Bibliography : Astronomy and Astrophysics

Jul 2016 - 87 Abstracts found

1.- Jul 2016 - MNRAS - (2016MNRAS.460L..40E)

Swift follow-up of the gravitational wave source GW150914

Evans, P. A.; Kennea, J. A.; Barthelmy, S. D.; Beardmore, A. P.; Burrows, D. N.; Campana, S.; Cenko, S. B.; Gehrels, N.; Giommi, P.; Gronwall, C.; Marshall, F. E.; Malesani, D.; Markwardt, C. B.; Mingo, B.; Nousek, J. A.; O'Brien, P. T.; Osborne, J. P.; Pagani, C.; Page, K. L.; Palmer, D. M.; Perri, M.; Racusin, J. L.; Siegel, M. H.; Sbarufatti, B.; Tagliaferri, G.

Keywords: gravitational waves, methods: data analysis, X-rays: general
2016 The Authors Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of the Royal Astronomical Society

2.- Jul 2016 - MNRAS - (2016MNRAS.460..942K)

A 'high-hard' outburst of the black hole X-ray binary GS 1354-64

Koljonen, K. I. I.; Russell, D. M.; Corral-Santana, J. M.; Armas Padilla, M.; Muñoz-Darias, T.; Lewis, F.; Coriat, M.; Bauer, F. E.

Keywords: accretion, accretion discs, binaries: close, X-rays: binaries, X-rays: individual: GS 1354-64, X-rays: stars
2016 The Authors Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of the Royal Astronomical Society

3.- Jul 2016 - MNRAS - (2016MNRAS.460..765W)

Galaxy And Mass Assembly: accurate panchromatic photometry from optical priors using LAMBDAR

Wright, A. H.; Robotham, A. S. G.; Bourne, N.; Driver, S. P.; Dunne, L.; Maddox, S. J.; Alpaslan, M.; Andrews, S. K.; Bauer, A. E.; Bland-Hawthorn, J.; Brough, S.; Brown, M. J. I.; Clarke, C.; Cluver, M.; Davies, L. J. M.; Grootes, M. W.; Holwerda, B. W.; Hopkins, A. M.; Jarrett, T. H.; Kafle, P. R.; Lange, R.; Liske, J.; Loveday, J.; Moffett, A. J.; Norberg, P.; Popescu, C. C.; Smith, M.; Taylor, E. N.; Tuffs, R. J.; Wang, L.; Wilkins, S. M.

Keywords: techniques: photometric, astronomical data bases: miscellaneous, galaxies: evolution, galaxies: general, galaxies: photometry
2016 The Authors Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of the Royal Astronomical Society

4.- Jul 2016 - MNRAS - (2016MNRAS.460..417S)

Constraints on the star formation efficiency of galaxies during the epoch of reionization

Sun, G.; Furlanetto, S. R.

Keywords: galaxies: evolution, galaxies: high-redshift, early Universe
2016 The Authors Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of the Royal Astronomical Society

5.- Jul 2016 - MNRAS - (2016MNRAS.460..304K)

Parsec-scale radio morphology and variability of a changing-look AGN: the case of Mrk 590

Koay, J. Y.; Vestergaard, M.; Bignall, H. E.; Reynolds, C.; Peterson, B. M.

Keywords: accretion, accretion discs, galaxies: active, galaxies: individual: Mrk 590, galaxies: nuclei, galaxies: Seyfert
2016 The Authors Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of the Royal Astronomical Society

6.- Jul 2016 - MNRAS - (2016MNRAS.460..212C)

Active galactic nuclei at z ˜ 1.5 - III. Accretion discs and black hole spin

Capellupo, D. M.; Netzer, H.; Lira, P.; Trakhtenbrot, B.; Mejía-Restrepo, J.

Keywords: accretion, accretion discs, galaxies: active, quasars: general
2016 The Authors Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of the Royal Astronomical Society

7.- Jul 2016 - MNRAS - (2016MNRAS.460..187M)

Active galactic nuclei at z ˜ 1.5 - II. Black hole mass estimation by means of broad emission lines

Mejía-Restrepo, J. E.; Trakhtenbrot, B.; Lira, P.; Netzer, H.; Capellupo, D. M.

Keywords: galaxies: active, quasars: emission lines, quasars: general
2016 The Authors Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of the Royal Astronomical Society

8.- Jul 2016 - MNRAS - (2016MNRAS.459.4428K)

The peculiar Type Ia supernova iPTF14atg: Chandrasekhar-mass explosion or violent merger?

Kromer, M.; Fremling, C.; Pakmor, R.; Taubenberger, S.; Amanullah, R.; Cenko, S. B.; Fransson, C.; Goobar, A.; Leloudas, G.; Taddia, F.; Röpke, F. K.; Seitenzahl, I. R.; Sim, S. A.; Sollerman, J.

Keywords: hydrodynamics, nuclear reactions, nucleosynthesis, abundances, radiative transfer, methods: numerical, supernovae: individual: iPTF14atg
2016 The Authors Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of the Royal Astronomical Society

9.- Jul 2016 - MNRAS - (2016MNRAS.459.4088O)

Habitability of terrestrial-mass planets in the HZ of M Dwarfs - I. H/He-dominated atmospheres

Owen, James E.; Mohanty, Subhanjoy

Keywords: astrobiology, planets and satellites: atmospheres, planets and satellites: composition, planets and satellites: physical evolution, X-rays: stars
2016 The Authors Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of the Royal Astronomical Society

10.- Jul 2016 - MNRAS - (2016MNRAS.459.3812M)

The z = 9-10 galaxy population in the Hubble Frontier Fields and CLASH surveys: the z = 9 luminosity function and further evidence for a smooth decline in ultraviolet luminosity density at z≥ 8

McLeod, D. J.; McLure, R. J.; Dunlop, J. S.

Keywords: galaxies: evolution, galaxies: formation, galaxies: high-redshift
2016 The Authors Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of the Royal Astronomical Society

11.- Jul 2016 - MNRAS - (2016MNRAS.459.3217L)

Direct collapse to supermassive black hole seeds: comparing the AMR and SPH approaches

Luo, Yang; Nagamine, Kentaro; Shlosman, Isaac

Keywords: methods: numerical, galaxies: formation, galaxies: high-redshift, cosmology: theory, dark ages, reionization, first stars
2016 The Authors Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of the Royal Astronomical Society

12.- Jul 2016 - MNRAS - (2016MNRAS.459.3112K)

LO Peg: surface differential rotation, flares, and spot-topographic evolution

Karmakar, Subhajeet; Pandey, J. C.; Savanov, I. S.; Taş, G.; Pandey, S. B.; Misra, K.; Joshi, S.; Dmitrienko, E. S.; Sakamoto, T.; Gehrels, N.; Okajima, T.

Keywords: stars: activity, stars: flare, stars: imaging, stars: individual: (LO Peg), stars: late-type, starspots
2016 The Authors Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of the Royal Astronomical Society

13.- Jul 2016 - MNRAS - (2016MNRAS.459.2948L)

The ultraviolet and infrared star formation rates of compact group galaxies: an expanded sample

Lenkić, Laura; Tzanavaris, Panayiotis; Gallagher, Sarah C.; Desjardins, Tyler D.; Walker, Lisa May; Johnson, Kelsey E.; Fedotov, Konstantin; Charlton, Jane; Hornschemeier, Ann E.; Durrell, Pat R.; Gronwall, Caryl

Keywords: galaxies: evolution, galaxies: photometry, galaxies: star formation
2016 The Authors Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of the Royal Astronomical Society

14.- Jul 2016 - MNRAS - (2016MNRAS.459.2486M)

Day time flight of micrometeoroid in upper earth atmosphere

Misra, Shikha; Mishra, S. K.

Keywords: plasmas, Sun: UV radiation
The Authors 2016. Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of The Royal Astronomical Society.

15.- Jul 2016 - MNRAS - (2016MNRAS.459.2472R)

Vanishing absorption and blueshifted emission in FeLoBAL quasars

Rafiee, Alireza; Pirkola, Patrik; Hall, Patrick B.; Galati, Natalee; Rogerson, Jesse; Ameri, Abtin

Keywords: quasars: absorption lines
2016 The Authors Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of the Royal Astronomical Society

16.- Jul 2016 - Icar - (2016Icar..273..262I)

The lunar Gruithuisen silicic extrusive domes: Topographic configuration, morphology, ages, and internal structure

Ivanov, M. A.; Head, J. W.; Bystrov, A.

Keywords: Moon, Moon, surface, Volcanism
(c) 2016 Elsevier Inc.

17.- Jul 2016 - Icar - (2016Icar..273..248A)

The Lassell massif-A silicic lunar volcano

Ashley, J. W.; Robinson, M. S.; Stopar, J. D.; Glotch, T. D.; Hawke, B. Ray; van der Bogert, C. H.; Hiesinger, H.; Lawrence, S. J.; Jolliff, B. L.; Greenhagen, B. T.; Giguere, T. A.; Paige, D. A.

Keywords: Moon, surface, Moon, interior, Volcanism, Infrared observations, Image processing
(c) 2016 Elsevier Inc.

18.- Jul 2016 - Icar - (2016Icar..273...68H)

Lunar swirls: Far-UV characteristics

Hendrix, A. R.; Greathouse, T. K.; Retherford, K. D.; Mandt, K. E.; Gladstone, G. R.; Kaufmann, D. E.; Hurley, D. M.; Feldman, P. D.; Pryor, W. R.; Stern, S. A.; Cahill, J. T. S.

Keywords: Moon, surface, Ultraviolet observations, Spectroscopy
(c) 2016 Elsevier Ltd

19.- Jul 2016 - Icar - (2016Icar..273...36G)

Lunar exospheric helium observations of LRO/LAMP coordinated with ARTEMIS

Grava, C.; Retherford, K. D.; Hurley, D. M.; Feldman, P. D.; Gladstone, G. R.; Greathouse, T. K.; Cook, J. C.; Stern, S. A.; Pryor, W. R.; Halekas, J. S.; Kaufmann, D. E.

Keywords: Moon, Ultraviolet observations, Solar wind
(c) 2016 Elsevier Inc.

20.- Jul 2016 - Icar - (2016Icar..272..178H)

Radiative energy balance of Venus based on improved models of the middle and lower atmosphere

Haus, R.; Kappel, D.; Tellmann, S.; Arnold, G.; Piccioni, G.; Drossart, P.; Häusler, B.

Keywords: Venus, Atmospheres, structure, Radiative transfer, Infrared observations, Radio observations
(c) 2016 Elsevier Inc.

21.- Jul 2016 - ChA&A - (2016ChA&A..40..352Q)

Observational Study on Current Sheet of Magnetic Reconnection in Two Solar Eruptions

Qiang-wei, Cai; Ning, Wu; Jun, Lin

Keywords: Sun: coronal mass ejections, Sun: current sheet, Sun: emission measure, Sun: UV radiation
(c) 2016 Elsevier B.V.

22.- Jul 2016 - ApJS - (2016ApJS..225...12H)

Powerful Activity in the Bright Ages. I. A Visible/IR Survey of High Redshift 3C Radio Galaxies and Quasars

Hilbert, B.; Chiaberge, M.; Kotyla, J. P.; Tremblay, G. R.; Stanghellini, C.; Sparks, W. B.; Baum, S.; Capetti, A.; Macchetto, F. D.; Miley, G. K.; O'Dea, C. P.; Perlman, E. S.; Quillen, A.

Keywords: galaxies: active, quasars: emission lines, quasars: general

23.- Jul 2016 - ApJ - (2016ApJ...826L..15K)

Proplyds Around a B1 Star: 42 Orionis in NGC 1977

Kim, Jinyoung Serena; Clarke, Cathie J.; Fang, Min; Facchini, Stefano

Keywords: H ii regions, ISM: individual objects: NGC 1977, protoplanetary disks, stars: formation

24.- Jul 2016 - ApJ - (2016ApJ...826...61A)

Tracing the Chromospheric and Coronal Magnetic Field with AIA, IRIS, IBIS, and ROSA Data

Aschwanden, Markus J.; Reardon, Kevin; Jess, Dave B.

Keywords: Sun: chromosphere, Sun: magnetic fields, Sun: UV radiation

25.- Jul 2016 - ApJ - (2016ApJ...826...50B)

The Structure of the Circumgalactic Medium of Galaxies: Cool Accretion Inflow Around NGC 1097

Bowen, David V.; Chelouche, Doron; Jenkins, Edward B.; Tripp, Todd M.; Pettini, Max; York, Donald G.; Frye, Brenda L.

Keywords: galaxies: halos, galaxies: individual: NGC 1097, quasars: absorption lines

26.- Jul 2016 - ApJ - (2016ApJ...826...39N)

SN 2015BN: A Detailed Multi-wavelength View of a Nearby Superluminous Supernova

Nicholl, M.; Berger, E.; Smartt, S. J.; Margutti, R.; Kamble, A.; Alexander, K. D.; Chen, T.-W.; Inserra, C.; Arcavi, I.; Blanchard, P. K.; Cartier, R.; Chambers, K. C.; Childress, M. J.; Chornock, R.; Cowperthwaite, P. S.; Drout, M.; Flewelling, H. A.; Fraser, M.; Gal-Yam, A.; Galbany, L.; Harmanen, J.; Holoien, T. W.-S.; Hosseinzadeh, G.; Howell, D. A.; Huber, M. E.; Jerkstrand, A.; Kankare, E.; Kochanek, C. S.; Lin, Z.-Y.; Lunnan, R.; Magnier, E. A.; Maguire, K.; McCully, C.; McDonald, M.; Metzger, B. D.; Milisavljevic, D.; Mitra, A.; Reynolds, T.; Saario, J.; Shappee, B. J.; Smith, K. W.; Valenti, S.; Villar, V. A.; Waters, C.; Young, D. R.

Keywords: supernovae: general, supernovae: individual: SN 2015bn

27.- Jul 2016 - ApJ - (2016ApJ...826....9I)

Where are the Low-mass Population III Stars?

Ishiyama, Tomoaki; Sudo, Kae; Yokoi, Shingo; Hasegawa, Kenji; Tominaga, Nozomu; Susa, Hajime

Keywords: dark matter, early universe, dark ages, reionization, first stars, Galaxy: structure, methods: numerical, stars: low-mass

28.- Jul 2016 - ApJ - (2016ApJ...826....7C)

Simulating the Timescale-Dependent Color Variation in Quasars with a Revised Inhomogeneous Disk Model

Cai, Zhen-Yi; Wang, Jun-Xian; Gu, Wei-Min; Sun, Yu-Han; Wu, Mao-Chun; Huang, Xing-Xing; Chen, Xiao-Yang

Keywords: accretion, accretion disks, black hole physics, galaxies: active

29.- Jul 2016 - ApJ - (2016ApJ...826....3K)

Departure of High-temperature Iron Lines from the Equilibrium State in Flaring Solar Plasmas

Kawate, T.; Keenan, F. P.; Jess, D. B.

Keywords: Sun: corona, Sun: flares, Sun: particle emission, Sun: UV radiation

30.- Jul 2016 - ApJ - (2016ApJ...825L..22F)

Disappearance of the Progenitor of Supernova iPTF13bvn

Folatelli, Gastón; Van Dyk, Schuyler D.; Kuncarayakti, Hanindyo; Maeda, Keiichi; Bersten, Melina C.; Nomoto, Ken'ichi; Pignata, Giuliano; Hamuy, Mario; Quimby, Robert M.; Zheng, WeiKang; Filippenko, Alexei V.; Clubb, Kelsey I.; Smith, Nathan; Elias-Rosa, Nancy; Foley, Ryan J.; Miller, Adam A.

Keywords: galaxies: individual: NGC 5806, stars: evolution, supernovae: general, supernovae: individual: iPTF13bvn

31.- Jul 2016 - ApJ - (2016ApJ...825L..17G)

Cosmic Reionization on Computers: The Faint End of the Galaxy Luminosity Function

Gnedin, Nickolay Y.

Keywords: cosmology: theory, galaxies: formation, intergalactic medium, large-scale structure of universe, methods: numerical

32.- Jul 2016 - ApJ - (2016ApJ...825L...1M)

A Stringent Limit on the Warm Dark Matter Particle Masses from the Abundance of z = 6 Galaxies in the Hubble Frontier Fields

Menci, N.; Grazian, A.; Castellano, M.; Sanchez, N. G.

Keywords: dark matter, galaxies: abundances, galaxies: formation

33.- Jul 2016 - ApJ - (2016ApJ...825..147C)

Investigating the Origin of Hot Gas Lines in Herbig Ae/Be Stars

Cauley, P. Wilson; Johns-Krull, Christopher M.

Keywords: accretion, accretion disks, line: profiles, stars: variables: T Tauri, Herbig Ae/Be, stars: winds, outflows, ultraviolet: stars

34.- Jul 2016 - ApJ - (2016ApJ...825..145E)

Hubble Space Telescope Observations of Accretion-Induced Star Formation in the Tadpole Galaxy Kiso 5639

Elmegreen, Debra Meloy; Elmegreen, Bruce G.; Sánchez Almeida, Jorge; Muñoz-Tuñón, Casiana; Mendez-Abreu, Jairo; Gallagher, John S.; Rafelski, Marc; Filho, Mercedes; Ceverino, Daniel

Keywords: galaxies: dwarf, galaxies: individual: Kiso 5639, galaxies: photometry, galaxies: star clusters: general, galaxies: star formation, H ii regions

35.- Jul 2016 - ApJ - (2016ApJ...825..144W)

Early and Extended Helium Reionization over More Than 600 Million Years of Cosmic Time

Worseck, Gábor; Prochaska, J. Xavier; Hennawi, Joseph F.; McQuinn, Matthew

Keywords: dark ages, reionization, first stars, diffuse radiation, intergalactic medium, quasars: absorption lines

36.- Jul 2016 - ApJ - (2016ApJ...825..133V)

Lunar Surface and Dust Grain Potentials during the Earth’s Magnetosphere Crossing

Vaverka, J.; Richterová, I.; Pavlu˚, J.; Šafránková, J.; Němeček, Z.

Keywords: methods: laboratory: solid state, methods: numerical, Moon

37.- Jul 2016 - ApJ - (2016ApJ...825..110A)

On the Fourier and Wavelet Analysis of Coronal Time Series

Auchère, F.; Froment, C.; Bocchialini, K.; Buchlin, E.; Solomon, J.

Keywords: methods: data analysis, Sun: corona, Sun: oscillations, Sun: UV radiation

38.- Jul 2016 - ApJ - (2016ApJ...825...87R)

The Star Formation Rate Efficiency of Neutral Atomic-dominated Hydrogen Gas in the Outskirts of Star-forming Galaxies from z ~ 1 to z ~3

Rafelski, Marc; Gardner, Jonathan P.; Fumagalli, Michele; Neeleman, Marcel; Teplitz, Harry I.; Grogin, Norman; Koekemoer, Anton M.; Scarlata, Claudia

Keywords: galaxies: evolution, galaxies: high-redshift, galaxies: photometry, galaxies: star formation, galaxies: structure, quasars: absorption lines

39.- Jul 2016 - ApJ - (2016ApJ...825...79S)

Survey Observations of a Possible Glycine Precursor, Methanimine (CH2NH)

Suzuki, Taiki; Ohishi, Masatoshi; Hirota, Tomoya; Saito, Masao; Majumdar, Liton; Wakelam, Valentine

Keywords: astrochemistry, ISM: abundances, ISM: molecules, line: identification, methods: observational

40.- Jul 2016 - ApJ - (2016ApJ...825...74P)

Broadband Observations of High Redshift Blazars

Paliya, Vaidehi S.; Parker, M. L.; Fabian, A. C.; Stalin, C. S.

Keywords: galaxies: active, galaxies: jets, gamma rays: galaxies

41.- Jul 2016 - ApJ - (2016ApJ...825...67C)

Radiation-driven Outflows from and Radiative Support in Dusty Tori of Active Galactic Nuclei

Chan, Chi-Ho; Krolik, Julian H.

Keywords: galaxies: active, galaxies: nuclei, hydrodynamics, methods: numerical, quasars: general, radiative transfer

42.- Jul 2016 - ApJ - (2016ApJ...825...37C)

The Nature of CME-flare-Associated Coronal Dimming

Cheng, J. X.; Qiu, J.

Keywords: magnetic reconnection, Sun: coronal mass ejections: CMEs, Sun: flares, Sun: UV radiation

43.- Jul 2016 - ApJ - (2016ApJ...825...36D)

The Mysterious Case of the Solar Argon Abundance near Sunspots in Flares

Doschek, G. A.; Warren, H. P.

Keywords: Sun: activity, Sun: corona, Sun: flares, Sun: UV radiation

44.- Jul 2016 - ApJ - (2016ApJ...825....5S)

The Evolution of the Galaxy Stellar Mass Function at z = 4-8: A Steepening Low-mass-end Slope with Increasing Redshift

Song, Mimi; Finkelstein, Steven L.; Ashby, Matthew L. N.; Grazian, A.; Lu, Yu; Papovich, Casey; Salmon, Brett; Somerville, Rachel S.; Dickinson, Mark; Duncan, K.; Faber, Sandy M.; Fazio, Giovanni G.; Ferguson, Henry C.; Fontana, Adriano; Guo, Yicheng; Hathi, Nimish; Lee, Seong-Kook; Merlin, Emiliano; Willner, S. P.

Keywords: galaxies: evolution, galaxies: formation, galaxies: high-redshift, galaxies: luminosity function, mass function

45.- Jul 2016 - AN - (2016AN....337..640K)

Light-curve solutions of 20 eclipsing Kepler binaries, most of them with pronounced spot and flare activity

Kjurkchieva, D.; Atanasova, T.; Dimitrov, D.

Keywords: binaries: close, binaries: eclipsing, methods: data analysis, stars: fundamental parameters, starspots
(c) 2016: WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim

46.- Jul 2016 - AJ - (2016AJ....152...25M)

The UV-bright Quasar Survey (UVQS): DR1

Monroe, TalaWanda R.; Prochaska, J. Xavier; Tejos, Nicolas; Worseck, Gabor; Hennawi, Joseph F.; Schmidt, Tobias; Tumlinson, Jason; Shen, Yue

Keywords: intergalactic medium, quasars: general

47.- Jul 2016 - AJ - (2016AJ....152....5D)

Cataclysmic Variables Observed During K2 Campaigns 0 and 1

Dai, Zhibin; Szkody, Paula; Garnavich, Peter M.; Kennedy, Mark

Keywords: binaries: close, novae, cataclysmic variables, white dwarfs

48.- Jul 2016 - A&A - (2016A&A...592A..68C)

Negligible photodesorption of methanol ice and active photon-induced desorption of its irradiation products

Cruz-Diaz, G. A.; Martín-Doménech, R.; Muñoz Caro, G. M.; Chen, Y.-J.

Keywords: ultraviolet: ISM, astrochemistry, ISM: molecules, methods: laboratory: molecular, molecular processes

49.- Jul 2016 - A&A - (2016A&A...592A..67P)

Laser desorption time-of-flight mass spectrometry of vacuum UV photo-processed methanol ice

Paardekooper, D. M.; Bossa, J.-B.; Linnartz, H.

Keywords: astrobiology, astrochemistry, molecular processes, methods: laboratory: solid state, ISM: molecules, ultraviolet: ISM

50.- Jul 2016 - A&A - (2016A&A...592A..27C)

Anatomy of the AGN in NGC 5548. VIII. XMM-Newton's EPIC detailed view of an unexpected variable multilayer absorber

Cappi, M.; De Marco, B.; Ponti, G.; Ursini, F.; Petrucci, P.-O.; Bianchi, S.; Kaastra, J. S.; Kriss, G. A.; Mehdipour, M.; Whewell, M.; Arav, N.; Behar, E.; Boissay, R.; Branduardi-Raymont, G.; Costantini, E.; Ebrero, J.; Di Gesu, L.; Harrison, F. A.; Kaspi, S.; Matt, G.; Paltani, S.; Peterson, B. M.; Steenbrugge, K. C.; Walton, D. J.

Keywords: galaxies: active, X-rays: galaxies, galaxies: individual: NGC 5548

51.- Jul 2016 - A&A - (2016A&A...592A..17I)

Analysis of UV and EUV emission from impacts on the Sun after 2011 June 7 eruptive flare

Innes, D. E.; Heinrich, P.; Inhester, B.; Guo, L.-J.

Keywords: accretion, accretion disks, Sun: activity, Sun: UV radiation

52.- Jul 2016 - A&A - (2016A&A...591A.148J)

Energetic characterisation and statistics of solar coronal brightenings

Joulin, V.; Buchlin, E.; Solomon, J.; Guennou, C.

Keywords: Sun: activity, Sun: corona, Sun: UV radiation

53.- Jul 2016 - Natur - (2016Natur.535..526W)

Solar-type dynamo behaviour in fully convective stars without a tachocline

Wright, Nicholas J.; Drake, Jeremy J.

(c) 2016: Nature Publishing Group, a division of Macmillan Publishers Limited. All Rights Reserved.

54.- Jul 2016 - Natur - (2016Natur.535..523F)

Suppression of star formation in dwarf galaxies by photoelectric grain heating feedback

Forbes, John C.; Krumholz, Mark R.; Goldbaum, Nathan J.; Dekel, Avishai

(c) 2016: Nature Publishing Group, a division of Macmillan Publishers Limited. All Rights Reserved.

55.- Jul 2016 - MNRAS - (2016MNRAS.459.4259R)

MUSE three-dimensional spectroscopy and kinematics of the gigahertz peaked spectrum radio galaxy PKS 1934-63: interaction, recently triggered active galactic nucleus and star formation

Roche, Nathan; Humphrey, Andrew; Lagos, Patricio; Papaderos, Polychronis; Silva, Marckelson; Cardoso, Leandro S. M.; Gomes, Jean Michel

Keywords: galaxies: active, galaxies: evolution, galaxies: individual: PKS 1934-63, galaxies: interactions, galaxies: kinematics and dynamics, quasars: emission lines
2016 The Authors Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of the Royal Astronomical Society

56.- Jul 2016 - MNRAS - (2016MNRAS.459.4233P)

The extreme ultraviolet spectra of low-redshift radio-loud quasars

Punsly, Brian; Reynolds, Cormac; Marziani, Paola; O'Dea, Christopher P.

Keywords: accretion, accretion discs, black hole physics, MHD, galaxies: active, galaxies: jets
2016 The Authors Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of the Royal Astronomical Society

57.- Jul 2016 - MNRAS - (2016MNRAS.459.3939V)

The diversity of Type II supernova versus the similarity in their progenitors

Valenti, S.; Howell, D. A.; Stritzinger, M. D.; Graham, M. L.; Hosseinzadeh, G.; Arcavi, I.; Bildsten, L.; Jerkstrand, A.; McCully, C.; Pastorello, A.; Piro, A. L.; Sand, D.; Smartt, S. J.; Terreran, G.; Baltay, C.; Benetti, S.; Brown, P.; Filippenko, A. V.; Fraser, M.; Rabinowitz, D.; Sullivan, M.; Yuan, F.

Keywords: supernovae: general, supernovae: individual: SN 2013bu, SN 2013fs, SN 2014cy, SN 2013ej, ASASSN-14ha, ASASSN-14gm, ASASSN-14dq, SN 2013ab, SN 2013by, SN 2014G, LSQ13dpa, LSQ14gv, SN 2014G, SN 2013ab, SN 2015W
2016 The Authors Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of the Royal Astronomical Society

58.- Jul 2016 - MNRAS - (2016MNRAS.459.3929T)

GW Librae: a unique laboratory for pulsations in an accreting white dwarf

Toloza, O.; Gänsicke, B. T.; Hermes, J. J.; Townsley, D. M.; Schreiber, M. R.; Szkody, P.; Pala, A.; Beuermann, K.; Bildsten, L.; Breedt, E.; Cook, M.; Godon, P.; Henden, A. A.; Hubeny, I.; Knigge, C.; Long, K. S.; Marsh, T. R.; de Martino, D.; Mukadam, A. S.; Myers, G.; Nelson, P.; Oksanen, A.; Patterson, J.; Sion, E. M.; Zorotovic, M.

Keywords: binaries: close, stars: individual: GW Librae, stars: variables: general, white dwarfs
2016 The Authors Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of the Royal Astronomical Society

59.- Jul 2016 - MNRAS - (2016MNRAS.459.2806A)

Searching for FUV line emission from 107 K gas in massive elliptical galaxies and galaxy clusters as a tracer of turbulent velocities

Anderson, Michael E.; Sunyaev, Rashid

Keywords: galaxies: clusters: intracluster medium, galaxies: haloes, galaxies: individual: M87, galaxies: individual: NGC 4696, ultraviolet: galaxies
2016 The Authors Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of the Royal Astronomical Society

60.- Jul 2016 - MNRAS - (2016MNRAS.459.2721I)

On Type IIn/Ia-CSM supernovae as exemplified by SN 2012ca*

Inserra, C.; Fraser, M.; Smartt, S. J.; Benetti, S.; Chen, T.-W.; Childress, M.; Gal-Yam, A.; Howell, D. A.; Kangas, T.; Pignata, G.; Polshaw, J.; Sullivan, M.; Smith, K. W.; Valenti, S.; Young, D. R.; Parker, S.; Seccull, T.; McCrum, M.

Keywords: supernovae: general, supernovae: individual: SN 2012ca, SN 1997cy, SN 1999E, SN 2002ic, SN 2005gj, PTF11kx
2016 The Authors Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of the Royal Astronomical Society

61.- Jul 2016 - MNRAS - (2016MNRAS.459.2591G)

Physical properties of local star-forming analogues to z ˜ 5 Lyman-break galaxies

Greis, Stephanie M. L.; Stanway, Elizabeth R.; Davies, Luke J. M.; Levan, Andrew J.

Keywords: galaxies: evolution, galaxies: high redshift, galaxies: star formation
2016 The Authors Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of the Royal Astronomical Society

62.- Jul 2016 - MNRAS - (2016MNRAS.459.2299F)

The soft, fluctuating UVB at z ˜ 6 as traced by C IV, Si IV, and C II

Finlator, Kristian; Oppenheimer, B. D.; Davé, Romeel; Zackrisson, E.; Thompson, Robert; Huang, Shuiyao

Keywords: galaxies: evolution, galaxies: formation, galaxies: high-redshift, intergalactic medium, quasars: absorption lines, cosmology: theory
2016 The Authors Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of the Royal Astronomical Society

63.- Jul 2016 - IJAsB - (2016IJAsB..15..219R)

Manganese carbonates as possible biogenic relics in Archean settings

Rincón-Tomás, Blanca; Khonsari, Bahar; Mühlen, Dominik; Wickbold, Christian; Schäfer, Nadine; Hause-Reitner, Dorothea; Hoppert, Michael; Reitner, Joachim

Keywords: anaerobic respiration, Archean, dolomite, kutnahorite, manganese carbonates
(c) 2016: Copyright © Cambridge University Press 2016

64.- Jul 2016 - Icar - (2016Icar..273..296B)

Complex explosive volcanic activity on the Moon within Oppenheimer crater

Bennett, Kristen A.; Horgan, Briony H. N.; Gaddis, Lisa R.; Greenhagen, Benjamin T.; Allen, Carlton C.; Hayne, Paul O.; Bell, James F.; Paige, David A.

Keywords: Volcanism, Spectroscopy, Infrared observations, Mineralogy, Moon, surface
(c) 2016 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.

65.- Jul 2016 - Icar - (2016Icar..273..114M)

LRO-LAMP detection of geologically young craters within lunar permanently shaded regions

Mandt, Kathleen E.; Greathouse, Thomas K.; Retherford, Kurt D.; Randall Gladstone, G.; Jordan, Andrew P.; Lemelin, Myriam; Koeber, Steven D.; Bowman-Cisneros, Ernest; Wesley Patterson, G.; Robinson, Mark; Lucey, Paul G.; Hendrix, Amanda R.; Hurley, Dana; Stickle, Angela M.; Pryor, Wayne

Keywords: Moon, surface, Impact processes, Ultraviolet observations, Cratering, Regoliths
(c) 2016 Elsevier Inc.

66.- Jul 2016 - Icar - (2016Icar..273...53D)

The distribution and extent of lunar swirls

Denevi, Brett W.; Robinson, Mark S.; Boyd, Aaron K.; Blewett, David T.; Klima, Rachel L.

Keywords: Moon, Moon surface, Solar wind, Regoliths
(c) 2016 Elsevier Inc.

67.- Jul 2016 - Icar - (2016Icar..272..149D)

Re-analysis of previous laboratory phase curves: 2. Connections between opposition effect morphology and spectral features of stony meteorites

Déau, Estelle; Spilker, Linda J.; Flandes, Alberto

Keywords: Photometry, Spectrophotometry, Meteorites, Experimental techniques, Mineralogy
(c) 2016 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.

68.- Jul 2016 - CosRe - (2016CosRe..54..261P)

Experiment on the Vernov satellite: Transient energetic processes in the Earth's atmosphere and magnetosphere. Part I: Description of the experiment

Panasyuk, M. I.; Svertilov, S. I.; Bogomolov, V. V.; Garipov, G. K.; Barinova, V. O.; Bogomolov, A. V.; Veden'kin, N. N.; Golovanov, I. A.; Iyudin, A. F.; Kalegaev, V. V.; Klimov, P. A.; Kovtyukh, A. S.; Kuznetsova, E. A.; Morozenko, V. S.; Morozov, O. V.; Myagkova, I. N.; Petrov, V. L.; Prokhorov, A. V.; Rozhkov, G. V.; Sigaeva, E. A.; Khrenov, B. A.; Yashin, I. V.; Klimov, S. I.; Vavilov, D. I.; Grushin, V. A.; Grechko, T. V.; Khartov, V. V.; Kudryashov, V. A.; Bortnikov, S. V.; Mzhel'skiy, P. V.; Papkov, A. P.; Krasnopeev, S. V.; Krug, V. V.; Korepanov, V. E.; Belyaev, S.; Demidov, A.; Ferenz, Ch.; Bodnar, L.; Szegedi, P.; Rotkel, H.; Moravskiy, M.; Park, Il; Jeon, Jin-A.; Kim, Ji-In; Lee, Jik

(c) 2016: Pleiades Publishing, Ltd.

69.- Jul 2016 - AstL - (2016AstL...42..460K)

Evolution and saturation of Autowaves in photodissociation regions

Krasnobaev, K. V.; Tagirova, R. R.; Arafailov, S. I.; Kotova, G. Yu.

Keywords: unsteady motions, perfect gas, isentropic thermal instability, photodissociation region
(c) 2016: Pleiades Publishing, Inc.

70.- Jul 2016 - ApJ - (2016ApJ...826...62H)

The Host Galaxy Properties of Variability Selected AGN in the Pan-STARRS1 Medium Deep Survey

Heinis, S.; Gezari, S.; Kumar, S.; Burgett, W. S.; Flewelling, H.; Huber, M. E.; Kaiser, N.; Wainscoat, R. J.; Waters, C.

Keywords: galaxies: nuclei, galaxies: star formation

71.- Jul 2016 - ApJ - (2016ApJ...826...59W)

The Red and Featureless Outer Disks of Nearby Spiral Galaxies

Watkins, Aaron E.; Mihos, J. Christopher; Harding, Paul

Keywords: galaxies: evolution, galaxies: individual: M94, M64, M106, galaxies: spiral

72.- Jul 2016 - ApJ - (2016ApJ...826...45R)

A Correlation between the Intrinsic Brightness and Average Decay Rate of Gamma-Ray Burst X-Ray Afterglow Light Curves

Racusin, J. L.; Oates, S. R.; de Pasquale, M.; Kocevski, D.

Keywords: gamma-ray burst: general, X-rays: bursts

73.- Jul 2016 - ApJ - (2016ApJ...826...29L)

Star Formation Suppression Due to Jet Feedback in Radio Galaxies with Shocked Warm Molecular Gas

Lanz, Lauranne; Ogle, Patrick M.; Alatalo, Katherine; Appleton, Philip N.

Keywords: galaxies: active, galaxies: evolution, galaxies: ISM, galaxies: jets, galaxies: star formation

74.- Jul 2016 - ApJ - (2016ApJ...826...28B)

A NuSTAR Observation of the Gamma-ray-emitting X-ray Binary and Transitional Millisecond Pulsar Candidate 1RXS J154439.4-112820

Bogdanov, Slavko

Keywords: pulsars: general, stars: neutron, X-rays: binaries

75.- Jul 2016 - ApJ - (2016ApJ...825L...8F)

The Nature and Frequency of the Gas Outbursts in Comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko Observed by the Alice Far-ultraviolet Spectrograph on Rosetta

Feldman, Paul D.; A'Hearn, Michael F.; Feaga, Lori M.; Bertaux, Jean-Loup; Noonan, John; Parker, Joel Wm.; Schindhelm, Eric; Steffl, Andrew J.; Stern, S. Alan; Weaver, Harold A.

Keywords: comets: individual: 67P, ultraviolet: planetary systems

76.- Jul 2016 - ApJ - (2016ApJ...825..141S)

Vacuum Ultraviolet Photoabsorption Spectra of Nitrile Ices for their Identification on Pluto

Sivaraman, B.; Pavithraa, S.; Lo, J.-I.; Raja Sekhar, B. N.; Hill, H.; Cheng, B.-M.; Mason, N. J.

Keywords: astrochemistry, methods: laboratory: solid state, techniques: spectroscopic

77.- Jul 2016 - ApJ - (2016ApJ...825..139P)

The X-Ray Properties of Million Solar Mass Black Holes

Plotkin, Richard. M.; Gallo, Elena; Haardt, Francesco; Miller, Brendan P.; Wood, Callum J. L.; Reines, Amy E.; Wu, Jianfeng; Greene, Jenny E.

Keywords: accretion, accretion disks, galaxies: active, X-rays: galaxies

78.- Jul 2016 - ApJ - (2016ApJ...825..136D)

Iron: A Key Element for Understanding the Origin and Evolution of Interstellar Dust

Dwek, Eli

Keywords: dust, extinction, Galaxy: abundances, ISM: abundances, nuclear reactions, nucleosynthesis, abundances, supernovae: general, solar neighborhood

79.- Jul 2016 - ApJ - (2016ApJ...825..119M)

On the Magnetism and Dynamics of Prominence Legs Hosting Tornadoes

Martínez González, M. J.; Asensio Ramos, A.; Arregui, I.; Collados, M.; Beck, C.; de la Cruz Rodríguez, J.

Keywords: polarization, Sun: chromosphere, Sun: corona, Sun: magnetic fields

80.- Jul 2016 - ApJ - (2016ApJ...825...93O)

Emergence of Granular-sized Magnetic Bubbles Through the Solar Atmosphere. III. The Path to the Transition Region

Ortiz, Ada; Hansteen, Viggo H.; Ramón Bellot Rubio, Luis; de la Cruz Rodríguez, Jaime; De Pontieu, Bart; Carlsson, Mats; Rouppe van der Voort, Luc

Keywords: Sun: chromosphere, Sun: magnetic fields, Sun: transition region

81.- Jul 2016 - ApJ - (2016ApJ...825...68M)

On the Relation between the Mysterious 21 μm Emission Feature of Post-asymptotic Giant Branch Stars and Their Mass-loss Rates

Mishra, Ajay; Li, Aigen; Jiang, B. W.

Keywords: circumstellar matter, dust, extinction, infrared: stars, stars: AGB and post-AGB, stars: evolution

82.- Jul 2016 - ApJ - (2016ApJ...825...42V)

The Complete Ultraviolet Spectrum of the Archetypal "Wind-dominated" Quasar Mrk 231: Absorption and Emission from a High-speed Dusty Nuclear Outflow

Veilleux, S.; Meléndez, M.; Tripp, T. M.; Hamann, F.; Rupke, D. S. N.

Keywords: accretion, accretion disks, galaxies: active, quasars: absorption lines

83.- Jul 2016 - ApJ - (2016ApJ...825...28L)

Ultraviolet Emission Lines of Si ii in Quasars: Investigating the "Si ii Disaster"

Laha, Sibasish; Keenan, Francis P.; Ferland, Gary J.; Ramsbottom, Catherine A.; Aggarwal, Kanti M.

Keywords: atomic processes, quasars: emission lines

84.- Jul 2016 - ApJ - (2016ApJ...825...27T)

Persistence Mapping Using EUV Solar Imager Data

Thompson, B. J.; Young, C. A.

Keywords: methods: data analysis, Sun: activity, Sun: corona

85.- Jul 2016 - A&A - (2016A&A...592A..57S)

Three-dimensional simulations of gravitationally confined detonations compared to observations of SN 1991T

Seitenzahl, Ivo R.; Kromer, Markus; Ohlmann, Sebastian T.; Ciaraldi-Schoolmann, Franco; Marquardt, Kai; Fink, Michael; Hillebrandt, Wolfgang; Pakmor, Rüdiger; Röpke, Friedrich K.; Ruiter, Ashley J.; Sim, Stuart A.; Taubenberger, Stefan

Keywords: hydrodynamics, radiative transfer, methods: numerical, nuclear reactions, nucleosynthesis, abundances, supernovae: general, supernovae: individual: SN 1991T

86.- Jul 2016 - A&A - (2016A&A...592A..40F)

Time-varying sodium absorption in the Type Ia supernova 2013gh

Ferretti, R.; Amanullah, R.; Goobar, A.; Johansson, J.; Vreeswijk, P. M.; Butler, R. P.; Cao, Y.; Cenko, S. B.; Doran, G.; Filippenko, A. V.; Freeland, E.; Hosseinzadeh, G.; Howell, D. A.; Lundqvist, P.; Mattila, S.; Nordin, J.; Nugent, P. E.; Petrushevska, T.; Valenti, S.; Vogt, S.; Wozniak, P.

Keywords: supernovae: general, supernovae: individual: SN 2013gh, dust, extinction, circumstellar matter, supernovae: individual: iPTF 13dge

87.- Jul 2016 - A&A - (2016A&A...591A.141J)

Evolution of flare ribbons, electric currents, and quasi-separatrix layers during an X-class flare

Janvier, M.; Savcheva, A.; Pariat, E.; Tassev, S.; Millholland, S.; Bommier, V.; McCauley, P.; McKillop, S.; Dougan, F.

Keywords: Sun: flares, Sun: magnetic fields, magnetic reconnection, magnetohydrodynamics (MHD)