Bibliography : Astronomy and Astrophysics
Oct 2016 - 81 Abstracts found
Delayed triggering of radio Active Galactic Nuclei in gas-rich minor mergers in the local Universe
Shabala, S. S.; Deller, A.; Kaviraj, S.; Middelberg, E.; Turner, R. J.; Ting, Y. S.; Allison, J. R.; Davis, T. A.Keywords: galaxies: formation, galaxies: evolution, galaxies: active, galaxies: interactions, techniques: high angular resolution
2016 The Authors Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of the Royal Astronomical Society
The galaxy counterpart of the high-metallicity and 16 kpc impact parameter DLA towards Q 0918+1636 - a challenge to galaxy formation models?
Sommer-Larsen, J.; Fynbo, J. P. U.Keywords: galaxies: formation, galaxies: high-redshift, galaxies: ISM, quasars: absorption lines, cosmology: observations, cosmology: theory
2016 The Authors Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of the Royal Astronomical Society
The Hubble Space Telescope UV Legacy Survey of Galactic Globular Clusters. IX. The Atlas of Multiple Stellar Populations.
Milone, A. P.; Piotto, G.; Renzini, A.; Marino, A. F.; Bedin, L. R.; Vesperini, E.; D'Antona, F.; Nardiello, D.; Anderson, J.; King, I. R.; Yong, D.; Bellini, A.; Aparicio, A.; Barbuy, B.; Brown, T. M.; Cassisi, S.; Ortolani, S.; Salaris, M.; Sarajedini, A.; van der Marel, R. P.Keywords: globular clusters: general, stars: population II, stars: abundances, techniques: photometry
2016 The Authors Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of the Royal Astronomical Society
Discovery of a high state AM CVn binary in the Galactic Bulge Survey
Wevers, T.; Torres, M. A. P.; Jonker, P. G.; Wetuski, J. D.; Nelemans, G.; Steeghs, D.; Maccarone, T. J.; Heinke, C.; Hynes, R. I.; Udalski, A.; Kostrzewa-Rutkowska, Z.; Groot, P. J.; Gazer, R.; Szymański, M. K.; Britt, C. T.; Wyrzykowski, Ł.; Poleski, R.Keywords: accretion, accretion discs, binaries: close, stars: evolution, white dwarfs, X-rays: binaries, CXOGBS J175107.6-294037
2016 The Authors Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of the Royal Astronomical Society
An accretion disc-irradiation hybrid model for the optical/UV variability in radio-quiet quasars
Liu, Hui; Li, Shuang-Liang; Gu, Minfeng; Guo, HengxiaoKeywords: accretion, accretion discs, galaxies: active, quasars: general, X-rays: general
2016 The Authors Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of the Royal Astronomical Society
Mapping the low-surface brightness Universe in the UV band with Lyα emission from IGM filaments
Silva, Marta B.; Kooistra, Robin; Zaroubi, SaleemKeywords: galaxies: general, intergalactic medium, cosmology: theory, diffuse radiation, large scale structure of universe, ultraviolet: general
2016 The Authors Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of the Royal Astronomical Society
The Herschel-ATLAS Data Release 1 - II. Multi-wavelength counterparts to submillimetre sources
Bourne, N.; Dunne, L.; Maddox, S. J.; Dye, S.; Furlanetto, C.; Hoyos, C.; Smith, D. J. B.; Eales, S.; Smith, M. W. L.; Valiante, E.; Alpaslan, M.; Andrae, E.; Baldry, I. K.; Cluver, M. E.; Cooray, A.; Driver, S. P.; Dunlop, J. S.; Grootes, M. W.; Ivison, R. J.; Jarrett, T. H.; Liske, J.; Madore, B. F.; Popescu, C. C.; Robotham, A. G.; Rowlands, K.; Seibert, M.; Thompson, M. A.; Tuffs, R. J.; Viaene, S.; Wright, A. H.Keywords: methods: statistical, catalogues, submillimetre: galaxies, submillimetre: stars
2016 The Authors Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of the Royal Astronomical Society
Peak of spectral energy distribution plays an important role in intra-day variability of blazars?
Gupta, Alok C.; Kalita, Nibedita; Gaur, Haritma; Duorah, KalpanaKeywords: galaxies: active, BL Lacertae objects: general, BL Lacertae objects: individual, galaxies: jets, quasars: general
2016 The Authors Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of the Royal Astronomical Society
Modelling reionization in a bursty universe
Hartley, Blake; Ricotti, MassimoKeywords: cosmology: theory, dark ages, reionization, first stars, early Universe
2016 The Authors Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of the Royal Astronomical Society
NLTE carbon abundance determination in selected A- and B-type stars and the interpretation of C I emission lines
Alexeeva, S. A.; Ryabchikova, T. A.; Mashonkina, L. I.Keywords: line: formation, stars: abundances
2016 The Authors Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of the Royal Astronomical Society
Far-infrared and dust properties of present-day galaxies in the EAGLE simulations
Camps, Peter; Trayford, James W.; Baes, Maarten; Theuns, Tom; Schaller, Matthieu; Schaye, JoopKeywords: radiative transfer, methods: numerical, dust, extinction, galaxies: formation, infrared: ISM
2016 The Authors Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of the Royal Astronomical Society
Dark-ages reionization and galaxy formation simulation V: morphology and statistical signatures of reionization
Geil, Paul M.; Mutch, Simon J.; Poole, Gregory B.; Angel, Paul W.; Duffy, Alan R.; Mesinger, Andrei; Wyithe, J. Stuart B.Keywords: galaxies: high-redshift, intergalactic medium, dark ages, reionization, first stars
2016 The Authors Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of the Royal Astronomical Society
Dark-ages reionization and galaxy formation simulation - IV. UV luminosity functions of high-redshift galaxies
Liu, Chuanwu; Mutch, Simon J.; Angel, P. W.; Duffy, Alan R.; Geil, Paul M.; Poole, Gregory B.; Mesinger, Andrei; Wyithe, J. Stuart B.Keywords: galaxies: evolution, galaxies: formation, galaxies: high-redshift, galaxies: luminosity function, mass function
2016 The Authors Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of the Royal Astronomical Society
[O III] emission line as a tracer of star-forming galaxies at high redshifts: comparison between Hα and [O III] emitters at z=2.23 in HiZELS
Suzuki, T. L.; Kodama, T.; Sobral, D.; Khostovan, A. A.; Hayashi, M.; Shimakawa, R.; Koyama, Y.; Tadaki, K.-i.; Tanaka, I.; Minowa, Y.; Yamamoto, M.; Smail, I.; Best, P. N.Keywords: galaxies: evolution, galaxies: high-redshift
2016 The Authors Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of the Royal Astronomical Society
XSHOOTER spectroscopy of the enigmatic planetary nebula Lin49 in the Small Magellanic Cloud
Otsuka, Masaaki; Kemper, F.; Leal-Ferreira, M. L.; Aleman, I.; Bernard-Salas, J.; Cami, J.; Ochsendorf, B. B.; Peeters, E.; Scicluna, P.Keywords: ISM: abundances, dust, extinction, planetary nebulae: individual: Lin49
2016 The Authors Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of the Royal Astronomical Society
Swift observations of the 2015 outburst of AG Peg - from slow nova to classical symbiotic outburst
Ramsay, Gavin; Sokoloski, J. L.; Luna, G. J. M.; Nuñez, N. E.Keywords: accretion, accretion discs, instabilities, binaries: symbiotic, stars: individual: AG Peg
2016 The Authors Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of the Royal Astronomical Society
Nebular line emission from z > 7 galaxies in a cosmological simulation: rest-frame UV to optical lines
Shimizu, Ikkoh; Inoue, Akio K.; Okamoto, Takashi; Yoshida, NaokiKeywords: galaxies: evolution, galaxies: formation, galaxies: high-redshift, galaxies: luminosity function, mass function, cosmology: observations
2016 The Authors Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of the Royal Astronomical Society
Ion processing of ices and the origin of SO2 and O3 on the icy surfaces of the icy jovian satellites
Boduch, P.; Brunetto, R.; Ding, J. J.; Domaracka, A.; Kaňuchová, Z.; Palumbo, M. E.; Rothard, H.; Strazzulla, G.Keywords: Jupiter, satellites, Ices, UV spectroscopy, Astrobiology
(c) 2016 Elsevier Inc.
Influence of mineralogy on the preservation of amino acids under simulated Mars conditions
dos Santos, Renato; Patel, Manish; Cuadros, Javier; Martins, ZitaKeywords: Mars, Mineralogy, Solar radiation
(c) 2016 The Authors
The thin and medium filters of the EPIC camera on-board XMM-Newton: measured performance after more than 15 years of operation
Barbera, Marco; Gastaldello, Fabio; Sciortino, Luisa; Agnello, Simonpietro; Buscarino, Gianpiero; Collura, Alfonso; La Palombara, Nicola; Cicero, Ugo Lo; Sartore, Nicola; Tiengo, Andrea; Varisco, Salvatore; Venezia, Anna MariaKeywords: X-rays: XMM-Newton, X-rays: instrumentation, X-rays: filters
(c) 2016: Springer Science+Business Media Dordrecht
Microbial Diversity of Impact-Generated Habitats
Pontefract, Alexandra; Osinski, Gordon R.; Cockell, Charles S.; Southam, Gordon; McCausland, Phil J. A.; Umoh, Joseph; Holdsworth, David W.Keywords: Microbial diversity, Endoliths, Impact melt, rocks, Mars, Astrobiology.
Carbon Monoxide and the Potential for Prebiotic Chemistry on Habitable Planets around Main Sequence M Stars
Nava-Sedeño, J. Manik; Ortiz-Cervantes, Adrian; Segura, Antígona; Domagal-Goldman, Shawn D.Keywords: Prebiotic chemistry, M dwarfs, Habitable planets, Cosmic rays, Lightning, Stellar activity.
Lyα Emitter Galaxies at z∼ 2.8 in the Extended Chandra Deep Field South. I. Tracing the Large-scale Structure via Lyα Imaging
Zheng, Zhen-Ya; Malhotra, Sangeeta; Rhoads, James E.; Finkelstein, Steven L.; Wang, Jun-Xian; Jiang, Chun-Yan; Cai, ZhengKeywords: galaxies: evolution, galaxies: high-redshift, galaxies: luminosity function, galaxies: structure, mass function
Non-LTE Inversions of the Mg II h & k and UV Triplet Lines
de la Cruz Rodríguez, Jaime; Leenaarts, Jorrit; Asensio Ramos, AndrésKeywords: Sun: atmosphere, Sun: chromosphere, polarization, radiative transfer
The Spatial Distribution of Complex Organic Molecules in the L1544 Pre-stellar Core
Jiménez-Serra, Izaskun; Vasyunin, Anton I.; Caselli, Paola; Marcelino, Nuria; Billot, Nicolas; Viti, Serena; Testi, Leonardo; Vastel, Charlotte; Lefloch, Bertrand; Bachiller, RafaelKeywords: astrochemistry, ISM: individual objects: L1544, ISM: molecules, stars: formation
Semi-empirical Modeling of the Photosphere, Chromosphere, Transition Region, and Corona of the M-dwarf Host Star GJ 832
Fontenla, J. M.; Linsky, Jeffrey L.; Witbrod, Jesse; France, Kevin; Buccino, A.; Mauas, Pablo; Vieytes, Mariela; Walkowicz, Lucianne M.Keywords: planet–star interactions, stars: chromospheres, stars: coronae, stars: individual: GJ 832, stars: late-type, ultraviolet: stars
Slipping Magnetic Reconnection of Flux-rope Structures as a Precursor to an Eruptive X-class Solar Flare
Li, Ting; Yang, Kai; Hou, Yijun; Zhang, JunKeywords: magnetic reconnection, Sun: flares, Sun: transition region, Sun: UV radiation
Formation and Evolution of Blue Stragglers in 47 Tucanae
Parada, Javiera; Richer, Harvey; Heyl, Jeremy; Kalirai, Jason; Goldsbury, RyanKeywords: blue stragglers, globular clusters: individual: 47 Tucanae, Hertzsprung–Russell and C–M diagrams, stars: evolution, stars: kinematics and dynamics
The Orion HII Region and the Orion Bar in the Mid-infrared
Salgado, F.; Berné, O.; Adams, J. D.; Herter, T. L.; Keller, L. D.; Tielens, A. G. G. M.Keywords: dust, extinction, HII regions, infrared: ISM, ISM: individual objects: M42
A Study of Ro-vibrational OH Emission from Herbig Ae/Be Stars
Brittain, Sean D.; Najita, Joan R.; Carr, John S.; Ádámkovics, Máté; Reynolds, NickalasKeywords: circumstellar matter, line: profiles, molecular processes, protoplanetary disks
Quasi-periodic Fluctuations and Chromospheric Evaporation in a Solar Flare Ribbon Observed by Hinode/EIS, IRIS, and RHESSI
Brosius, Jeffrey W.; Daw, Adrian N.; Inglis, Andrew R.Keywords: Sun: activity, Sun: chromosphere, Sun: flares, Sun: oscillations, Sun: UV radiation, Sun: X-rays, gamma-rays
The Bright End of the z ∼ 9 and z ∼ 10 UV Luminosity Functions Using All Five CANDELS Fields*
Bouwens, R. J.; Oesch, P. A.; Labbé, I.; Illingworth, G. D.; Fazio, G. G.; Coe, D.; Holwerda, B.; Smit, R.; Stefanon, M.; van Dokkum, P. G.; Trenti, M.; Ashby, M. L. N.; Huang, J.-S.; Spitler, L.; Straatman, C.; Bradley, L.; Magee, D.Keywords: galaxies: formation, galaxies: high-redshift
Determination of Coronal Mass Ejection Physical Parameters from a Combination of Polarized Visible Light and UV Lyα Observations
Susino, R.; Bemporad, A.Keywords: Sun: corona, Sun: coronal mass ejections: CMEs, Sun: UV radiation
Probing the Interstellar Medium and Star Formation of the Most Luminous Quasar at z = 6.3
Wang, Ran; Wu, Xue-Bing; Neri, Roberto; Fan, Xiaohui; Walter, Fabian; Carilli, Chris L.; Momjian, Emmanuel; Bertoldi, Frank; Strauss, Michael A.; Li, Qiong; Wang, Feige; Riechers, Dominik A.; Jiang, Linhua; Omont, Alain; Wagg, Jeff; Cox, PierreKeywords: galaxies: evolution, galaxies: high-redshift, galaxies: starburst, quasars: individual: SDSS J010013.02+280225.8
A High Fraction of Lyα Emitters among Galaxies with Extreme Emission Line Ratios at z ~2
Erb, Dawn K.; Pettini, Max; Steidel, Charles C.; Strom, Allison L.; Rudie, Gwen C.; Trainor, Ryan F.; Shapley, Alice E.; Reddy, Naveen A.Keywords: galaxies: evolution, galaxies: formation, galaxies: high-redshift
Compact Galactic Planetary Nebulae: An HST/WFC3 Morphological Catalog, and a Study of Their Role in the Galaxy
Stanghellini, Letizia; Shaw, Richard A.; Villaver, EvaKeywords: planetary nebulae: general, stars: evolution
Relationship of EUV Irradiance Coronal Dimming Slope and Depth to Coronal Mass Ejection Speed and Mass
Mason, James Paul; Woods, Thomas N.; Webb, David F.; Thompson, Barbara J.; Colaninno, Robin C.; Vourlidas, AngelosKeywords: methods: data analysis, Sun: activity, Sun: corona, Sun: coronal mass ejections: CMEs, Sun: flares, Sun: UV radiation
Analysis of Co-spatial UV-optical HST/STIS Spectra of Planetary Nebula NGC 3242
Miller, Timothy R.; Henry, Richard B. C.; Balick, Bruce; Kwitter, Karen B.; Dufour, Reginald J.; Shaw, Richard A.; Corradi, Romano L. M.Keywords: galaxies: abundances, ISM: abundances, planetary nebulae: general, planetary nebulae: individual: NGC 3242, stars: evolution, stars: fundamental parameters
MOST Observations of Our Nearest Neighbor: Flares on Proxima Centauri
Davenport, James R. A.; Kipping, David M.; Sasselov, Dimitar; Matthews, Jaymie M.; Cameron, ChrisKeywords: stars: flare, stars: individual: Proxima Cen, stars: low-mass
Narrow-line-width UV Bursts in the Transition Region above Sunspots Observed by IRIS
Hou, Zhenyong; Huang, Zhenghua; Xia, Lidong; Li, Bo; Madjarska, Maria S.; Fu, Hui; Mou, Chaozhou; Xie, HaixiaKeywords: line: profiles, methods: observational, Sun: atmosphere, Sun: transition region, sunspots
Multiple Populations in the Old and Massive Small Magellanic Cloud Globular Cluster NGC 121
Dalessandro, E.; Lapenna, E.; Mucciarelli, A.; Origlia, L.; Ferraro, F. R.; Lanzoni, B.Keywords: globular clusters: individual: NGC 121, Hertzsprung–Russell and C–M diagrams, Magellanic Clouds, stars: abundances, techniques: photometric, techniques: spectroscopic
Panchromatic Imaging of a Transitional Disk: The Disk of GM Aur in Optical and FUV Scattered Light
Hornbeck, J. B.; Swearingen, J. R.; Grady, C. A.; Williger, G. M.; Brown, A.; Sitko, M. L.; Wisniewski, J. P.; Perrin, M. D.; Lauroesch, J. T.; Schneider, G.; Apai, D.; Brittain, S.; Brown, J. M.; Champney, E. H.; Hamaguchi, K.; Henning, Th.; Lynch, D. K.; Petre, R.; Russell, R. W.; Walter, F. M.; Woodgate, B.Keywords: circumstellar matter, protoplanetary disks, stars: individual: GM Aur, stars: protostars, stars: variables: T Tauri, Herbig Ae/Be, ultraviolet: planetary systems
The Kinematics of C iv in Star-forming Galaxies at z ≈ 1.2
Du, Xinnan; Shapley, Alice E.; Martin, Crystal L.; Coil, Alison L.Keywords: galaxies: evolution, ISM: structure, ultraviolet: galaxies
X-Raying the Dark Side of Venus—Scatter from Venus’ Magnetotail?
Afshari, M.; Peres, G.; Jibben, P. R.; Petralia, A.; Reale, F.; Weber, M.Keywords: planets and satellites: atmospheres, planets and satellites: individual: Venus, planets and satellites: terrestrial planets, Sun: UV radiation, Sun: X-rays, gamma rays
Interpreting Flux from Broadband Photometry
Brown, Peter J.; Breeveld, Alice; Roming, Peter W. A.; Siegel, MichaelKeywords: instrumentation: photometers, methods: data analysis, methods: observational, standards, supernovae: general, techniques: photometric
Soft X-ray absorption excess in gamma-ray burst afterglow spectra: Absorption by turbulent ISM
Tanga, M.; Schady, P.; Gatto, A.; Greiner, J.; Krause, M. G. H.; Diehl, R.; Savaglio, S.; Walch, S.Keywords: gamma-ray burst: general, X-rays: ISM, ultraviolet: ISM, galaxies: irregular
ALMA's view of the nearest neighbors to the Sun. The submm/mm SEDs of the α Centauri binary and a new source
Liseau, R.; De la Luz, V.; O'Gorman, E.; Bertone, E.; Chavez, M.; Tapia, F.Keywords: stars: chromospheres, stars: solar-type, binaries: general, stars: individual: αCentauri AB, submillimeter: stars, radio continuum: stars
The cause of spatial structure in solar He i 1083 nm multiplet images
Leenaarts, Jorrit; Golding, Thomas; Carlsson, Mats; Libbrecht, Tine; Joshi, JayantKeywords: Sun: atmosphere, Sun: chromosphere, radiative transfer
The mass of the black hole in RE J1034+396
Czerny, B.; You, B.; Kurcz, A.; Średzińska, J.; Hryniewicz, K.; Nikołajuk, M.; Krupa, M.; Wang, J.-M.; Hu, C.; Życki, P. T.Keywords: accretion, accretion disks, galaxies: active, quasars: individual: RE J1034+396
Impacts of fragmented accretion streams onto classical T Tauri stars: UV and X-ray emission lines
Colombo, S.; Orlando, S.; Peres, G.; Argiroffi, C.; Reale, F.Keywords: accretion, accretion disks, magnetohydrodynamics (MHD), stars: pre-main sequence, shock waves, X-rays: stars, ultraviolet: stars
XQ-100: A legacy survey of one hundred 3.5 ≲ z ≲ 4.5 quasars observed with VLT/X-shooter
López, S.; D'Odorico, V.; Ellison, S. L.; Becker, G. D.; Christensen, L.; Cupani, G.; Denney, K. D.; Pâris, I.; Worseck, G.; Berg, T. A. M.; Cristiani, S.; Dessauges-Zavadsky, M.; Haehnelt, M.; Hamann, F.; Hennawi, J.; Iršič, V.; Kim, T.-S.; López, P.; Lund Saust, R.; Ménard, B.; Perrotta, S.; Prochaska, J. X.; Sánchez-Ramírez, R.; Vestergaard, M.; Viel, M.; Wisotzki, L.Keywords: surveys, quasars: general
Density diagnostics derived from the O iv and S iv intercombination lines observed by IRIS
Polito, V.; Del Zanna, G.; Dudík, J.; Mason, H. E.; Giunta, A.; Reeves, K. K.Keywords: Sun: transition region, Sun: UV radiation, techniques: spectroscopic, atomic data
Multiple short-lived stellar prominences on O stars: The O6.5I(n)fp star λ Cephei
Sudnik, N. P.; Henrichs, H. F.Keywords: stars: early-type, stars: individual: λCephei, stars: magnetic field, stars: winds, outflows, stars: rotation
Evolution of active region outflows throughout an active region lifetime
Zangrilli, L.; Poletto, G.Keywords: solar wind, Sun: UV radiation, Sun: activity
The red dwarf pair GJ65 AB: inflated, spinning twins of Proxima. Fundamental parameters from PIONIER, NACO, and UVES observations
Kervella, P.; Mérand, A.; Ledoux, C.; Demory, B.-O.; Le Bouquin, J.-B.Keywords: stars: individual: GJ65, stars: fundamental parameters, stars: late-type, techniques: high angular resolution, techniques: interferometric, stars: low-mass
GMRT HI study of giant low surface brightness galaxies
Mishra, Alka; Kantharia, N. G.; Das, M.; Omar, A.; Srivastava, D. C.Keywords: galaxies: spiral, galaxies: evolution -radio lines: galaxies, techniques: interferometric
2016 The Authors Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of the Royal Astronomical Society
A photometrically and spectroscopically confirmed population of passive spiral galaxies
Fraser-McKelvie, Amelia; Brown, Michael J. I.; Pimbblet, Kevin A.; Dolley, Tim; Crossett, Jacob P.; Bonne, Nicolas J.Keywords: galaxies: evolution, galaxies: general, galaxies: spiral, galaxies: stellar content
2016 The Authors Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of the Royal Astronomical Society
Modelling the nebular emission from primeval to present-day star-forming galaxies
Gutkin, Julia; Charlot, Stéphane; Bruzual, GustavoKeywords: galaxies: abundances, galaxies: general, galaxies: high-redshift, galaxies: ISM
2016 The Authors Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of the Royal Astronomical Society
Estimating sizes of faint, distant galaxies in the submillimetre regime
Lindroos, L.; Knudsen, K. K.; Fan, L.; Conway, J.; Coppin, K.; Decarli, R.; Drouart, G.; Hodge, J. A.; Karim, A.; Simpson, J. M.; Wardlow, J.Keywords: techniques: interferometric, galaxies: high-redshift, galaxies: structure, sub-millimetre: galaxies
2016 The Authors Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of the Royal Astronomical Society
X-ray twinkles and Population III stars
Ricotti, MassimoKeywords: stars: Population III, supernovae: general, early Universe, X-rays: general
2016 The Author Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of the Royal Astronomical Society
The multifaceted Type II-L supernova 2014G from pre-maximum to nebular phase
Terreran, G.; Jerkstrand, A.; Benetti, S.; Smartt, S. J.; Ochner, P.; Tomasella, L.; Howell, D. A.; Morales-Garoffolo, A.; Harutyunyan, A.; Kankare, E.; Arcavi, I.; Cappellaro, E.; Elias-Rosa, N.; Hosseinzadeh, G.; Kangas, T.; Pastorello, A.; Tartaglia, L.; Turatto, M.; Valenti, S.; Wiggins, P.; Yuan, F.Keywords: supernovae: general
2016 The Authors Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of the Royal Astronomical Society
Hα imaging survey of Wolf-Rayet galaxies: morphologies and star formation rates
Jaiswal, S.; Omar, A.Keywords: galaxies: interaction, galaxies: starburst, galaxies: individual Wolf-Rayet, galaxies: star formation, galaxies: photometry
2016 The Authors Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of the Royal Astronomical Society
Prompt Radiation and Mass Outflows from the Stream–Stream Collisions of Tidal Disruption Events
Jiang, Yan-Fei; Guillochon, James; Loeb, AbrahamKeywords: hydrodynamics, methods: numerical, quasars: supermassive black holes, radiative transfer
The Extreme Ultraviolet Variability of Quasars
Punsly, Brian; Marziani, Paola; Zhang, Shaohua; Muzahid, Sowgat; O’Dea, Christopher P.Keywords: accretion, accretion disks, black hole physics, galaxies: active, galaxies: jets, magnetohydrodynamics: MHD
Projection Effects in Coronal Dimmings and Associated EUV Wave Event
Dissauer, K.; Temmer, M.; Veronig, A. M.; Vanninathan, K.; Magdalenić, J.Keywords: Sun: activity, Sun: corona, Sun: coronal mass ejections: CMEs, Sun: flares
AMiBA: Cluster Sunyaev-Zel’dovich Effect Observations with the Expanded 13-element Array
Lin, Kai-Yang; Nishioka, Hiroaki; Wang, Fu-Cheng; Locutus Huang, Chih-Wei; Liao, Yu-Wei; Proty Wu, Jiun-Huei; Koch, Patrick M.; Umetsu, Keiichi; Chen, Ming-Tang; Chan, Shun-Hsiang; Chang, Shu-Hao; Lucky Chang, Wen-Hsuan; Cheng, Tai-An; Duy, Hoang Ngoc; Fu, Szu-Yuan; Han, Chih-Chiang; Ho, Solomon; Ho, Ming-Feng; Ho, Paul T. P.; Huang, Yau-De; Jiang, Homin; Kubo, Derek Y.; Li, Chao-Te; Lin, Yu-Chiung; Liu, Guo-Chin; Martin-Cocher, Pierre; Molnar, Sandor M.; Nunez, Emmanuel; Oshiro, Peter; Pai, Shang-Ping; Raffin, Philippe; Ridenour, Anthony; Shih, Chia-You; Stoebner, Sara; Teo, Giap-Siong; Yeh, Jia-Long Johnny; Williams, Joshua; Birkinshaw, MarkKeywords: cosmic background radiation, galaxies: clusters: general, instrumentation: interferometers
The Covering Factor of Warm Dust in Weak Emission-line Active Galactic Nuclei
Zhang, Xudong; Liu, YuanKeywords: galaxies: active, infrared: galaxies, quasars: emission lines
The FourStar Galaxy Evolution Survey (ZFOURGE): Ultraviolet to Far-infrared Catalogs, Medium-bandwidth Photometric Redshifts with Improved Accuracy, Stellar Masses, and Confirmation of Quiescent Galaxies to z ∼ 3.5
Straatman, Caroline M. S.; Spitler, Lee R.; Quadri, Ryan F.; Labbé, Ivo; Glazebrook, Karl; Persson, S. Eric; Papovich, Casey; Tran, Kim-Vy H.; Brammer, Gabriel B.; Cowley, Michael; Tomczak, Adam; Nanayakkara, Themiya; Alcorn, Leo; Allen, Rebecca; Broussard, Adam; van Dokkum, Pieter; Forrest, Ben; van Houdt, Josha; Kacprzak, Glenn G.; Kawinwanichakij, Lalitwadee; Kelson, Daniel D.; Lee, Janice; McCarthy, Patrick J.; Mehrtens, Nicola; Monson, Andrew; Murphy, David; Rees, Glen; Tilvi, Vithal; Whitaker, Katherine E.Keywords: cosmology: observations, galaxies: evolution, galaxies: high-redshift, infrared: galaxies
3D MHD modeling of twisted coronal loops
Reale, F.; Orlando, S.; Guarrasi, M.; Mignone, A.; Peres, G.; Hood, A. W.; Priest, E. R.Keywords: Sun: activity, Sun: corona
Host-galaxy Properties of 32 Low-redshift Superluminous Supernovae from the Palomar Transient Factory
Perley, D. A.; Quimby, R. M.; Yan, L.; Vreeswijk, P. M.; De Cia, A.; Lunnan, R.; Gal-Yam, A.; Yaron, O.; Filippenko, A. V.; Graham, M. L.; Laher, R.; Nugent, P. E.Keywords: galaxies: abundances, galaxies: dwarf, galaxies: photometry, supernovae: general
The Intermediate Luminosity Optical Transient SN 2010da: The Progenitor, Eruption, and Aftermath of a Peculiar Supergiant High-mass X-Ray Binary
Villar, V. A.; Berger, E.; Chornock, R.; Margutti, R.; Laskar, T.; Brown, P. J.; Blanchard, P. K.; Czekala, I.; Lunnan, R.; Reynolds, M. T.Keywords: stars: mass-loss, supernovae: individual: SN 2010da, X-rays: binaries
Oscillation of Current Sheets in the Wake of a Flux Rope Eruption Observed by the Solar Dynamics Observatory
Li, L. P.; Zhang, J.; Su, J. T.; Liu, Y.Keywords: magnetic reconnection, Sun: corona, Sun: coronal mass ejections: CMEs, Sun: flares, Sun: oscillations
Numerical Simulations of Turbulent Molecular Clouds Regulated by Radiation Feedback Forces. I. Star Formation Rate and Efficiency
Raskutti, Sudhir; Ostriker, Eve C.; Skinner, M. AaronKeywords: hydrodynamics, ISM: clouds, methods: numerical, radiative transfer, stars: formation
Probing for Evidence of Plumes on Europa with HST/STIS
Sparks, W. B.; Hand, K. P.; McGrath, M. A.; Bergeron, E.; Cracraft, M.; Deustua, S. E.Keywords: planets and satellites: general
Hubble Space Telescope Constraints on the Winds and Astrospheres of Red Giant Stars
Wood, Brian E.; Müller, Hans-Reinhard; Harper, Graham M.Keywords: stars: chromospheres, stars: late-type, stars: winds, outflows, ultraviolet: stars
On the Composition of Young, Directly Imaged Giant Planets
Moses, J. I.; Marley, M. S.; Zahnle, K.; Line, M. R.; Fortney, J. J.; Barman, T. S.; Visscher, C.; Lewis, N. K.; Wolff, M. J.Keywords: planetary systems, planets and satellites: atmospheres, planets and satellites: composition, planets and satellites: gaseous planets, planets and satellites: individual: 51 Eri b, HR 8799 b
Predictions of the Atmospheric Composition of GJ 1132b
Schaefer, Laura; Wordsworth, Robin D.; Berta-Thompson, Zachory; Sasselov, DimitarKeywords: planet–star interactions, planets and satellites: atmospheres, planets and satellites: composition, planets and satellites: individual: GJ 1132b
A High-resolution Multiband Survey of Westerlund 2 with the Hubble Space Telescope. II. Mass Accretion in the Pre-main-sequence Population
Zeidler, Peter; Grebel, Eva K.; Nota, Antonella; Sabbi, Elena; Pasquali, Anna; Tosi, Monica; Bonanos, Alceste Z.; Christian, CarolKeywords: accretion, accretion disks, H ii regions, infrared: stars, open clusters and associations: individual: Westerlund 2, stars: pre-main sequence, techniques: photometric
Hot methanol from the inner region of the HH 212 protostellar system
Leurini, S.; Codella, C.; Cabrit, S.; Gueth, F.; Giannetti, A.; Bacciotti, F.; Bachiller, R.; Ceccarelli, C.; Gusdorf, A.; Lefloch, B.; Podio, L.; Tafalla, M.Keywords: stars: formation, ISM: jets and outflows, ISM: molecules, ISM: individual objects: HH 212
Abnormal oscillation modes in a waning light bridge
Yuan, Ding; Walsh, Robert W.Keywords: Sun: atmosphere, Sun: corona, Sun: oscillations, sunspots
Observation of quasi-periodic solar radio bursts associated with propagating fast-mode waves
Goddard, C. R.; Nisticò, G.; Nakariakov, V. M.; Zimovets, I. V.; White, S. M.Keywords: Sun: corona, Sun: oscillations, Sun: radio radiation, Sun: coronal mass ejections (CMEs), methods: observational