Bibliography : Astronomy and Astrophysics
Jun 2016 - 67 Abstracts found
Galaxy evolution in nearby galaxy groups - III. A GALEX view of NGC 5846, the largest group in the local universe
Marino, Antonietta; Mazzei, Paola; Rampazzo, Roberto; Bianchi, LucianaKeywords: galaxies: evolution, galaxies: formation, galaxies: groups: individual: NGC 5846 group, USGC U677, galaxies: kinematics and dynamics, galaxies: photometry, Ultraviolet: galaxies
2016 The Authors Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of the Royal Astronomical Society
Insights into quasar UV spectra using unsupervised clustering analysis
Tammour, A.; Gallagher, S. C.; Daley, M.; Richards, G. T.Keywords: quasars: absorption lines, quasars: emission lines
2016 The Authors Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of the Royal Astronomical Society
Supermassive star formation via episodic accretion: protostellar disc instability and radiative feedback efficiency
Sakurai, Y.; Vorobyov, E. I.; Hosokawa, T.; Yoshida, N.; Omukai, K.; Yorke, H. W.Keywords: stars: formation, galaxies: formation, cosmology: theory, early Universe
2016 The Authors Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of the Royal Astronomical Society
Studying the evolution of galaxies in compact groups over the past 3 Gyr - II. The importance of environment in the suppression of star formation
Bitsakis, T.; Dultzin, D.; Ciesla, L.; Díaz-Santos, T.; Appleton, P. N.; Charmandaris, V.; Krongold, Y.; Guillard, P.; Alatalo, K.; Zezas, A.; González, J.; Lanz, L.Keywords: galaxies: evolution, galaxies: groups: general, galaxies: interactions
2016 The Authors Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of the Royal Astronomical Society
Ground-based near-UV observations of 15 transiting exoplanets: constraints on their atmospheres and no evidence for asymmetrical transits
Turner, Jake D.; Pearson, Kyle A.; Biddle, Lauren I.; Smart, Brianna M.; Zellem, Robert T.; Teske, Johanna K.; Hardegree-Ullman, Kevin K.; Griffith, Caitlin C.; Leiter, Robin M.; Cates, Ian T.; Nieberding, Megan N.; Smith, Carter-Thaxton W.; Thompson, Robert M.; Hofmann, Ryan; Berube, Michael P.; Nguyen, Chi H.; Small, Lindsay C.; Guvenen, Blythe C.; Richardson, Logan; McGraw, Allison; Raphael, Brandon; Crawford, Benjamin E.; Robertson, Amy N.; Tombleson, Ryan; Carleton, Timothy M.; Towner, Allison P. M.; Walker-LaFollette, Amanda M.; Hume, Jeffrey R.; Watson, Zachary T.; Jones, Christen K.; Lichtenberger, Matthew J.; Hoglund, Shelby R.; Cook, Kendall L.; Crossen, Cory A.; Jorgensen, Curtis R.; Romine, James M.; Thompson, Alejandro R.; Villegas, Christian F.; Wilson, Ashley A.; Sanford, Brent; Taylor, Joanna M.; Henz, Triana N.Keywords: techniques: photometric, planets and satellites: atmospheres, planet-star interactions
2016 The Authors Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of the Royal Astronomical Society
Hot and turbulent gas in clusters
Schmidt, W.; Engels, J. F.; Niemeyer, J. C.; Almgren, A. S.Keywords: hydrodynamics, turbulence, methods: numerical, galaxies: clusters: intracluster medium, intergalactic medium
2016 The Authors Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of the Royal Astronomical Society
Feedback of the HBe star IL Cep on nearby molecular cloud and star formation
Zhang, Si-Ju; Wu, Yuefang; Li, Jin Zeng; Yuan, Jing-Hua; Liu, Hong-Li; Dong, Xiaoyi; Huang, Ya-FangKeywords: line: profiles, molecular data, stars: formation, ISM: clouds, ISM: molecules, ISM: structure
2016 The Authors Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of the Royal Astronomical Society
Detecting high-z galaxies in the near-infrared background
Yue, Bin; Ferrara, Andrea; Helgason, KáriKeywords: galaxies: high-redshift, dark ages, reionization, first stars, diffuse radiation, infrared: diffuse background
2016 The Authors Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of the Royal Astronomical Society
Investigation of the environment around close-in transiting exoplanets using CLOUDY
Turner, Jake D.; Christie, Duncan; Arras, Phil; Johnson, Robert E.; Schmidt, CarlKeywords: planets and satellites: atmospheres, planets and satellites: magnetic fields, planet-star interactions, stars: coronae
2016 The Authors Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of the Royal Astronomical Society
Discovery of spin-up in the X-ray pulsar companion of the hot subdwarf HD 49798
Mereghetti, Sandro; Pintore, Fabio; Esposito, Paolo; La Palombara, Nicola; Tiengo, Andrea; Israel, Gian Luca; Stella, LuigiKeywords: stars: neutron, subdwarfs, white dwarfs, X-rays: binaries
2016 The Authors Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of the Royal Astronomical Society
Spectrum formation in superluminous supernovae (Type I)
Mazzali, P. A.; Sullivan, M.; Pian, E.; Greiner, J.; Kann, D. A.Keywords: radiative transfer, techniques: spectroscopic, supernovae: general, supernovae: individual: (SNLS-06D4eu, PTF09cnd, SN 2011kl, iPTF13ajg)
2016 The Authors Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of the Royal Astronomical Society
The spectrum of Jupiter's Great Red Spot: The case for ammonium hydrosulfide (NH4SH)
Loeffler, Mark J.; Hudson, Reggie L.; Chanover, Nancy J.; Simon, Amy A.Keywords: Jupiter atmosphere, Ices, UV spectroscopy, Geophysics, Atmospheres, chemistry, Experimental techniques
(c) 2016 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
The Vertical-current Approximation Nonlinear Force-free Field Code—Description, Performance Tests, and Measurements of Magnetic Energies Dissipated in Solar Flares
Aschwanden, Markus J.Keywords: Sun: flares, Sun: magnetic fields, Sun: UV radiation
Infrared and Ultraviolet Spectra of Methane Diluted in Solid Nitrogen and Irradiated with Electrons during Deposition at Various Temperatures
Chin, Chih-Hao; Chen, Sian-Cong; Liu, Meng-Chen; Huang, Tzu-Ping; Wu, Yu-JongKeywords: astrochemistry, Kuiper Belt objects: individual: Pluto, methods: laboratory: molecular, molecular processes
The Discovery of Raman Scattering in H II Regions
Dopita, Michael A.; Nicholls, David C.; Sutherland, Ralph S.; Kewley, Lisa J.; Groves, Brent A.Keywords: atomic processes, H ii regions, line: formation, Magellanic Clouds, radiation mechanisms: thermal, ultraviolet: ISM
Quantifying the Topology and Evolution of a Magnetic Flux Rope Associated with Multi-flare Activities
Yang, Kai; Guo, Yang; Ding, M. D.Keywords: Sun: flares, Sun: magnetic fields, Sun: UV radiation
Properties of Interstellar Medium In Infrared-bright QSOs Probed by [O i] 63 um and [C ii] 158 um Emission Lines
Zhao, Yinghe; Yan, Lin; Tsai, Chao-WeiKeywords: galaxies: active, galaxies: ISM, galaxies: starburst, infrared: galaxies, quasars: general
Photolytic Hazes in the Atmosphere of 51 Eri b
Zahnle, K.; Marley, M. S.; Morley, C. V.; Moses, J. I.Keywords: planetary systems, stars: individual: 51 Eri b
The He II Proximity Effect and The Lifetime of Quasars
Khrykin, I. S.; Hennawi, J. F.; McQuinn, M.; Worseck, G.Keywords: cosmology: theory, dark ages, reionization, first stars, intergalactic medium, quasars: general
UV Spectroscopy of Star-grazing Comets Within the 49 Ceti Debris Disk
Miles, Brittany E.; Roberge, Aki; Welsh, BarryKeywords: comets: general, protoplanetary disks, stars: individual: 49 Ceti
Formation of Massive Primordial Stars: Intermittent UV Feedback with Episodic Mass Accretion
Hosokawa, Takashi; Hirano, Shingo; Kuiper, Rolf; Yorke, Harold W.; Omukai, Kazuyuki; Yoshida, NaokiKeywords: accretion, accretion disks, cosmology: theory, early universe, galaxies: formation, stars: formation
Evidence for Fluorescent Fe II Emission from Extended Low Ionization Outflows in Obscured Quasars
Wang, Tinggui; Ferland, Gary J.; Yang, Chenwei; Wang, Huiyuan; Zhang, ShaohuaKeywords: line: formation, quasars: absorption lines, quasars: emission lines, quasars: individual: SDSS J153542.4+090341, SDSS J163246.6+340526, SDSS J100552.6+493448
The MUSCLES Treasury Survey. III. X-Ray to Infrared Spectra of 11 M and K Stars Hosting Planets
Loyd, R. O. P.; France, Kevin; Youngblood, Allison; Schneider, Christian; Brown, Alexander; Hu, Renyu; Linsky, Jeffrey; Froning, Cynthia S.; Redfield, Seth; Rugheimer, Sarah; Tian, FengKeywords: stars: low-mass, ultraviolet: stars, X-rays: stars
The MUSCLES Treasury Survey. II. Intrinsic LYα and Extreme Ultraviolet Spectra of K and M Dwarfs with Exoplanets*
Youngblood, Allison; France, Kevin; Parke Loyd, R. O.; Linsky, Jeffrey L.; Redfield, Seth; Schneider, P. Christian; Wood, Brian E.; Brown, Alexander; Froning, Cynthia; Miguel, Yamila; Rugheimer, Sarah; Walkowicz, LucianneKeywords: ISM: clouds, stars: low-mass
The BOSS Emission-line Lens Survey. III. Strong Lensing of Lyα Emitters by Individual Galaxies
Shu, Yiping; Bolton, Adam S.; Kochanek, Christopher S.; Oguri, Masamune; Pérez-Fournon, Ismael; Zheng, Zheng; Mao, Shude; Montero-Dorta, Antonio D.; Brownstein, Joel R.; Marques-Chaves, Rui; Ménard, BriceKeywords: dark matter, galaxies: elliptical and lenticular, cD, gravitational lensing: strong, techniques: spectroscopic
Herschel Observed Stripe 82 Quasars and Their Host Galaxies: Connections between AGN Activity and host Galaxy Star Formation
Dong, X. Y.; Wu, Xue-BingKeywords: galaxies: active, galaxies: evolution, galaxies: starburst, galaxies: star formation, quasars: general, techniques: photometric
The Luminosity Dependence of Quasar UV Continuum Slope: Dust Extinction Scenario
Xie, Xiaoyi; Shao, Zhengyi; Shen, Shiyin; Liu, Hui; Li, LinlinKeywords: dust, extinction, quasars: general
Symbiotic Stars in X-Rays. III. Suzaku Observations
Nuñez, N. E.; Nelson, T.; Mukai, K.; Sokoloski, J. L.; Luna, G. J. M.Keywords: binaries: symbiotic, X-rays: individual: CD ‑28 3719, EG And, Hen 3-461, Hen 3-1591, 4 Dra
Space Telescope and Optical Reverberation Mapping Project. IV. Anomalous Behavior of the Broad Ultraviolet Emission Lines in NGC 5548
Goad, M. R.; Korista, K. T.; De Rosa, G.; Kriss, G. A.; Edelson, R.; Barth, A. J.; Ferland, G. J.; Kochanek, C. S.; Netzer, H.; Peterson, B. M.; Bentz, M. C.; Bisogni, S.; Crenshaw, D. M.; Denney, K. D.; Ely, J.; Fausnaugh, M. M.; Grier, C. J.; Gupta, A.; Horne, K. D.; Kaastra, J.; Pancoast, A.; Pei, L.; Pogge, R. W.; Skielboe, A.; Starkey, D.; Vestergaard, M.; Zu, Y.; Anderson, M. D.; Arévalo, P.; Bazhaw, C.; Borman, G. A.; Boroson, T. A.; Bottorff, M. C.; Brandt, W. N.; Breeveld, A. A.; Brewer, B. J.; Cackett, E. M.; Carini, M. T.; Croxall, K. V.; Dalla Bontà, E.; De Lorenzo-Cáceres, A.; Dietrich, M.; Efimova, N. V.; Evans, P. A.; Filippenko, A. V.; Flatland, K.; Gehrels, N.; Geier, S.; Gelbord, J. M.; Gonzalez, L.; Gorjian, V.; Grupe, D.; Hall, P. B.; Hicks, S.; Horenstein, D.; Hutchison, T.; Im, M.; Jensen, J. J.; Joner, M. D.; Jones, J.; Kaspi, S.; Kelly, B. C.; Kennea, J. A.; Kim, M.; Kim, S. C.; Klimanov, S. A.; Lee, J. C.; Leonard, D. C.; Lira, P.; MacInnis, F.; Manne-Nicholas, E. R.; Mathur, S.; McHardy, I. M.; Montouri, C.; Musso, R.; Nazarov, S. V.; Norris, R. P.; Nousek, J. A.; Okhmat, D. N.; Papadakis, I.; Parks, J. R.; Pott, J.-U.; Rafter, S. E.; Rix, H.-W.; Saylor, D. A.; Schimoia, J. S.; Schnülle, K.; Sergeev, S. G.; Siegel, M.; Spencer, M.; Sung, H.-I.; Teems, K. G.; Treu, T.; Turner, C. S.; Uttley, P.; Villforth, C.; Weiss, Y.; Woo, J.-H.; Yan, H.; Young, S.; Zheng, W.-K.Keywords: galaxies: active, galaxies: individual (NGC, 5548), galaxies: nuclei, galaxies: Seyfert
Unveiling the Physics of Low-luminosity AGNs through X-Ray Variability: LINER versus Seyfert 2
Hernández-García, L.; Masegosa, J.; González-Martín, O.; Márquez, I.; Perea, J.Keywords: black hole physics, galaxies: active, galaxies: nuclei
Constraints on Photoionization Feedback from Number Counts of Ultra-faint High-redshift Galaxies in the Frontier Fields
Castellano, M.; Yue, B.; Ferrara, A.; Merlin, E.; Fontana, A.; Amorín, R.; Grazian, A.; Mármol-Queralto, E.; Michałowski, M. J.; Mortlock, A.; Paris, D.; Parsa, S.; Pilo, S.; Santini, P.Keywords: dark ages, reionization, first stars, galaxies: high-redshift
An Extremely High Velocity Molecular Jet Surrounded by an Ionized Cavity in the Protostellar Source Serpens SMM1
Hull, Charles L. H.; Girart, Josep M.; Kristensen, Lars E.; Dunham, Michael M.; Rodríguez-Kamenetzky, Adriana; Carrasco-González, Carlos; Cortés, Paulo C.; Li, Zhi-Yun; Plambeck, Richard L.Keywords: ISM: jets and outflows, radio continuum: stars, stars: formation, stars: protostars
The Role of Nitrogen in Titan’s Upper Atmospheric Hydrocarbon Chemistry Over the Solar Cycle
Luspay-Kuti, A.; Mandt, K. E.; Westlake, J. H.; Plessis, S.; Greathouse, T. K.Keywords: atmospheric effects, methods: numerical, planets and satellites: atmospheres, planets and satellites: individual: Titan
Absence of Fast-moving Iron in an Intermediate Type Ia Supernova between Normal and Super-Chandrasekhar
Cao, Yi; Johansson, J.; Nugent, Peter E.; Goobar, A.; Nordin, Jakob; Kulkarni, S. R.; Cenko, S. Bradley; Fox, Ori D.; Kasliwal, Mansi M.; Fremling, C.; Amanullah, R.; Hsiao, E. Y.; Perley, D. A.; Bue, Brian D.; Masci, Frank J.; Lee, William H.; Chotard, NicolasKeywords: supernovae: general, supernovae: individual: iPTF13asv, ultraviolet: general
z ≳ 7 Galaxies with Red Spitzer/IRAC [3.6]-[4.5] Colors in the Full CANDELS Data Set: The Brightest-Known Galaxies at z ~ 7-9 and a Probable Spectroscopic Confirmation at z = 7.48
Roberts-Borsani, G. W.; Bouwens, R. J.; Oesch, P. A.; Labbe, I.; Smit, R.; Illingworth, G. D.; van Dokkum, P.; Holden, B.; Gonzalez, V.; Stefanon, M.; Holwerda, B.; Wilkins, S.Keywords: galaxies: evolution, galaxies: high-redshift
The Quest for Dusty Star-forming Galaxies at High Redshift z ≳ 4
Mancuso, C.; Lapi, A.; Shi, J.; Gonzalez-Nuevo, J.; Aversa, R.; Danese, L.Keywords: dust, extinction, galaxies: abundances, galaxies: evolution, infrared: galaxies
The ionizing photon production efficiency of compact z ~ 0.3 Lyman continuum leakers and comparison with high-redshift galaxies
Schaerer, D.; Izotov, Y. I.; Verhamme, A.; Orlitová, I.; Thuan, T. X.; Worseck, G.; Guseva, N. G.Keywords: galaxies: starburst, galaxies: high-redshift, dark ages, reionization, first stars, ultraviolet: galaxies
The TANAMI Multiwavelength Program: Dynamic spectral energy distributions of southern blazars
Krauß, F.; Wilms, J.; Kadler, M.; Ojha, R.; Schulz, R.; Trüstedt, J.; Edwards, P. G.; Stevens, J.; Ros, E.; Baumgartner, W.; Beuchert, T.; Blanchard, J.; Buson, S.; Carpenter, B.; Dauser, T.; Falkner, S.; Gehrels, N.; Gräfe, C.; Gulyaev, S.; Hase, H.; Horiuchi, S.; Kreikenbohm, A.; Kreykenbohm, I.; Langejahn, M.; Leiter, K.; Lovell, J. E. J.; Müller, C.; Natusch, T.; Nesci, R.; Pursimo, T.; Phillips, C.; Plötz, C.; Quick, J.; Tzioumis, A. K.; Weston, S.Keywords: galaxies: active, BL Lacertae objects: general, quasars: general, relativistic processes
Vacuum ultraviolet photolysis of hydrogenated amorphous carbons. III. Diffusion of photo-produced H2 as a function of temperature
Martín-Doménech, R.; Dartois, E.; Muñoz Caro, G. M.Keywords: ISM: clouds, photon-dominated region (PDR), ISM: molecules, dust, extinction, methods: laboratory: molecular, diffusion
Modelling the variable broad-band optical/UV/X-ray spectrum of PG1211+143: implications for the ionized outflow
Papadakis, I. E.; Nicastro, F.; Panagiotou, C.Keywords: galaxies: active, galaxies: Seyfert, quasars: individual: PG1211+134, X-rays: galaxies
A disk asymmetry in motion around the B[e] star MWC158
Kluska, J.; Benisty, M.; Soulez, F.; Berger, J.-P.; Le Bouquin, J.-B.; Malbet, F.; Lazareff, B.; Thiébaut, E.Keywords: stars: emission-line, Be, stars: individual: MWC158, techniques: high angular resolution, infrared: stars, techniques: interferometric
CNO behaviour in planet-harbouring stars. I. Nitrogen abundances in stars with planets
Suárez-Andrés, L.; Israelian, G.; González Hernández, J. I.; Adibekyan, V. Zh.; Delgado Mena, E.; Santos, N. C.; Sousa, S. G.Keywords: stars: abundances, stars: chemically peculiar, planetary systems
Globules and pillars in Cygnus X. I. Herschel far-infrared imaging of the Cygnus OB2 environment
Schneider, N.; Bontemps, S.; Motte, F.; Blazere, A.; André, Ph.; Anderson, L. D.; Arzoumanian, D.; Comerón, F.; Didelon, P.; Di Francesco, J.; Duarte-Cabral, A.; Guarcello, M. G.; Hennemann, M.; Hill, T.; Könyves, V.; Marston, A.; Minier, V.; Rygl, K. L. J.; Röllig, M.; Roy, A.; Spinoglio, L.; Tremblin, P.; White, G. J.; Wright, N. J.Keywords: ISM: clouds, ISM: individual objects: Cygnus X
X-ray polarimetric signatures induced by spectral variability in the framework of the receding torus model
Marin, F.; Goosmann, R. W.; Petrucci, P.-O.Keywords: galaxies: active, galaxies: Seyfert, galaxies: individual: NGC 4151, polarization, radiative transfer, X-rays: galaxies
Towards universal hybrid star formation rate estimators
Boquien, M.; Kennicutt, R.; Calzetti, D.; Dale, D.; Galametz, M.; Sauvage, M.; Croxall, K.; Draine, B.; Kirkpatrick, A.; Kumari, N.; Hunt, L.; De Looze, I.; Pellegrini, E.; Relaño, M.; Smith, J.-D.; Tabatabaei, F.Keywords: galaxies: star formation, infrared: galaxies, ultraviolet: galaxies, galaxies: spiral
Coronal O VI emission observed with UVCS/SOHO during solar flares: Comparison with soft X-ray observations
Mancuso, S.; Giordano, S.; Raymond, J. C.Keywords: Sun: activity, Sun: corona, Sun: coronal mass ejections (CMEs), Sun: flares, Sun: UV radiation
The 21-cm BAO signature of enriched low-mass galaxies during cosmic reionization
Cohen, Aviad; Fialkov, Anastasia; Barkana, RennanKeywords: galaxies: formation, galaxies: high redshift, intergalactic medium, cosmology: theory
2016 The Authors Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of the Royal Astronomical Society
High-resolution mapping of dust via extinction in the M31 bulge
Dong, Hui; Li, Zhiyuan; Wang, Q. D.; Lauer, Tod R.; Olsen, Knut A. G.; Saha, Abhijit; Dalcanton, Julianne J.; Groves, Brent A.Keywords: dust, extinction, galaxies: bulges, galaxies: ISM
2016 The Authors Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of the Royal Astronomical Society
Constraining the progenitor of the Type Ia Supernova SN 2012cg
Liu, Zheng-Wei; Stancliffe, Richard J.Keywords: binaries: close, stars: evolution, supernovae: general
2016 The Authors Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of the Royal Astronomical Society
Modelling dust scattering in our Galaxy
Murthy, JayantKeywords: surveys, local interstellar matter, ultraviolet: general, ultraviolet: ISM
2016 The Author Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of the Royal Astronomical Society
Detailed abundance analysis of five field blue horizontal-branch stars
Kafando, I.; LeBlanc, F.; Robert, C.Keywords: diffusion, stars: abundances, stars: atmospheres, stars: horizontal branch
2016 The Authors Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of the Royal Astronomical Society
The ESO UVES advanced data products quasar sample - VI. Sub-damped Lyman α metallicity measurements and the circumgalactic medium
Quiret, S.; Péroux, C.; Zafar, T.; Kulkarni, V. P.; Jenkins, E. B.; Milliard, B.; Rahmani, H.; Popping, A.; Rao, S. M.; Turnshek, D. A.; Monier, E. M.Keywords: galaxies: abundances, galaxies: evolution, galaxies: formation, intergalactic medium, galaxies: ISM, quasars: absorption lines
2016 The Authors Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of the Royal Astronomical Society
An Upper Limit on the Ratio Between the Extreme Ultraviolet and the Bolometric Luminosities of Stars Hosting Habitable Planets
Sengupta, SujanKeywords: Hydrodynamics, planetary systems, stars, Earth: atmosphere
(c) 2016: Indian Academy of Sciences
Improved automatic estimation of winds at the cloud top of Venus using superposition of cross-correlation surfaces
Ikegawa, Shinichi; Horinouchi, TakeshiKeywords: Venus, atmosphere, Atmospheres, dynamics
(c) 2016 Elsevier Inc.
Transition Region Abundance Measurements During Impulsive Heating Events
Warren, Harry P.; Brooks, David H.; Doschek, George A.; Feldman, UriKeywords: Sun: corona
Timing the Evolution of Quiescent and Star-forming Local Galaxies
Pacifici, Camilla; Oh, Sree; Oh, Kyuseok; Lee, Jaehyun; Yi, Sukyoung K.Keywords: galaxies: evolution, galaxies: star formation, galaxies: statistics, galaxies: stellar content
Spinning Dust Emission from Ultra-small Silicates: Emissivity and Polarization Spectrum
Hoang, Thiem; Vinh, Nguyen-Anh; Quynh Lan, NguyenKeywords: cosmic background radiation, diffuse radiation, dust, extinction, radiation mechanisms: non-thermal
Effect of a Radiation Cooling and Heating Function on Standing Longitudinal Oscillations in Coronal Loops
Kumar, S.; Nakariakov, V. M.; Moon, Y.-J.Keywords: magnetohydrodynamics: MHD, Sun: corona, Sun: oscillations, waves
The Secret Lives of Cepheids: Evolution, Mass-Loss, and Ultraviolet Emission of the Long-period Classical Cepheid
Neilson, Hilding R.; Engle, Scott G.; Guinan, Edward F.; Bisol, Alexandra C.; Butterworth, NeilKeywords: stars: evolution, stars: fundamental parameters, stars: individual: l Carinae, stars: mass-loss, stars: variables: Cepheids
Exploratory Chandra Observation of the Ultraluminous Quasar SDSS J010013.02+280225.8 at Redshift 6.30
Ai, Yanli; Dou, Liming; Fan, Xiaohui; Wang, Feige; Wu, Xue-Bing; Bian, FuyanKeywords: quasars: individual: SDSS J010013.02+280225.8
Calibration of the Voyager Ultraviolet Spectrometers and the Composition of the Heliosphere Neutrals: Reassessment
Ben-Jaffel, Lotfi; Holberg, J. B.Keywords: instrumentation: spectrographs, interplanetary medium, ISM: atoms, radiative transfer, Sun: heliosphere, ultraviolet: general
An Investigation of the Sources of Earth-directed Solar Wind during Carrington Rotation 2053
Fazakerley, A. N.; Harra, L. K.; van Driel-Gesztelyi, L.Keywords: magnetic reconnection, solar wind, Sun: abundances, Sun: corona
Jets, Coronal “Puffs,” and a Slow Coronal Mass Ejection Caused by an Opposite-polarity Region within an Active Region Footpoint
Alzate, N.; Morgan, H.Keywords: Sun: activity, Sun: corona, Sun: coronal mass ejections: CMEs, Sun: flares
Multiwavelength study of the fast rotating supergiant high-mass X-ray binary IGR J16465-4507
Chaty, S.; LeReun, A.; Negueruela, I.; Coleiro, A.; Castro, N.; Simón-Díaz, S.; Zurita Heras, J. A.; Goldoni, P.; Goldwurm, A.Keywords: stars: abundances, stars: rotation, supergiants, infrared: stars, X-rays: individuals: IGR J16465-4507, X-rays: binaries
Surface chemistry in photodissociation regions
Esplugues, G. B.; Cazaux, S.; Meijerink, R.; Spaans, M.; Caselli, P.Keywords: astrochemistry, ISM: abundances, photon-dominated region
Measuring the stellar wind parameters in IGR J17544-2619 and Vela X-1 constrains the accretion physics in supergiant fast X-ray transient and classical supergiant X-ray binaries
Giménez-García, A.; Shenar, T.; Torrejón, J. M.; Oskinova, L.; Martínez-Núñez, S.; Hamann, W.-R.; Rodes-Roca, J. J.; González-Galán, A.; Alonso-Santiago, J.; González-Fernández, C.; Bernabeu, G.; Sander, A.Keywords: accretion, accretion disks, methods: observational, techniques:, spectroscopic, stars: atmospheres, X-rays: binaries, stars:, winds, outflows
Morphological classification of local luminous infrared galaxies
Psychogyios, A.; Charmandaris, V.; Diaz-Santos, T.; Armus, L.; Haan, S.; Howell, J.; Le Floc'h, E.; Petty, S. M.; Evans, A. S.Keywords: Galaxy: structure, infrared: galaxies, galaxies: evolution, galaxies: general, galaxies: starburst