Stubbs, C. W.; Bohlin, R. C.; Deustua, S.; Rest, A.Keywords: cosmology: observations, methods: data analysis, surveys, white dwarfs
Local Analogs for High-redshift Galaxies: Resembling the Physical Conditions of the Interstellar Medium in High-redshift Galaxies
Bian, Fuyan; Kewley, Lisa J.; Dopita, Michael A.; Juneau, StephanieKeywords: galaxies: high-redshift, galaxies: ISM, galaxies: star formation
A New Constraint on the Lyα Fraction of UV Very Bright Galaxies at Redshift 7
Furusawa, Hisanori; Kashikawa, Nobunari; Kobayashi, Masakazu A. R.; Dunlop, James S.; Shimasaku, Kazuhiro; Takata, Tadafumi; Sekiguchi, Kazuhiro; Naito, Yoshiaki; Furusawa, Junko; Ouchi, Masami; Nakata, Fumiaki; Yasuda, Naoki; Okura, Yuki; Taniguchi, Yoshiaki; Yamada, Toru; Kajisawa, Masaru; Fynbo, Johan P. U.; Le Fèvre, OlivierKeywords: cosmology: observations, dark ages, reionization, first stars, galaxies: evolution, galaxies: high-redshift
The Hubble Space Telescope UV Legacy Survey of Galactic Globular Clusters. VII. Implications from the Nearly Universal Nature of Horizontal Branch Discontinuities
Brown, T. M.; Cassisi, S.; D'Antona, F.; Salaris, M.; Milone, A. P.; Dalessandro, E.; Piotto, G.; Renzini, A.; Sweigart, A. V.; Bellini, A.; Ortolani, S.; Sarajedini, A.; Aparicio, A.; Bedin, L. R.; Anderson, J.; Pietrinferni, A.; Nardiello, D.Keywords: globular clusters: general, stars: atmospheres, stars: evolution, stars: horizontal-branch, ultraviolet: stars
Rest-UV Absorption Lines as Metallicity Estimator: The Metal Content of Star-forming Galaxies at z ~ 5
Faisst, A. L.; Capak, P. L.; Davidzon, I.; Salvato, M.; Laigle, C.; Ilbert, O.; Onodera, M.; Hasinger, G.; Kakazu, Y.; Masters, D.; McCracken, H. J.; Mobasher, B.; Sanders, D.; Silverman, J. D.; Yan, L.; Scoville, N. Z.Keywords: galaxies: abundances, galaxies: evolution, galaxies: high-redshift, galaxies: ISM
The Optical Variability of SDSS Quasars from Multi-epoch Spectroscopy. II. Color Variation
Guo, Hengxiao; Gu, MinfengKeywords: galaxies: active, quasars: general, techniques: spectroscopic
A Super-Eddington, Compton-thick Wind in GRO J1655-40?
Neilsen, J.; Rahoui, F.; Homan, J.; Buxton, M.Keywords: accretion, accretion disks, black hole physics, infrared: stars, stars: black holes, stars: winds, outflows
Constraining the shielded wind scenario in PG 2112+059
Saez, C.; Brandt, W. N.; Bauer, F. E.; Hamann, F.; Chartas, G.; Gallagher, S. C.Keywords: accretion, accretion disks, galaxies: active, quasars: absorption lines, quasars: individual (PG 2112+059), X-rays: galaxies
(c) 2016: WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim
The origin of UV-optical variability in AGN and test of disc models: XMM-Newton and ground-based observations of NGC 4395
McHardy, I. M.; Connolly, S. D.; Peterson, B. M.; Bieryla, A.; Chand, H.; Elvis, M. S.; Emmanoulopoulos, D.; Falco, E.; Gandhi, P.; Kaspi, S.; Latham, D.; Lira, P.; McCully, C.; Netzer, H.; Uemura, M.Keywords: accretion, accretion disks, black hole physics, galaxies: active, galaxies: individual (NGC 4395, NGC 5548), galaxies: nuclei, X-rays: galaxies
(c) 2016: WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim
The coronal parameters of local Seyfert galaxies
Marinucci, A.; Tortosa, A.; NuSTAR AGN Physics Working GroupKeywords: accretion, accretion disks, galaxies: nuclei, galaxies: Seyfert, X-rays: galaxies
(c) 2016: WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim
Unveiling the X-ray/UV properties of disk winds in active galactic nuclei using broad and mini-broad absorption line quasars
Giustini, M.Keywords: accretion, accretion disks, galaxies: active, quasars: absorption lines, methods: observational, X-rays: galaxies
(c) 2016: WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim
Gravitational lensing size scales for quasars
Chartas, G.; Rhea, C.; Kochanek, C.; Dai, X.; Morgan, C.; Blackburne, J.; Chen, B.; Mosquera, A.; MacLeod, C.Keywords: accretion, accretion disks, black hole physics, galaxies: active, gravitational lensing, quasars: general
(c) 2016: WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim
UV-Optical Observation of Type Ia Supernova SN 2013dy in NGC 7250
Zhai, Qian; Zhang, Ju-Jia; Wang, Xiao-Feng; Zhang, Tian-Meng; Liu, Zheng-Wei; Brown, Peter J.; Huang, Fan; Zhao, Xu-Lin; Chang, Liang; Yi, Wei-Min; Wang, Chuan-Jun; Xin, Yu-Xin; Wang, Jian-Guo; Lun, Bao-Li; Zhang, Xi-Liang; Fan, Yu-Feng; Zheng, Xiang-Ming; Bai, Jin-MingKeywords: galaxies: individual: NGC 7250, supernovae: general, supernovae: individual: SN 2013dy
An Extreme Analogue of ɛ Aurigae: An M-giant Eclipsed Every 69 Years by a Large Opaque Disk Surrounding a Small Hot Source
Rodriguez, Joseph E.; Stassun, Keivan G.; Lund, Michael B.; Siverd, Robert J.; Pepper, Joshua; Tang, Sumin; Kafka, Stella; Gaudi, B. Scott; Conroy, Kyle E.; Beatty, Thomas G.; Stevens, Daniel J.; Shappee, Benjamin J.; Kochanek, Christopher S.Keywords: binaries: eclipsing, circumstellar matter, stars: AGB and post-AGB, stars: individual: TYC 2505-672-1, stars: massive
Stellar laboratories. VII. New Kr iv - vii oscillator strengths and an improved spectral analysis of the hot, hydrogen-deficient DO-type white dwarf RE 0503-289
Rauch, T.; Quinet, P.; Hoyer, D.; Werner, K.; Richter, P.; Kruk, J. W.; Demleitner, M.Keywords: atomic data, line: identification, stars: abundances, stars:, individual: RE 0503, 289, virtual observatory tools, stars:, individual: RE 0457, 281
The panchromatic spectroscopic evolution of the classical CO nova V339 Delphini (Nova Del 2013) until X-ray turnoff
Shore, S. N.; Mason, E.; Schwarz, G. J.; Teyssier, F. M.; Buil, C.; De Gennaro Aquino, I.; Page, K. L.; Osborne, J. P.; Scaringi, S.; Starrfield, S.; van Winckel, H.; Williams, R. E.; Woodward, C. E.Keywords: novae, cataclysmic variables, line: profiles, stars: individual: V339 Del (Nova Del 2013)
The X-ray light curve of the massive colliding wind Wolf-Rayet + O binary WR 21a
Gosset, Eric; Nazé, YaëlKeywords: stars: early-type, stars: Wolf-Rayet, stars: winds, outflows, X-rays: stars, stars: individual: WR 21a
Water in star-forming regions with Herschel (WISH). VI. Constraints on UV and X-ray irradiation from a survey of hydrides in low- to high-mass young stellar objects
Benz, A. O.; Bruderer, S.; van Dishoeck, E. F.; Melchior, M.; Wampfler, S. F.; van der Tak, F.; Goicoechea, J. R.; Indriolo, N.; Kristensen, L. E.; Lis, D. C.; Mottram, J. C.; Bergin, E. A.; Caselli, P.; Herpin, F.; Hogerheijde, M. R.; Johnstone, D.; Liseau, R.; Nisini, B.; Tafalla, M.; Visser, R.; Wyrowski, F.Keywords: stars: formation, stars: low-mass, stars: massive, ISM: molecules, ultraviolet: ISM, astrochemistry
The VIPERS Multi-Lambda Survey. I. UV and near-IR observations, multi-colour catalogues, and photometric redshifts
Moutard, T.; Arnouts, S.; Ilbert, O.; Coupon, J.; Hudelot, P.; Vibert, D.; Comte, V.; Conseil, S.; Davidzon, I.; Guzzo, L.; Llebaria, A.; Martin, C.; McCracken, H. J.; Milliard, B.; Morrison, G.; Schiminovich, D.; Treyer, M.; Van Werbaeke, L.Keywords: galaxies: photometry, galaxies: distances and redshifts, galaxies: evolution
Transmission spectroscopy of HAT-P-32b with the LBT: confirmation of clouds/hazes in the planetary atmosphere
Mallonn, M.; Strassmeier, K. G.Keywords: planets and satellites: atmospheres, planets and satellites: individual: HAT-P-32b, stars: activity
First evidence of non-Gaussian solar flare EUV spectral line profiles and accelerated non-thermal ion motion
Jeffrey, Natasha L. S.; Fletcher, Lyndsay; Labrosse, NicolasKeywords: Sun: flares, Sun: UV radiation, Sun: atmosphere, techniques: spectroscopic, line: profiles, atomic data
Molecular gas and star formation in the tidal dwarf galaxy VCC 2062
Lisenfeld, U.; Braine, J.; Duc, P. A.; Boquien, M.; Brinks, E.; Bournaud, F.; Lelli, F.; Charmandaris, V.Keywords: ISM: molecules, galaxies: interactions, galaxies: ISM, galaxies: star formation, galaxies: dwarf
Atmospheric NLTE models for the spectroscopic analysis of blue stars with winds. III. X-ray emission from wind-embedded shocks
Carneiro, L. P.; Puls, J.; Sundqvist, J. O.; Hoffmann, T. L.Keywords: methods: numerical, stars: atmospheres, stars: early-type, stars: winds, outflows, X-rays: stars
Evidence of scattering effects influenced by plasma flows in C VI 1548 Å, 1550 Å spectral lines emitted from the Sun
Gontikakis, C.; Vial, J.-C.Keywords: Sun: transition region, Sun: UV radiation
An HST/COS legacy survey of intervening Si III absorption in the extended gaseous halos of low-redshift galaxies
Richter, P.; Wakker, B. P.; Fechner, C.; Herenz, P.; Tepper-García, T.; Fox, A. J.Keywords: galaxies: halos, galaxies: formation, intergalactic medium, quasars: absorption lines
Millimeter and submillimeter excess emission in M 33 revealed by Planck and LABOCA
Hermelo, I.; Relaño, M.; Lisenfeld, U.; Verley, S.; Kramer, C.; Ruiz-Lara, T.; Boquien, M.; Xilouris, E. M.; Albrecht, M.Keywords: dust, extinction, galaxies: ISM, galaxies: individual: M 33, galaxies: star formation, submillimeter: galaxies
A milestone toward understanding PDR properties in the extreme environment of LMC-30 Doradus
Chevance, M.; Madden, S. C.; Lebouteiller, V.; Godard, B.; Cormier, D.; Galliano, F.; Hony, S.; Indebetouw, R.; Le Bourlot, J.; Lee, M.-Y.; Le Petit, F.; Pellegrini, E.; Roueff, E.; Wu, R.Keywords: ISM: general, photon-dominated region (PDR), Magellanic Clouds, ISM: individual objects: LMC-30 Doradus, ISM: clouds, ISM: structure
Search for associations containing young stars (SACY). VII. New stellar and substellar candidate members in the young associations
Elliott, P.; Bayo, A.; Melo, C. H. F.; Torres, C. A. O.; Sterzik, M. F.; Quast, G. R.; Montes, D.; Brahm, R.Keywords: open clusters and associations: general, stars: low-mass, stars: variables: T Tauri, Herbig Ae/Be, stars: pre-main sequence, methods: data analysis
Light walls around sunspots observed by the Interface Region Imaging Spectrograph
Hou, Y. J.; Li, T.; Yang, S. H.; Zhang, J.Keywords: sunspots, Sun: atmosphere, Sun: filaments, prominences, Sun: UV radiation
Hot prominence detected in the core of a coronal mass ejection: Analysis of SOHO/UVCS Lα and SOHO/LASCO visible-light observations
Heinzel, P.; Susino, R.; Jejčič, S.; Bemporad, A.; Anzer, U.Keywords: Sun: filaments, prominences, Sun: coronal mass ejections, Sun: UV radiation, radiative transfer
Level of helium enhancement among M3's horizontal branch stars
Valcarce, A. A. R.; Catelan, M.; Alonso-García, J.; Contreras Ramos, R.; Alves, S.Keywords: globular clusters: general, globular clusters: individual: M3 = NGC 5272, Hertzsprung-Russell and C-M diagrams, stars: abundances, stars: evolution, stars: horizontal-branch
Subarcsecond bright points and quasi-periodic upflows below a quiescent filament observed by IRIS
Li, T.; Zhang, J.Keywords: Sun: filaments, prominences, Sun: transition region, Sun: UV radiation
Recent SFR calibrations and the constant SFR approximation
Cerviño, M.; Bongiovanni, A.; Hidalgo, S.Keywords: galaxies: star formation, galaxies: stellar content
Study of the photon-induced formation and subsequent desorption of CH3OH and H2CO in interstellar ice analogs
Martín-Doménech, R.; Muñoz Caro, G. M.; Cruz-Díaz, G. A.Keywords: ISM: molecules, ISM: clouds, methods: laboratory: molecular
Plasma motions and non-thermal line broadening in flaring twisted coronal loops
Gordovskyy, M.; Kontar, E. P.; Browning, P. K.Keywords: Sun: flares, Sun: UV radiation, Sun: magnetic fields, magnetic reconnection, magnetohydrodynamics (MHD)
Scaling laws of coronal loops compared to a 3D MHD model of an active region
Bourdin, Ph.-A.; Bingert, S.; Peter, H.Keywords: Sun: corona, magnetohydrodynamics (MHD), methods: numerical, Sun: UV radiation
Multiwavelength study of 20 jets that emanate from the periphery of active regions
Mulay, Sargam M.; Tripathi, Durgesh; Del Zanna, Giulio; Mason, HelenKeywords: Sun: corona, Sun: atmosphere, Sun: transition region, Sun: UV radiation
Non-equilibrium ionization by a periodic electron beam. I. Synthetic coronal spectra and implications for interpretation of observations
Dzifčáková, E.; Dudík, J.; Mackovjak, Š.Keywords: Sun: UV radiation, Sun: corona, radiation mechanisms: non-thermal
Optical microflaring on the nearby flare star binary UV Ceti
Schmitt, J. H. M. M.; Kanbach, G.; Rau, A.; Steinle, H.Keywords: stars: activity, stars: flare, stars: low-mass
Carbon gas in SMC low-metallicity star-forming regions
Requena-Torres, M. A.; Israel, F. P.; Okada, Y.; Güsten, R.; Stutzki, J.; Risacher, C.; Simon, R.; Zinnecker, H.Keywords: Magellanic Clouds, ISM: kinematics and dynamics, ISM: lines and bands, ISM: individual objects: N 66, ISM: individual objects: N 88, ISM: individual objects: N 25/N 26
A search for hydrogenated fullerenes in fullerene-containing planetary nebulae
Díaz-Luis, J. J.; García-Hernández, D. A.; Manchado, A.; Cataldo, F.Keywords: astrochemistry, line: identification, circumstellar matter, molecular processes, stars: AGB and post-AGB, planetary nebulae: general
The brighter galaxies reionized the Universe
Sharma, Mahavir; Theuns, Tom; Frenk, Carlos; Bower, Richard; Crain, Robert; Schaller, Matthieu; Schaye, JoopKeywords: galaxies: starburst, dark ages, reionization, first stars
2016 The Authors Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of the Royal Astronomical Society
The Lyman-continuum photon production efficiency in the high-redshift Universe
Wilkins, Stephen M.; Feng, Yu; Di-Matteo, Tiziana; Croft, Rupert; Stanway, Elizabeth R.; Bouwens, Rychard J.; Thomas, PeterKeywords: galaxies: high-redshift, dark ages, reionization, first stars, ultraviolet: galaxies
2016 The Authors Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of the Royal Astronomical Society
Scintillation noise power spectrum and its impact on high-redshift 21-cm observations
Vedantham, H. K.; Koopmans, L. V. E.Keywords: atmospheric effects, methods: analytical, methods: statistical, techniques: interferometric, dark ages, reionization, first stars
2016 The Authors Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of the Royal Astronomical Society
The crowded magnetosphere of the post-common-envelope binary QS Virginis
Parsons, S. G.; Hill, C. A.; Marsh, T. R.; Gänsicke, B. T.; Watson, C. A.; Steeghs, D.; Dhillon, V. S.; Littlefair, S. P.; Copperwheat, C. M.; Schreiber, M. R.; Zorotovic, M.Keywords: binaries: eclipsing, stars: fundamental parameters, stars: late-type, white dwarfs
2016 The Authors Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of the Royal Astronomical Society
First hard X-ray observations of the blazar S5 0716+714 with NuSTAR during a multiwavelength campaign
Wierzcholska, A.; Siejkowski, H.Keywords: radiation mechanisms: non-thermal, galaxies: active, BL Lacertae objects: general
2016 The Authors Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of the Royal Astronomical Society
Spatially resolved galactic wind in lensed galaxy RCSGA 032727-132609
Bordoloi, Rongmon; Rigby, Jane R.; Tumlinson, Jason; Bayliss, Matthew B.; Sharon, Keren; Gladders, Michael G.; Wuyts, EvaKeywords: galaxies: evolution, galaxies: high-redshift, intergalactic medium, ultraviolet: ISM
2016 The Authors Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of the Royal Astronomical Society
Carbon and oxygen abundance gradients in NGC 300 and M33 from optical recombination lines
Toribio San Cipriano, L.; García-Rojas, J.; Esteban, C.; Bresolin, F.; Peimbert, M.Keywords: ISM: abundances, H II regions, galaxies: evolution, galaxies: ISM, galaxies: spiral
2016 The Authors Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of the Royal Astronomical Society
A pair of O VI and broad Ly α absorbers probing warm gas in a galaxy group environment at z ˜ 0.4
Pachat, Sachin; Narayanan, Anand; Muzahid, Sowgat; Khaire, Vikram; Srianand, Raghunathan; Wakker, Bart P.; Savage, Blair D.Keywords: galaxies: haloes, intergalactic medium, quasars: absorption lines, quasars: individual: SBS 0957+599, ultraviolet: general
2016 The Authors Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of the Royal Astronomical Society
The R136 star cluster dissected with Hubble Space Telescope/STIS. I. Far-ultraviolet spectroscopic census and the origin of He II λ1640 in young star clusters
Crowther, Paul A.; Caballero-Nieves, S. M.; Bostroem, K. A.; Maíz Apellániz, J.; Schneider, F. R. N.; Walborn, N. R.; Angus, C. R.; Brott, I.; Bonanos, A.; de Koter, A.; de Mink, S. E.; Evans, C. J.; Gräfener, G.; Herrero, A.; Howarth, I. D.; Langer, N.; Lennon, D. J.; Puls, J.; Sana, H.; Vink, J. S.Keywords: stars: early-type, stars: massive, stars: winds, outflows, Magellanic Clouds, galaxies: star clusters: individual: R136a
2016 The Authors Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of the Royal Astronomical Society
Abundance anomalies in tidal disruption events
Kochanek, C. S.Keywords: stars: black holes, galaxies: active, quasars: emission lines
2016 The Author Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of the Royal Astronomical Society
Acrylonitrile characterization and high energetic photochemistry at Titan temperatures
Toumi, A.; Piétri, N.; Chiavassa, T.; Couturier-Tamburelli, I.Keywords: Titan, Photochemistry, Ices, IR Spectroscopy
(c) 2016 Elsevier Inc.
Titan's temporal evolution in stratospheric trace gases near the poles
Coustenis, Athena; Jennings, Donald E.; Achterberg, Richard K.; Bampasidis, Georgios; Lavvas, Panayiotis; Nixon, Conor A.; Teanby, Nicholas A.; Anderson, Carrie M.; Cottini, Valeria; Flasar, F. MichaelKeywords: Titan, atmosphere, Atmospheres, structure, Atmospheres, composition, Atmospheres, evolution, Satellites, composition
(c) 2016 Elsevier Inc.
Erratum: “A Physical Model for the 0 ≲ z ≲ 8 Redshift Evolution of the Galaxy Ultraviolet Luminosity and Stellar Mass Functions” (2013, ApJL, 768, L37)
Tacchella, Sandro; Trenti, Michele; Carollo, C. MarcellaKeywords:
Direct Detection of Lyman Continuum Escape from Local Starburst Galaxies with the Cosmic Origins Spectrograph
Leitherer, Claus; Hernandez, Svea; Lee, Janice C.; Oey, M. S.Keywords: dark ages, reionization, first stars, galaxies: ISM, galaxies: starburst, galaxies: stellar content, ultraviolet: galaxies
Hooked Flare Ribbons and Flux-rope-related QSL Footprints
Zhao, Jie; Gilchrist, Stuart A.; Aulanier, Guillaume; Schmieder, Brigitte; Pariat, Etienne; Li, HuiKeywords: Sun: chromosphere, Sun: flares, Sun: magnetic fields
Multi-wavelength Observations of a Subarcsecond Penumbral Transient Brightening Event
Bai, X. Y.; Su, J. T.; Cao, W. D.; Liu, S. Q.; Deng, Y. Y.; Priya, T. G.Keywords: methods: observational, Sun: chromosphere, Sun: corona, Sun: magnetic fields, Sun: transition region
Synchronic Coronal Hole Mapping Using Multi-instrument EUV Images: Data Preparation and Detection Method
Caplan, R. M.; Downs, C.; Linker, J. A.Keywords: methods: data analysis, Sun: corona, Sun: evolution, techniques: image processing
Probing the Birth of Post-merger Millisecond Magnetars with X-Ray and Gamma-Ray Emission
Wang, Ling-Jun; Dai, Zi-Gao; Liu, Liang-Duan; Wu, Xue-FengKeywords: gamma-ray burst: general, radiation mechanisms: non-thermal, stars: neutron
Homologous Solar Events on 2011 January 27: Build-up and Propagation in a Complex Coronal Environment
Pick, M.; Stenborg, G.; Démoulin, P.; Zucca, P.; Lecacheux, A.Keywords: Sun: coronal mass ejections: CMEs, Sun: flares, Sun: radio radiation
VUV Photo-processing of PAH Cations: Quantitative Study on the Ionization versus Fragmentation Processes
Zhen, Junfeng; Rodriguez Castillo, Sarah; Joblin, Christine; Mulas, Giacomo; Sabbah, Hassan; Giuliani, Alexandre; Nahon, Laurent; Martin, Serge; Champeaux, Jean-Philippe; Mayer, Paul M.Keywords: astrochemistry, ISM: molecules, methods: laboratory: molecular, molecular processes, ultraviolet: ISM
Peculiar Stationary EUV Wave Fronts in the Eruption on 2011 May 11
Chandra, R.; Chen, P. F.; Fulara, A.; Srivastava, A. K.; Uddin, W.Keywords: Sun: corona, Sun: coronal mass ejections: CMEs, waves
Analytic H i-to-H2 Photodissociation Transition Profiles
Bialy, Shmuel; Sternberg, AmielKeywords: galaxies: star formation, ISM: clouds, methods: analytical, photon-dominated region: PDR, radiative transfer
On the Absence of EUV Emission from Comet C/2012 S1 (ISON)
Bryans, Paul; Pesnell, W. DeanKeywords: comets: general, comets: individual: C&2012 S1, C&2011 W3, Sun: corona, Sun: general
Dynamic Flaring Non-potential Fields on Quiet Sun Network Scales
Chesny, D. L.; Oluseyi, H. M.; Orange, N. B.Keywords: Sun: atmosphere, Sun: corona, Sun: magnetic fields, Sun: transition region
ISM Excitation and Metallicity of Star-forming Galaxies at z ≃ 3.3 from Near-IR Spectroscopy
Onodera, M.; Carollo, C. M.; Lilly, S.; Renzini, A.; Arimoto, N.; Capak, P.; Daddi, E.; Scoville, N.; Tacchella, S.; Tatehora, S.; Zamorani, G.Keywords: galaxies: evolution, galaxies: formation, galaxies: high-redshift, galaxies: stellar content
Ordinary X-Rays from Three Extraordinary Millisecond Pulsars: XMM-Newton Observations of PSRs J0337+1715, J0636+5129, and J0645+5158
Spiewak, Renée; Kaplan, David L.; Archibald, Anne; Gentile, Peter; Hessels, Jason; Lorimer, Duncan; Lynch, Ryan; McLaughlin, Maura; Ransom, Scott; Stairs, Ingrid; Stovall, KevinKeywords: pulsars: individual: PSR J0337+1715, PSR J0636+5129, PSR J0645+5158, stars: neutron, X-rays: stars
The Cool Surge Following Flux Emergence in a Radiation-MHD Experiment
Nóbrega-Siverio, D.; Moreno-Insertis, F.; Martínez-Sykora, J.Keywords: magnetohydrodynamics: MHD, methods: numerical, Sun: atmosphere, Sun: chromosphere, Sun: corona, Sun: flares
The Implications of Extreme Outflows from Extreme Starbursts
Heckman, Timothy M.; Borthakur, SanchayeetaKeywords: galaxies: evolution, galaxies: ISM, galaxies: kinematics and dynamics, galaxies: starburst, intergalactic medium
Observation of a Quasiperiodic Pulsation in Hard X-Ray, Radio, and Extreme-ultraviolet Wavelengths
Kumar, Pankaj; Nakariakov, Valery M.; Cho, Kyung-SukKeywords: magnetic fields, Sun: corona, Sun: filaments, prominences, Sun: flares, Sun: oscillations, sunspots
Extensive Spectroscopy and Photometry of the Type IIP Supernova 2013ej
Dhungana, G.; Kehoe, R.; Vinko, J.; Silverman, J. M.; Wheeler, J. C.; Zheng, W.; Marion, G. H.; Fox, O. D.; Akerlof, C.; Biro, B. I.; Borkovits, T.; Cenko, S. B.; Clubb, K. I.; Filippenko, A. V.; Ferrante, F. V.; Gibson, C. A.; Graham, M. L.; Hegedus, T.; Kelly, P.; Kelemen, J.; Lee, W. H.; Marschalko, G.; Molnár, L.; Nagy, A. P.; Ordasi, A.; Pal, A.; Sarneczky, K.; Shivvers, I.; Szakats, R.; Szalai, T.; Szegedi-Elek, E.; Székely, P.; Szing, A.; Takáts, K.; Vida, K.Keywords: galaxies: distances and redshifts, supernovae: general, supernovae: individual: SN 2013ej, techniques: photometric
A Study on the Fast Solar Corona Extreme Ultraviolet Wave Associated with Coronal Mass Ejection
Zhou, X. P.; Liang, H. F.Keywords: sun: activity, sun: coronal mass ejections (CMEs), sun: EUV wave
Dependence of kink oscillation damping on the amplitude
Goddard, C. R.; Nakariakov, V. M.Keywords: Sun: oscillations, Sun: corona, methods: observational
Coronal mass ejection-related particle acceleration regions during a simple eruptive event
Salas-Matamoros, Carolina; Klein, Karl-Ludwig; Rouillard, Alexis P.Keywords: acceleration of particles, Sun: coronal mass ejections (CMEs), Sun: particle emission, Sun: radio radiation, solar-terrestrial relations, Sun: flares
Hα features with hot onsets. I. Ellerman bombs
Rutten, R. J.Keywords: Sun: activity, Sun: atmosphere, Sun: magnetic fields
The reliability of observational measurements of column density probability distribution functions
Ossenkopf-Okada, V.; Csengeri, T.; Schneider, N.; Federrath, C.; Klessen, R. S.Keywords: methods: data analysis, methods: statistical, ISM: structure, ISM: clouds, instrumentation: interferometers, dust, extinction
The VIPERS Multi-Lambda Survey. II. Diving with massive galaxies in 22 square degrees since z = 1.5
Moutard, T.; Arnouts, S.; Ilbert, O.; Coupon, J.; Davidzon, I.; Guzzo, L.; Hudelot, P.; McCracken, H. J.; Van Werbaeke, L.; Morrison, G. E.; Le Fèvre, O.; Comte, V.; Bolzonella, M.; Fritz, A.; Garilli, B.; Scodeggio, M.Keywords: galaxies: evolution, galaxies: luminosity function, mass function, galaxies: star formation, galaxies: distances and redshifts, galaxies: photometry, galaxies: statistics
Multifrequency studies of galaxies and groups. I. Environmental effect on galaxy stellar mass and morphology
Poudel, A.; Heinämäki, P.; Nurmi, P.; Teerikorpi, P.; Tempel, E.; Lietzen, H.; Einasto, M.Keywords: galaxies: groups: general, galaxies: luminosity function, mass function, infrared: galaxies, galaxies: structure, galaxies: evolution
Carbon stars in the X-Shooter Spectral Library
Gonneau, A.; Lançon, A.; Trager, S. C.; Aringer, B.; Lyubenova, M.; Nowotny, W.; Peletier, R. F.; Prugniel, P.; Chen, Y.-P.; Dries, M.; Choudhury, O. S.; Falcón-Barroso, J.; Koleva, M.; Meneses-Goytia, S.; Sánchez-Blázquez, P.; Vazdekis, A.Keywords: stars: AGB and post-AGB, stars: carbon, infrared: stars, ultraviolet: stars
The HERMES solar atlas and the spectroscopic analysis of the seismic solar analogue KIC 3241581
Beck, P. G.; Allende Prieto, C.; Van Reeth, T.; Tkachenko, A.; Raskin, G.; van Winckel, H.; do Nascimento, J.-D., Jr.; Salabert, D.; Corsaro, E.; García, R. A.Keywords: stars: solar-type, stars: fundamental parameters, methods: observational, techniques: spectroscopic
Photodesorption and physical properties of CO ice as a function of temperature
Muñoz Caro, G. M.; Chen, Y.-J.; Aparicio, S.; Jiménez-Escobar, A.; Rosu-Finsen, A.; Lasne, J.; McCoustra, M. R. S.Keywords: astrochemistry, ISM: lines and bands, ultraviolet: ISM, methods: laboratory: solid state, ISM: molecules, techniques: spectroscopic
The Herschel Virgo Cluster Survey. XIX. Physical properties of low luminosity FIR sources at z < 0.5
Pappalardo, Ciro; Bizzocchi, Luca; Fritz, Jacopo; Boselli, Alessandro; Boquien, Mederic; Boissier, Samuel; Baes, Maarten; Ciesla, Laure; Bianchi, Simone; Clemens, Marcel; Viaene, Sebastien; Bendo, George J.; De Looze, Ilse; Smith, Matthew W. L.; Davies, JonathanKeywords: methods: data analysis, galaxies: evolution, galaxies: photometry, galaxies: statistics, infrared: galaxies, submillimeter: galaxies