Bibliography : Astronomy and Astrophysics
Mar 2017 - 74 Abstracts found
Giant Metrewave Radio Telescope detection of associated H I 21-cm absorption at z = 1.2230 towards TXS 1954+513
Aditya, J. N. H. S.Keywords: galaxies: active
2016 The Authors Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of the Royal Astronomical Society
The properties of 'dark' ΛCDM haloes in the Local Group
Benítez-Llambay, AlejandroKeywords: galaxies: haloes
2016 The Authors Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of the Royal Astronomical Society
The production and escape of Lyman-Continuum radiation from star-forming galaxies at z ∼ 2 and their redshift evolution
Matthee, JorrytKeywords: galaxies: evolution
2016 The Authors Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of the Royal Astronomical Society
Large-scale opacity fluctuations in the Lyα forest: evidence for QSOs dominating the ionizing UV background at z ∼ 5.5-6?
Chardin, JonathanKeywords: methods: numerical
2016 The Authors Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of the Royal Astronomical Society
X-rays across the galaxy population - I. Tracing the main sequence of star formation
Aird, J.Keywords: galaxies: evolution
2016 The Authors Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of the Royal Astronomical Society
Dark-ages reionization and galaxy-formation simulation - VII. The sizes of high-redshift galaxies
Liu, ChuanwuKeywords: galaxies: evolution
2016 The Authors Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of the Royal Astronomical Society
The structural and size evolution of star-forming galaxies over the last 11 Gyr
Paulino-Afonso, AnaKeywords: galaxies: evolution
2016 The Authors Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of the Royal Astronomical Society
Ionization and feedback in Lyα haloes around two radio galaxies at z ∼ 2.5
Morais, S. G.Keywords: galaxies: active
2016 The Authors Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of the Royal Astronomical Society
Porosity effects on crystallization kinetics of amorphous solid water: Implications for cold icy objects in the outer solar system
Mitchell, Emily H.Keywords: Ices
(c) 2017 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
Statistical study of Saturn's auroral electron properties with Cassini/UVIS FUV spectral images
Gustin, J.Keywords: Aurorae
(c) 2017 Elsevier Inc.
Radiative energy balance of Venus: An approach to parameterize thermal cooling and solar heating rates
Haus, R.Keywords: Venus
(c) 2017 Elsevier Inc.
Aerogel volatiles concentrator and analyzer (AVCA) - Collection and concentration of trace volatile organics in aerogel for spectroscopic detection
Tsapin, A.Keywords: Aerogel
(c) 2017 Elsevier Inc.
Survival and DNA Damage in Plant Seeds Exposed for 558 and 682 Days outside the International Space Station
Tepfer, DavidKeywords: UV lightâFlavonoidsâSinapateâDNA degradationâArabidopsisâTobaccoâSeedsâSpaceâInternational Space StationâEXPOSE
Constraints on the Early Terrestrial Surface UV Environment Relevant to Prebiotic Chemistry
Ranjan, SukritKeywords: Radiative transferâOrigin of lifeâPlanetary environmentsâUV radiationâPrebiotic chemistry.
Brightness of Solar Magnetic Elements As a Function of Magnetic Flux at High Spatial Resolution
Kahil, F.Keywords: Sun: magnetic fields
The Second Flight of the Sunrise Balloon-borne Solar Observatory: Overview of Instrument Updates, the Flight, the Data, and First Results
Solanki, S. K.Keywords: Sun: chromosphere
Discovery of Extreme [O iii]+Hβ Emitting Galaxies Tracing an Overdensity at z ∼ 3.5 in CDF-South
Forrest, BenKeywords: galaxies: evolution
Gradual Solar Coronal Dimming and Evolution of Coronal Mass Ejection in the Early Phase
Qiu, JiongKeywords: magnetic reconnection
The Secret Lives of Cepheids: δ Cep—The Prototype of a New Class of Pulsating X-Ray Variable Stars
Engle, Scott G.Keywords: stars: activity
C iii] Emission in Star-forming Galaxies at z ˜ 1
Du, XinnanKeywords: galaxies: evolution
The Warm Circumgalactic Medium: 105-6 K Gas Associated with a Single Galaxy Halo or with an Entire Group of Galaxies?
Stocke, John T.Keywords: galaxies: groups: general
UVUDF: UV Luminosity Functions at the Cosmic High Noon
Mehta, VihangKeywords: galaxies: evolution
Plasma Brightenings in a Failed Solar Filament Eruption
Li, Y.Keywords: magnetic fields
Lyα and UV Sizes of Green Pea Galaxies
Yang, HuanKeywords: galaxies: dwarf
Optical/UV-to-X-Ray Echoes from the Tidal Disruption Flare ASASSN-14li
Pasham, Dheeraj R.Keywords: accretion
High Lyman Continuum Escape Fraction in a Lensed Young Compact Dwarf Galaxy at z = 2.5
Bian, FuyanKeywords: cosmology: observations
Gamma-Ray Blazars within the First 2 Billion Years
Ackermann, M.Keywords: galaxies: active
The Diversity of Diffuse Lyα Nebulae around Star-forming Galaxies at High Redshift
Xue, RuiKeywords: cosmology: observations
The COS-Halos Survey: Metallicities in the Low-redshift Circumgalactic Medium
Prochaska, J. XavierKeywords: galaxies: halos
The Mass, Color, and Structural Evolution of Today’s Massive Galaxies Since z ˜ 5
Hill, Allison R.Keywords: galaxies: evolution
A Submillimeter Perspective on the GOODS Fields (SUPER GOODS). I. An Ultradeep SCUBA-2 Survey of the GOODS-N
Cowie, L. L.Keywords: galaxies: high-redshift
Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbon Emission in Spitzer/IRS Maps. II. A Direct Link between Band Profiles and the Radiation Field Strength
Stock, D. J.Keywords: dust
The Grism Lens-Amplified Survey from Space (GLASS). VIII. The Influence of the Cluster Properties on Hα Emitter Galaxies at 0.3 < z < 0.7
Vulcani, BenedettaKeywords: galaxies: clusters: general
The ISLAndS Project. II. The Lifetime Star Formation Histories of Six Andomeda dSphS
Skillman, Evan D.Keywords: galaxies: dwarf
The Optical/UV Excess of X-Ray-dim Isolated Neutron Stars. I. Bremsstrahlung Emission from a Strangeon Star Atmosphere
Wang, WeiyangKeywords: elementary particles
Evolution of Morphological and Physical Properties of Laboratory Interstellar Organic Residues with Ultraviolet Irradiation
Piani, L.Keywords: astrochemistry
The Production of Cold Gas Within Galaxy Outflows
Scannapieco, EvanKeywords: galaxies: evolution
A Closer Look at the Alpha Persei Coronal Conundrum
Ayres, Thomas R.Keywords: stars: individual: HD 20902 & α Per
Central Engine and Host Galaxy of RXJ 1301.9+2747: A Multiwavelength View of a Low-mass Black Hole Active Galactic Nuclei with Ultra-soft X-Ray Emission
Shu, X. W.Keywords: galaxies: active
Hubble Space Telescope Ultraviolet Light Curves Reveal Interesting Properties of CC Sculptoris and RZ Leonis
Szkody, PaulaKeywords: novae
The Appearance of Non-Spherical Systems. Application to LMXB
Różańska, A.Keywords: Accretion
The puzzling case of the radio-loud QSO 3C 186: a gravitational wave recoiling black hole in a young radio source?
Chiaberge, M.Keywords: galaxies: active
Spiral arms and disc stability in the Andromeda galaxy
Tenjes, P.Keywords: galaxies: structure
Abundances of the light elements from UV (HST) and red (ESO) spectra in the very old star HD 84937
Spite, M.Keywords: ultraviolet: stars
SOLAR/SOLSPEC mission on ISS: In-flight performance for SSI measurements in the UV
Bolsée, D.Keywords: Sun: general
Kinetic temperature of massive star-forming molecular clumps measured with formaldehyde. II. The Large Magellanic Cloud
Tang, X. D.Keywords: stars: formation
Stellar laboratories . VIII. New Zr iv-vii, Xe iv-v, and Xe vii oscillator strengths and the Al, Zr, and Xe abundances in the hot white dwarfs G191-B2B and RE 0503-289
Rauch, T.Keywords: atomic data
Miniature loops in the solar corona
Barczynski, K.Keywords: Sun: corona
Kinematics and properties of the central molecular zone as probed with [C ii]
Langer, W. D.Keywords: galaxies: ISM
Three-dimensional hydrodynamical CO5BOLD model atmospheres of red giant stars. V. Oxygen abundance in the metal-poor giant HD 122563 from OH UV lines
Prakapavičius, D.Keywords: stars: Population II
Dissecting the molecular structure of the Orion B cloud: insight from principal component analysis
Gratier, PierreKeywords: ISM: molecules
The anatomy of the Orion B giant molecular cloud: A local template for studies of nearby galaxies
Pety, JérômeKeywords: galaxies: ISM
In and out star formation in z 1.5 quiescent galaxies from rest-frame UV spectroscopy and the far-infrared
Gobat, R.Keywords: galaxies: high-redshift
The Herschel Exploitation of Local Galaxy Andromeda (HELGA). VII. A SKIRT radiative transfer model and insights on dust heating
Viaene, S.Keywords: galaxies: individual: M 31
H12CN and H13CN excitation analysis in the circumstellar outflow of R Sculptoris
Saberi, M.Keywords: stars: abundances
Radiation feedback in dusty clouds
Ishiki, ShoheiKeywords: radiative transfer
2016 The Authors Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of the Royal Astronomical Society
The nova-like nebular optical spectrum of V404 Cygni at the beginning of the 2015 outburst decay
Rahoui, FaridKeywords: accretion
2016 The Authors Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of the Royal Astronomical Society
Discovery of a variable lead-rich hot subdwarf: UVO 0825+15
Jeffery, C. S.Keywords: stars: chemically peculiar
2016 The Authors Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of the Royal Astronomical Society
Cassini ISS observation of Saturn's north polar vortex and comparison to the south polar vortex
Sayanagi, Kunio M.Keywords: Atmospheres
(c) 2017 Elsevier Inc.
DR-induced escape of O and C from early Mars
Zhao, JinjinKeywords: Atmospheres
(c) 2017 Elsevier Inc.
Identification and Characterization of Early Mission Phase Microorganisms Residing on the Mars Science Laboratory and Assessment of Their Potential to Survive Mars-like Conditions
Smith, Stephanie A.Keywords: Planetary protectionâSporeâBioburdenâMSLâCuriosityâContaminationâMars.
The Solar Energetic Particle Event of 2010 August 14: Connectivity with the Solar Source Inferred from Multiple Spacecraft Observations and Modeling
Lario, D.Keywords: acceleration of particles
The Most Massive Active Galactic Nuclei at 1 ≲ z ≲ 2
Jun, Hyunsung D.Keywords: galaxies: active
The Photodissociation of HCN and HNC: Effects on the HNC/HCN Abundance Ratio in the Interstellar Medium
Aguado, AlfredoKeywords: ISM: abundances
Space Telescope and Optical Reverberation Mapping Project. V. Optical Spectroscopic Campaign and Emission-line Analysis for NGC 5548
Pei, L.Keywords: galaxies: active
Reconnection-driven Magnetohydrodynamic Turbulence in a Simulated Coronal-hole Jet
Uritsky, Vadim M.Keywords: magnetic reconnection
Self-consistent Modeling of Reionization in Cosmological Hydrodynamical Simulations
Oñorbe, JoseKeywords: early universe
Updated 34-band Photometry for the Sings/KINGFISH Samples of Nearby Galaxies
Dale, D. A.Keywords: galaxies: photometry
Nonlinear Force-free Coronal Magnetic Stereoscopy
Chifu, IuliaKeywords: methods: numerical
Physical Properties of Sub-galactic Clumps at 0.5 ≤ Z ≤ 1.5 in the UVUDF
Soto, EmmarisKeywords: galaxies: evolution
Far Ultraviolet Spectroscopy of Old Novae. II. RR Pic, V533 Her, and DI Lac
Sion, Edward M.Keywords: novae
The population of hot subdwarf stars studied with Gaia. I. The catalog of known hot subdwarf stars
Geier, S.Keywords: subdwarfs
Multi-instrument observations of a failed flare eruption associated with MHD waves in a loop bundle
Nisticò, G.Keywords: Sun: flares
Swift heavy ion irradiation of interstellar dust analogues. Small carbonaceous species released by cosmic rays
Dartois, E.Keywords: astrochemistry