Bibliography : Astronomy and Astrophysics

Dec 2016 - 85 Abstracts found

1.- Dec 2016 - MNRAS - (2016MNRAS.tmp.1569R)

Synchrotron emission from the blazar PG 1553+113. An analysis of its flux and polarization variability.

Raiteri, C. M.; Nicastro, F.; Stamerra, A.; Villata, M.; Larionov, V. M.; Blinov, D.; Acosta-Pulido, J. A.; Arévalo, M. J.; Arkharov, A. A.; Bachev, R.; Borman, G. A.; Carnerero, M. I.; Carosati, D.; Cecconi, M.; Chen, W.-P.; Damljanovic, G.; Di Paola, A.; Ehgamberdiev, Sh. A.; Frasca, A.; Giroletti, M.; González-Morales, P. A.; Grinon-Marín, A. B.; Grishina, T. S.; Huang, P.-C.; Ibryamov, S.; Klimanov, S. A.; Kopatskaya, E. N.; Kurtanidze, O. M.; Kurtanidze, S. O.; Lähteenmäki, A.; Larionova, E. G.; Larionova, L. V.; Lázaro, C.; Leto, G.; Liodakis, I.; Martínez-Lombilla, C.; Mihov, B.; Mirzaqulov, D. O.; Mokrushina, A. A.; Moody, J. W.; Morozova, D. A.; Nazarov, S. V.; Nikolashvili, M. G.; Ohlert, J. M.; Panopoulou, G. V.; Pastor Yabar, A.; Pinna, F.; Protasio, C.; Rizzi, N.; Sadun, A. C.; Savchenko, S. S.; Semkov, E.; Sigua, L. A.; Slavcheva-Mihova, L.; Strigachev, A.; Tornikoski, M.; Troitskaya, Yu. V.; Troitsky, I. S.; Vasilyev, A. A.; Vera, R. J. C.; Vince, O.; Zanmar Sanchez, R.

Keywords: galaxies: active, galaxies: BL Lacertae objects: general, galaxies: BL Lacertae objects: individual: PG 1553+113
2016 The Authors Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of the Royal Astronomical Society

2.- Dec 2016 - MNRAS - (2016MNRAS.463.4469D)

The awakening of the γ-ray narrow-line Seyfert 1 galaxy PKS 1502+036

D'Ammando, F.; Orienti, M.; Finke, J.; Hovatta, T.; Giroletti, M.; Max-Moerbeck, W.; Pearson, T. J.; Readhead, A. C. S.; Reeves, R. A.; Richards, J. L.

Keywords: galaxies: individual: PKS 1502+036, galaxies: jets, galaxies: nuclei, galaxies: Seyfert, gamma-rays: general
2016 The Authors Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of the Royal Astronomical Society

3.- Dec 2016 - MNRAS - (2016MNRAS.463.4019K)

Lyα-emitting galaxies as a probe of reionization: large-scale bubble morphology and small-scale absorbers

Kakiichi, Koki; Dijkstra, Mark; Ciardi, Benedetta; Graziani, Luca

Keywords: line: formation, radiative transfer, galaxies: high-redshift, intergalactic medium, cosmology: theory, dark ages, reionization, first stars
2016 The Authors Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of the Royal Astronomical Society

4.- Dec 2016 - MNRAS - (2016MNRAS.463.3848B)

Reionization in sterile neutrino cosmologies

Bose, Sownak; Frenk, Carlos S.; Hou, Jun; Lacey, Cedric G.; Lovell, Mark R.

Keywords: galaxies: evolution, galaxies: high-redshift, dark matter
2016 The Authors Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of the Royal Astronomical Society

5.- Dec 2016 - MNRAS - (2016MNRAS.463.3813H)

ASASSN-15oi: a rapidly evolving, luminous tidal disruption event at 216 Mpc

Holoien, T. W.-S.; Kochanek, C. S.; Prieto, J. L.; Grupe, D.; Chen, Ping; Godoy-Rivera, D.; Stanek, K. Z.; Shappee, B. J.; Dong, Subo; Brown, J. S.; Basu, U.; Beacom, J. F.; Bersier, D.; Brimacombe, J.; Carlson, E. K.; Falco, E.; Johnston, E.; Madore, B. F.; Pojmanski, G.; Seibert, M.

Keywords: accretion, accretion discs, black hole physics, galaxies: nuclei
2016 The Authors Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of the Royal Astronomical Society

6.- Dec 2016 - MNRAS - (2016MNRAS.463.3556M)

Dark-ages reionization and galaxy-formation simulation- VI. The origins and fate of the highest known redshift galaxy

Mutch, Simon J.; Liu, Chuanwu; Poole, Gregory B.; Geil, Paul M.; Duffy, Alan R.; Trenti, Michele; Oesch, Pascal A.; Illingworth, Garth D.; Mesinger, Andrei; Wyithe, J. Stuart B.

Keywords: galaxies: evolution, galaxies: high-redshift, galaxies: statistics
2016 The Authors Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of the Royal Astronomical Society

7.- Dec 2016 - MNRAS - (2016MNRAS.463.3520W)

Forecasts for the WFIRST High Latitude Survey using the BlueTides simulation

Waters, Dacen; Di Matteo, Tiziana; Feng, Yu; Wilkins, Stephen M.; Croft, Rupert A. C.

Keywords: galaxies: abundances, galaxies: evolution, galaxies: formation, galaxies: high-redshift, galaxies: luminosity function, mass function, dark ages, reionization, first stars
2016 The Authors Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of the Royal Astronomical Society

8.- Dec 2016 - MNRAS - (2016MNRAS.463.3409V)

UV-extended E-MILES stellar population models: young components in massive early-type galaxies

Vazdekis, A.; Koleva, M.; Ricciardelli, E.; Röck, B.; Falcón-Barroso, J.

Keywords: globular clusters: general, galaxies: abundances, galaxies: elliptical and lenticular, cD, galaxies: evolution, galaxies: stellar content
2016 The Authors Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of the Royal Astronomical Society

9.- Dec 2016 - MNRAS - (2016MNRAS.463.3129G)

Feedback in Clouds II: UV photoionization and the first supernova in a massive cloud

Geen, Sam; Hennebelle, Patrick; Tremblin, Pascal; Rosdahl, Joakim

Keywords: methods: analytical, methods: numerical, stars: massive, ISM: clouds, H II regions, ISM: supernova remnants
2016 The Authors Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of the Royal Astronomical Society

10.- Dec 2016 - MNRAS - (2016MNRAS.463.2849A)

Formation of globular clusters induced by external ultraviolet radiation - II. Three-dimensional radiation hydrodynamics simulations

Abe, Makito; Umemura, Masayuki; Hasegawa, Kenji

Keywords: hydrodynamics, radiative transfer, globular clusters: general, galaxies: dwarf, galaxies: formation
2016 The Authors Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of the Royal Astronomical Society

11.- Dec 2016 - MNRAS - (2016MNRAS.463.2725H)

On the maximum grain size entrained by photoevaporative winds

Hutchison, Mark A.; Laibe, Guillaume; Maddison, Sarah T.

Keywords: planets and satellites: atmospheres, protoplanetary discs, circumstellar matter, stars: pre-main-sequence
2016 The Authors Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of the Royal Astronomical Society

12.- Dec 2016 - MNRAS - (2016MNRAS.463.2394D)

Evidence for the magnetar nature of 1E 161348-5055 in RCW 103

D'Aì, A.; Evans, P. A.; Burrows, D. N.; Kuin, N. P. M.; Kann, D. A.; Campana, S.; Maselli, A.; Romano, P.; Cusumano, G.; La Parola, V.; Barthelmy, S. D.; Beardmore, A. P.; Cenko, S. B.; De Pasquale, M.; Gehrels, N.; Greiner, J.; Kennea, J. A.; Klose, S.; Melandri, A.; Nousek, J. A.; Osborne, J. P.; Palmer, D. M.; Sbarufatti, B.; Schady, P.; Siegel, M. H.; Tagliaferri, G.; Yates, R.; Zane, S.

Keywords: X-rays: general, X-rays: individual: 1E 161348-5055
2016 The Authors Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of the Royal Astronomical Society

13.- Dec 2016 - MNRAS - (2016MNRAS.463.2190N)

On the relationship between magnetic cancellation and UV burst formation

Nelson, C. J.; Doyle, J. G.; Erdélyi, R.

Keywords: Sun: atmosphere, Sun: photosphere
2016 The Authors Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of the Royal Astronomical Society

14.- Dec 2016 - MNRAS - (2016MNRAS.463.2092Y)

Star formation and gas accretion in nearby galaxies

Yim, Kijeong; van der Hulst, J. M.

Keywords: stars: formation, galaxies: ISM, galaxies: kinematics and dynamics
2016 The Authors Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of the Royal Astronomical Society

15.- Dec 2016 - MNRAS - (2016MNRAS.463.2085M)

High-temperature saturation can produce the [C II] deficit in LIRGs and ULIRGs

Muñoz, Joseph A.; Oh, S. Peng

Keywords: ISM: general, ISM: structure, galaxies: ISM, galaxies: starburst, infrared: galaxies
2016 The Authors Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of the Royal Astronomical Society

16.- Dec 2016 - MNRAS - (2016MNRAS.463.1968Y)

On the faint-end of the high-z galaxy luminosity function

Yue, Bin; Ferrara, Andrea; Xu, Yidong

Keywords: galaxies: high-redshift, cosmology: observations, cosmology: theory, dark ages, reionization, first stars
2016 The Authors Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of the Royal Astronomical Society

17.- Dec 2016 - MNRAS - (2016MNRAS.463.1844S)

A path towards understanding the rotation-activity relation of M dwarfs with K2 mission, X-ray and UV data

Stelzer, B.; Damasso, M.; Scholz, A.; Matt, S. P.

Keywords: stars: activity, stars: flare, stars: late-type, stars: rotation, ultraviolet: stars, X-rays: stars
2016 The Authors Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of the Royal Astronomical Society

18.- Dec 2016 - MNRAS - (2016MNRAS.463.1554S)

About AGN ionization echoes, thermal echoes and ionization deficits in low-redshift Lyα blobs

Schirmer, Mischa; Malhotra, Sangeeta; Levenson, Nancy A.; Fu, Hai; Davies, Rebecca L.; Keel, William C.; Torrey, Paul; Bennert, Vardha N.; Pancoast, Anna; Turner, James E. H.

Keywords: radiative transfer, galaxies: active, galaxies: evolution, ultraviolet: galaxies
The Authors 2016. Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of The Royal Astronomical Society.

19.- Dec 2016 - MNRAS - (2016MNRAS.463.1462O)

Cosmic Dawn (CoDa): the First Radiation-Hydrodynamics Simulation of Reionization and Galaxy Formation in the Local Universe

Ocvirk, Pierre; Gillet, Nicolas; Shapiro, Paul R.; Aubert, Dominique; Iliev, Ilian T.; Teyssier, Romain; Yepes, Gustavo; Choi, Jun-Hwan; Sullivan, David; Knebe, Alexander; Gottlöber, Stefan; D'Aloisio, Anson; Park, Hyunbae; Hoffman, Yehuda; Stranex, Timothy

Keywords: reionization, intergalactic medium, galaxies: formation, high redshift, luminosity function, Local Group, radiative transfer, methods: numerical
2016 The Authors Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of the Royal Astronomical Society

20.- Dec 2016 - MNRAS - (2016MNRAS.463.1409S)

Inference of magnetic field in the coronal streamer invoking kink wave motions generated by multiple EUV waves

Srivastava, A. K.; Singh, Talwinder; Ofman, Leon; Dwivedi, Bhola N.

Keywords: MHD, waves, Sun: corona, Sun: magnetic fields, Sun: oscillations, Sun: UV radiation
2016 The Authors Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of the Royal Astronomical Society

21.- Dec 2016 - MNRAS - (2016MNRAS.463.1224H)

Constraining SN feedback: a tug of war between reionization and the Milky Way satellites

Hou, Jun; Frenk, Carlos. S.; Lacey, Cedric G.; Bose, Sownak

Keywords: galaxies: evolution, galaxies: formation, galaxies: high-redshift
2016 The Authors Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of the Royal Astronomical Society

22.- Dec 2016 - Icar - (2016Icar..280..234S)

Aerosol optical depth as observed by the Mars Science Laboratory REMS UV photodiodes

Smith, Michael D.; Zorzano, María-Paz; Lemmon, Mark; Martín-Torres, Javier; Mendaza de Cal, Teresa

Keywords: Mars, atmosphere, Atmospheres, composition, Radiative transfer
(c) 2016 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.

23.- Dec 2016 - ApJ - (2016ApJ...833L..32D)

The High-resolution Infrared Spectrum of HCl+

Doménech, J. L.; Drouin, B. J.; Cernicharo, J.; Herrero, V. J.; Tanarro, I.

Keywords: ISM: molecules, methods: laboratory: molecular, molecular data, techniques: spectroscopic

24.- Dec 2016 - ApJ - (2016ApJ...833L..27S)

A Hot Companion to a Blue Straggler in NGC 188 as Revealed by the Ultra-Violet Imaging Telescope (UVIT) on ASTROSAT

Subramaniam, Annapurni; Sindhu, N.; Tandon, S. N.; Kameswara Rao, N.; Postma, J.; Côté, Patrick; Hutchings, J. B.; Ghosh, S. K.; George, K.; Girish, V.; Mohan, R.; Murthy, J.; Sankarasubramanian, K.; Stalin, C. S.; Sutaria, F.; Mondal, C.; Sahu, S.

Keywords: binaries: general, blue stragglers, open clusters and associations: individual: NGC 188

25.- Dec 2016 - ApJ - (2016ApJ...833L..18Y)

Enhancement of a Sunspot Light Wall with External Disturbances

Yang, Shuhong; Zhang, Jun; Erdélyi, Robert

Keywords: sunspots, Sun: chromosphere, Sun: flares, Sun: photosphere, Sun: UV radiation

26.- Dec 2016 - ApJ - (2016ApJ...833..293O)

A Simple Evolutional Model of the UV Habitable Zone and the Possibility of the Persistent Life Existence: The Effects of Mass and Metallicity

Oishi, Midori; Kamaya, Hideyuki

Keywords: astrobiology, extraterrestrial intelligence, planets and satellites: terrestrial planets, stars: evolution, ultraviolet: stars

27.- Dec 2016 - ApJ - (2016ApJ...833..264S)

The BOSS Emission-line Lens Survey. IV. Smooth Lens Models for the BELLS GALLERY Sample

Shu, Yiping; Bolton, Adam S.; Mao, Shude; Kochanek, Christopher S.; Pérez-Fournon, Ismael; Oguri, Masamune; Montero-Dorta, Antonio D.; Cornachione, Matthew A.; Marques-Chaves, Rui; Zheng, Zheng; Brownstein, Joel R.; Ménard, Brice

Keywords: dark matter, galaxies: elliptical and lenticular, cD, gravitational lensing: strong, techniques: image processing

28.- Dec 2016 - ApJ - (2016ApJ...833..257O)

Solar Atmospheric Magnetic Energy Coupling: Broad Plasma Conditions and Spectrum Regimes

Orange, N. Brice; Chesny, David L.; Gendre, Bruce; Morris, David C.; Oluseyi, Hakeem M.

Keywords: Sun: atmosphere, Sun: corona, Sun: magnetic fields, Sun: transition region, Sun: UV radiation

29.- Dec 2016 - ApJ - (2016ApJ...833..254S)

Inferred H⍺ Flux as a Star Formation Rate Indicator at z ~ 4-5: Implications for Dust Properties, Burstiness, and the z = 4-8 Star Formation Rate Functions

Smit, Renske; Bouwens, Rychard J.; Labbé, Ivo; Franx, Marijn; Wilkins, Stephen M.; Oesch, Pascal A.

Keywords: galaxies: evolution, galaxies: formation, galaxies: high-redshift

30.- Dec 2016 - ApJ - (2016ApJ...833..248Y)

Chemical Evolution of Red MSX Sources in the Southern Sky

Yu, Naiping; Xu, Jinlong

Keywords: evolution, H ii regions, ISM: abundances, ISM: clouds, ISM: molecules, stars: formation

31.- Dec 2016 - ApJ - (2016ApJ...833..226H)

The GALEX Time Domain Survey. II. Wavelength-Dependent Variability of Active Galactic Nuclei in the Pan-STARRS1 Medium Deep Survey

Hung, T.; Gezari, S.; Jones, D. O.; Kirshner, R. P.; Chornock, R.; Berger, E.; Rest, A.; Huber, M.; Narayan, G.; Scolnic, D.; Waters, C.; Wainscoat, R.; Martin, D. C.; Forster, K.; Neill, J. D.

Keywords: accretion, accretion disks, black hole physics, galaxies: nuclei, surveys, ultraviolet: general

32.- Dec 2016 - ApJ - (2016ApJ...833..221W)

Arcade Implosion Caused by a Filament Eruption in a Flare

Wang, Juntao; Simões, P. J. A.; Fletcher, L.; Thalmann, J. K.; Hudson, H. S.; Hannah, I. G.

Keywords: Sun: atmosphere, Sun: filaments, prominences, Sun: flares, Sun: magnetic fields, Sun: UV radiation, Sun: X-rays, gamma rays

33.- Dec 2016 - ApJ - (2016ApJ...833..205H)

A High-resolution Vacuum Ultraviolet Laser Photoionization and Photoelectron Study of the Co Atom

Huang, Huang; Wang, Hailing; Luo, Zhihong; Shi, Xiaoyu; Chang, Yih-Chung; Ng, C. Y.

Keywords: atomic data, line: identification, opacity, Sun: abundances, Sun: UV radiation

34.- Dec 2016 - ApJ - (2016ApJ...833..202K)

The AGORA High-resolution Galaxy Simulations Comparison Project. II. Isolated Disk Test

Kim, Ji-hoon; Agertz, Oscar; Teyssier, Romain; Butler, Michael J.; Ceverino, Daniel; Choi, Jun-Hwan; Feldmann, Robert; Keller, Ben W.; Lupi, Alessandro; Quinn, Thomas; Revaz, Yves; Wallace, Spencer; Gnedin, Nickolay Y.; Leitner, Samuel N.; Shen, Sijing; Smith, Britton D.; Thompson, Robert; Turk, Matthew J.; Abel, Tom; Arraki, Kenza S.; Benincasa, Samantha M.; Chakrabarti, Sukanya; DeGraf, Colin; Dekel, Avishai; Goldbaum, Nathan J.; Hopkins, Philip F.; Hummels, Cameron B.; Klypin, Anatoly; Li, Hui; Madau, Piero; Mandelker, Nir; Mayer, Lucio; Nagamine, Kentaro; Nickerson, Sarah; O'Shea, Brian W.; Primack, Joel R.; Roca-Fàbrega, Santi; Semenov, Vadim; Shimizu, Ikkoh; Simpson, Christine M.; Todoroki, Keita; Wadsley, James W.; Wise, John H.; AGORA Collaboration

Keywords: cosmology: theory, galaxies: evolution, galaxies: formation, galaxies: kinematics and dynamics, ISM: structure, methods: numerical

35.- Dec 2016 - ApJ - (2016ApJ...833..201S)

Radiative Transfer Model of Dust Attenuation Curves in Clumpy, Galactic Environments

Seon, Kwang-Il; Draine, Bruce T.

Keywords: dust, extinction, methods: numerical, radiative transfer, scattering

36.- Dec 2016 - ApJ - (2016ApJ...833..185J)

On the Fine Structure Splitting of the 3p43d 4D5/2 and 3p43d 4D7/2 Levels of Fe X

Judge, Philip G.; Hutton, Roger; Li, Wenxian; Brage, Tomas

Keywords: Sun: atmosphere, Sun: corona, Sun: magnetic fields

37.- Dec 2016 - ApJ - (2016ApJ...833..182S)

Hot Plasma from Solar Active-Region Cores: Constraints from the Hinode X-Ray Telescope

Schmelz, J. T.; Christian, G. M.; Matheny, P. O.

Keywords: Sun: corona, Sun: fundamental parameters, Sun: UV radiation, Sun: X-rays, gamma rays

38.- Dec 2016 - ApJ - (2016ApJ...833..163Y)

Spatial Variations of PAH Properties in M17SW Revealed by Spitzer/IRS Spectral Mapping

Yamagishi, M.; Kaneda, H.; Ishihara, D.; Oyabu, S.; Suzuki, T.; Onaka, T.; Nagayama, T.; Umemoto, T.; Minamidani, T.; Nishimura, A.; Matsuo, M.; Fujita, S.; Tsuda, Y.; Kohno, M.; Ohashi, S.

Keywords: dust, extinction, infrared: ISM, ISM: individual objects: M17SW, photon-dominated region: PDR

39.- Dec 2016 - ApJ - (2016ApJ...833..152M)

The Main Sequences of Star-forming Galaxies and Active Galactic Nuclei at High Redshift

Mancuso, C.; Lapi, A.; Shi, J.; Cai, Z.-Y.; Gonzalez-Nuevo, J.; Béthermin, M.; Danese, L.

Keywords: galaxies: evolution, galaxies: formation, quasars: general

40.- Dec 2016 - ApJ - (2016ApJ...833...98C)

AGNfitter: A Bayesian MCMC Approach to Fitting Spectral Energy Distributions of AGNs

Calistro Rivera, Gabriela; Lusso, Elisabeta; Hennawi, Joseph F.; Hogg, David W.

Keywords: galaxies: active, galaxies: nuclei, galaxies: statistics, methods: statistical, quasars: general

41.- Dec 2016 - ApJ - (2016ApJ...833...84X)

Galaxy Properties and UV Escape Fractions during the Epoch of Reionization: Results from the Renaissance Simulations

Xu, Hao; Wise, John H.; Norman, Michael L.; Ahn, Kyungjin; O'Shea, Brian W.

Keywords: dark ages, reionization, first stars, galaxies: formation, galaxies: high-redshift, methods: numerical, radiative transfer

42.- Dec 2016 - ApJ - (2016ApJ...833...72B)

ALMA Spectroscopic Survey in the Hubble Ultra Deep Field: The Infrared Excess of UV-Selected z = 2-10 Galaxies as a Function of UV-Continuum Slope and Stellar Mass

Bouwens, Rychard J.; Aravena, Manuel; Decarli, Roberto; Walter, Fabian; da Cunha, Elisabete; Labbé, Ivo; Bauer, Franz E.; Bertoldi, Frank; Carilli, Chris; Chapman, Scott; Daddi, Emanuele; Hodge, Jacqueline; Ivison, Rob J.; Karim, Alex; Le Fevre, Olivier; Magnelli, Benjamin; Ota, Kazuaki; Riechers, Dominik; Smail, Ian R.; van der Werf, Paul; Weiss, Axel; Cox, Pierre; Elbaz, David; Gonzalez-Lopez, Jorge; Infante, Leopoldo; Oesch, Pascal; Wagg, Jeff; Wilkins, Steve

Keywords: galaxies: evolution, galaxies: ISM, galaxies: star formation, galaxies: statistics, instrumentation: interferometers, submillimeter: galaxies

43.- Dec 2016 - ApJ - (2016ApJ...833...71A)

The ALMA Spectroscopic Survey in the Hubble Ultra Deep Field: Search for [CII] Line and Dust Emission in 6

Aravena, M.; Decarli, R.; Walter, F.; Bouwens, R.; Oesch, P. A.; Carilli, C. L.; Bauer, F. E.; Da Cunha, E.; Daddi, E.; Gónzalez-López, J.; Ivison, R. J.; Riechers, D. A.; Smail, I.; Swinbank, A. M.; Weiss, A.; Anguita, T.; Bacon, R.; Bell, E.; Bertoldi, F.; Cortes, P.; Cox, P.; Hodge, J.; Ibar, E.; Inami, H.; Infante, L.; Karim, A.; Magnelli, B.; Ota, K.; Popping, G.; van der Werf, P.; Wagg, J.; Fudamoto, Y.

Keywords: galaxies: evolution, galaxies: high-redshift, galaxies: ISM, galaxies: star formation, instrumentation: interferometers, submillimeter: galaxies

44.- Dec 2016 - ApJ - (2016ApJ...833...60R)

The Role of Star Formation and AGN in Dust Heating of z=0.3-2.8 Galaxies - II. Informing IR AGN Fraction Estimates through Simulations

Roebuck, Eric; Sajina, Anna; Hayward, Christopher C.; Pope, Alexandra; Kirkpatrick, Allison; Hernquist, Lars; Yan, Lin

Keywords: galaxies: active, galaxies: evolution, galaxies: starburst, infrared: galaxies, quasars: supermassive black holes

45.- Dec 2016 - ApJ - (2016ApJ...833...58H)

Ultraviolet Halos around Spiral Galaxies. I. Morphology

Hodges-Kluck, Edmund; Cafmeyer, Julian; Bregman, Joel N.

Keywords: dust, extinction, galaxies: halos, ultraviolet: galaxies

46.- Dec 2016 - ApJ - (2016ApJ...833...54W)

The COS-Halos Survey: Origins of the Highly Ionized Circumgalactic Medium of Star-Forming Galaxies

Werk, Jessica K.; Prochaska, J. Xavier; Cantalupo, Sebastiano; Fox, Andrew J.; Oppenheimer, Benjamin; Tumlinson, Jason; Tripp, Todd M.; Lehner, Nicolas; McQuinn, Matthew

Keywords: galaxies: halos, intergalactic medium, quasars: absorption lines

47.- Dec 2016 - ApJ - (2016ApJ...833...48L)

Spatial Distribution and Kinematics of the Molecular Material Associated with eta Carinae

Loinard, Laurent; Kamiński, Tomasz; Serra, Paolo; Menten, Karl M.; Zapata, Luis A.; Rodríguez, Luis F.

Keywords: astrochemistry, circumstellar matter, ISM: molecules, stars: chemically peculiar, stars: mass-loss, stars: winds, outflows

48.- Dec 2016 - ApJ - (2016ApJ...833...37G)

The Bursty Star Formation Histories of Low-mass Galaxies at 0.4 < z < 1 Revealed by Star Formation Rates Measured From Hβ and FUV

Guo, Yicheng; Rafelski, Marc; Faber, S. M.; Koo, David C.; Krumholz, Mark R.; Trump, Jonathan R.; Willner, S. P.; Amorín, Ricardo; Barro, Guillermo; Bell, Eric F.; Gardner, Jonathan P.; Gawiser, Eric; Hathi, Nimish P.; Koekemoer, Anton M.; Pacifici, Camilla; Pérez-González, Pablo G.; Ravindranath, Swara; Reddy, Naveen; Teplitz, Harry I.; Yesuf, Hassen

Keywords: galaxies: dwarf, galaxies: evolution, galaxies: formation, galaxies: fundamental parameters, galaxies: starburst, galaxies: star formation

49.- Dec 2016 - ApJ - (2016ApJ...833...22C)

Undercover EUV Solar Jets Observed by the Interface Region Imaging Spectrograph

Chen, N.-H.; Innes, D. E.

Keywords: Sun: corona, Sun: particle emission, Sun: UV radiation

50.- Dec 2016 - ApJ - (2016ApJ...832..211P)

Tomographic Separation of Composite Spectra. XII. The Physical Properties and Spectral Phase Variability of the Massive Close Binary HD 159176

Penny, Laura R.; Epps, Jacob G.; Snyder, Joseph D.

Keywords: binaries: spectroscopic, stars: early-type, stars: fundamental parameters, stars: individual: HD 159176, stars: massive, ultraviolet: stars

51.- Dec 2016 - ApJ - (2016ApJ...832..209U)

Constraining the ISM Properties of the Cloverleaf Quasar Host Galaxy with Herschel Spectroscopy

Uzgil, Bade D.; Bradford, C. Matt; Hailey-Dunsheath, Steve; Maloney, Philip R.; Aguirre, James E.

Keywords: galaxies: active, galaxies: individual: H11413+117, galaxies: ISM, infrared: galaxies

52.- Dec 2016 - ApJ - (2016ApJ...832..189Q)

A Hot Gaseous Galaxy Halo Candidate with Mg X Absorption

Qu, Zhijie; Bregman, Joel N.

Keywords: galaxies: halos, galaxies: ISM, quasars: absorption lines

53.- Dec 2016 - ApJ - (2016ApJ...832..188D)

Long Fading Mid-infrared Emission in Transient Coronal Line Emitters: Dust Echo of a Tidal Disruption Flare

Dou, Liming; Wang, Ting-gui; Jiang, Ning; Yang, Chenwei; Lyu, Jianwei; Zhou, Hongyan

Keywords: black hole physics, galaxies: nuclei, infrared: galaxies

54.- Dec 2016 - ApJ - (2016ApJ...832..175T)

Exploring Damped Lyα System Host Galaxies Using Gamma-Ray Bursts

Toy, Vicki L.; Cucchiara, Antonino; Veilleux, Sylvain; Fumagalli, Michele; Rafelski, Marc; Rahmati, Alireza; Cenko, S. Bradley; Capone, John I.; Pasham, Dheeraj R.

Keywords: galaxies: high-redshift, galaxies: ISM, galaxies: star formation, gamma-ray burst: general, ISM: atoms

55.- Dec 2016 - ApJ - (2016ApJ...832..174O)

A Very Bright, Very Hot, and Very Long Flaring Event from the M Dwarf Binary System DG CVn

Osten, Rachel A.; Kowalski, Adam; Drake, Stephen A.; Krimm, Hans; Page, Kim; Gazeas, Kosmas; Kennea, Jamie; Oates, Samantha; Page, Mathew; de Miguel, Enrique; Novák, Rudolf; Apeltauer, Tomas; Gehrels, Neil

Keywords: stars: coronae, stars: flare, stars: individual: DG CVn

56.- Dec 2016 - ApJ - (2016ApJ...832..171T)

The Rest-frame Optical Spectroscopic Properties of Lyalpha-emitters at Z~2.5: The Physical Origins of Strong Lyalpha Emission

Trainor, Ryan F.; Strom, Allison L.; Steidel, Charles C.; Rudie, Gwen C.

Keywords: galaxies: dwarf, galaxies: formation, galaxies: high-redshift

57.- Dec 2016 - ApJ - (2016ApJ...832..151P)

ALMA Reveals Weak [N ii] Emission in "Typical" Galaxies and Intense Starbursts at z = 5-6

Pavesi, Riccardo; Riechers, Dominik A.; Capak, Peter L.; Carilli, Christopher L.; Sharon, Chelsea E.; Stacey, Gordon J.; Karim, Alexander; Scoville, Nicholas Z.; Smolčić, Vernesa

Keywords: cosmology: observations, galaxies: formation, galaxies: high-redshift, galaxies: ISM, galaxies: starburst, radio lines: galaxies

58.- Dec 2016 - AJ - (2016AJ....152..214S)

Colors of Ellipticals from GALEX to Spitzer

Schombert, James M.

Keywords: galaxies: elliptical and lenticular, cD, galaxies: photometry, galaxies: stellar content

59.- Dec 2016 - AJ - (2016AJ....152..202C)

Rotational Dynamics and Star Formation in the Nearby Dwarf Galaxy NGC 5238

Cannon, John M.; McNichols, Andrew T.; Teich, Yaron G.; Ball, Catherine; Banovetz, John; Brock, Annika; Eisner, Brian A.; Fitzgibbon, Kathleen; Miazzo, Masao; Nizami, Asra; Reilly, Bridget; Ruvolo, Elizabeth; Singer, Quinton

Keywords: galaxies: dwarf, galaxies: evolution, galaxies: individual: NGC 5238, galaxies: irregular

60.- Dec 2016 - A&A - (2016A&A...596A.111R)

The habitability of Proxima Centauri b. I. Irradiation, rotation and volatile inventory from formation to the present

Ribas, Ignasi; Bolmont, Emeline; Selsis, Franck; Reiners, Ansgar; Leconte, Jérémy; Raymond, Sean N.; Engle, Scott G.; Guinan, Edward F.; Morin, Julien; Turbet, Martin; Forget, François; Anglada-Escudé, Guillem

Keywords: stars: individual: Proxima Cen, planets and satellites: individual: Proxima b, planets and satellites: atmospheres, X-rays: stars, planet-star interactions

61.- Dec 2016 - A&A - (2016A&A...596A..64S)

Do some AGN lack X-ray emission?

Simmonds, C.; Bauer, F. E.; Thuan, T. X.; Izotov, Y. I.; Stern, D.; Harrison, F. A.

Keywords: galaxies: active, galaxies: Seyfert, X-rays: galaxies, galaxies: dwarf

62.- Dec 2016 - MNRAS - (2016MNRAS.463.3616H)

Photochemical-dynamical models of externally FUV irradiated protoplanetary discs

Haworth, Thomas J.; Boubert, Douglas; Facchini, Stefano; Bisbas, Thomas G.; Clarke, Cathie J.

Keywords: accretion, accretion discs, hydrodynamics, protoplanetary discs, circumstellar matter, photodissociation region (PDR)
2016 The Authors Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of the Royal Astronomical Society

63.- Dec 2016 - MNRAS - (2016MNRAS.463.2972N)

Type Ia supernovae within dense carbon- and oxygen-rich envelopes: a model for 'Super-Chandrasekhar' explosions?

Noebauer, U. M.; Taubenberger, S.; Blinnikov, S.; Sorokina, E.; Hillebrandt, W.

Keywords: hydrodynamics, radiative transfer, circumstellar matter, supernovae: general, supernovae: individual: SN 2009dc
2016 The Authors Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of the Royal Astronomical Society

64.- Dec 2016 - MNRAS - (2016MNRAS.463.2125P)

The white dwarf binary pathways survey - I. A sample of FGK stars with white dwarf companions

Parsons, S. G.; Rebassa-Mansergas, A.; Schreiber, M. R.; Gänsicke, B. T.; Zorotovic, M.; Ren, J. J.

Keywords: binaries: close, stars: early-type, stars: evolution, white dwarfs
2016 The Authors Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of the Royal Astronomical Society

65.- Dec 2016 - Icar - (2016Icar..280..340D)

Regional spectrophotometric properties of 951 Gaspra

Domingue, Deborah L.; Vilas, Faith; Choo, Teck; Stockstill-Cahill, Karen R.; Cahill, Joshua T. S.; Hendrix, Amanda R.

Keywords: Asteroid Gaspra, Spectrophotometry
(c) 2016 The Authors

66.- Dec 2016 - AstL - (2016AstL...42..825D)

Physical properties of the quiet solar chromosphere-corona transition region

Dunin-Barkovskaya, O. V.; Somov, B. V.

Keywords: Sun, chromosphere, corona, transition region, heat conduction
(c) 2016: Pleiades Publishing, Inc.

67.- Dec 2016 - ApJ - (2016ApJ...833L...7S)

Venus Cloud Morphology and Motions from Ground-based Images at the Time of the Akatsuki Orbit Insertion

Sánchez-Lavega, A.; Peralta, J.; Gomez-Forrellad, J. M.; Hueso, R.; Pérez-Hoyos, S.; Mendikoa, I.; Rojas, J. F.; Horinouchi, T.; Lee, Y. J.; Watanabe, S.

Keywords: planets and satellites: atmospheres, planets and satellites: terrestrial planets

68.- Dec 2016 - ApJ - (2016ApJ...833..292M)

gPhoton: The GALEX Photon Data Archive

Million, Chase; Fleming, Scott W.; Shiao, Bernie; Seibert, Mark; Loyd, Parke; Tucker, Michael; Smith, Myron; Thompson, Randy; White, Richard L.

Keywords: astronomical databases: miscellaneous, catalogs, methods: data analysis, stars: flare, techniques: photometric

69.- Dec 2016 - ApJ - (2016ApJ...833..250W)

High Resolution He I 10830 AA Narrow-band Imaging of an M-class Flare. I - Analysis of Sunspot Dynamics during Flaring

Wang, Ya; Su, Yingna; Hong, Zhenxiang; Zeng, Zhicheng; Ji, Kaifan; Goode, Philip R.; Cao, Wenda; Ji, Haisheng

Keywords: line: formation, sunspots, Sun: atmosphere, Sun: flares

70.- Dec 2016 - ApJ - (2016ApJ...833..191C)

New Insights into the Spectral Variability and Physical Conditions of the X-Ray Absorbers in NGC 4151

Couto, J. D.; Kraemer, S. B.; Turner, T. J.; Crenshaw, D. M.

Keywords: galaxies: individual: NGC 4151, galaxies: Seyfert, X-rays: galaxies

71.- Dec 2016 - ApJ - (2016ApJ...833..184S)

Observing the Formation of Flare-driven Coronal Rain

Scullion, E.; Rouppe van der Voort, L.; Antolin, P.; Wedemeyer, S.; Vissers, G.; Kontar, E. P.; Gallagher, P. T.

Keywords: methods: data analysis, methods: observational, techniques: image processing, techniques: spectroscopic, telescopes

72.- Dec 2016 - ApJ - (2016ApJ...833..149D)

M31N 2008-12a - The Remarkable Recurrent Nova in M31: Panchromatic Observations of the 2015 Eruption.

Darnley, M. J.; Henze, M.; Bode, M. F.; Hachisu, I.; Hernanz, M.; Hornoch, K.; Hounsell, R.; Kato, M.; Ness, J.-U.; Osborne, J. P.; Page, K. L.; Ribeiro, V. A. R. M.; Rodríguez-Gil, P.; Shafter, A. W.; Shara, M. M.; Steele, I. A.; Williams, S. C.; Arai, A.; Arcavi, I.; Barsukova, E. A.; Boumis, P.; Chen, T.; Fabrika, S.; Figueira, J.; Gao, X.; Gehrels, N.; Godon, P.; Goranskij, V. P.; Harman, D. J.; Hartmann, D. H.; Hosseinzadeh, G.; Horst, J. Chuck; Itagaki, K.; José, J.; Kabashima, F.; Kaur, A.; Kawai, N.; Kennea, J. A.; Kiyota, S.; Kučáková, H.; Lau, K. M.; Maehara, H.; Naito, H.; Nakajima, K.; Nishiyama, K.; O'Brien, T. J.; Quimby, R.; Sala, G.; Sano, Y.; Sion, E. M.; Valeev, A. F.; Watanabe, F.; Watanabe, M.; Williams, B. F.; Xu, Z.

Keywords: galaxies: individual: M31, novae, cataclysmic variables, stars: individual: M31N 2008-12a, ultraviolet: stars, X-rays: binaries

73.- Dec 2016 - ApJ - (2016ApJ...833..146G)

Spectroscopy from the Hubble Space Telescope Cosmic Origins Spectrograph of the Southern Nova-like BB Doradus in an Intermediate State

Godon, Patrick; Sion, Edward M.; Gänsicke, Boris T.; Hubeny, Ivan; de Martino, Domitilla; Pala, Anna F.; Rodríguez-Gil, Pablo; Szkody, Paula; Toloza, Odette

Keywords: accretion, accretion disks, binaries: close, novae, cataclysmic variables, stars: individual: BB Doradus, ultraviolet: stars, white dwarfs

74.- Dec 2016 - ApJ - (2016ApJ...833..136J)

Photoionization Models for the Semi-forbidden C III] 1909 Emission in Star-forming Galaxies

Jaskot, A. E.; Ravindranath, S.

Keywords: galaxies: high-redshift, galaxies: ISM, galaxies: starburst, radiative transfer, stars: massive, ultraviolet: galaxies

75.- Dec 2016 - ApJ - (2016ApJ...833...63B)

Association of 3He-Rich Solar Energetic Particles with Large-scale Coronal Waves

Bučík, Radoslav; Innes, Davina E.; Mason, Glenn M.; Wiedenbeck, Mark E.

Keywords: acceleration of particles, shock waves, Sun: coronal mass ejections: CMEs, Sun: flares, Sun: particle emission, waves

76.- Dec 2016 - ApJ - (2016ApJ...833...39S)

Muse Gas Flow and Wind (MEGAFLOW). I. First MUSE Results on Background Quasars

Schroetter, I.; Bouché, N.; Wendt, M.; Contini, T.; Finley, H.; Pelló, R.; Bacon, R.; Cantalupo, S.; Marino, R. A.; Richard, J.; Lilly, S. J.; Schaye, J.; Soto, K.; Steinmetz, M.; Straka, L. A.; Wisotzki, L.

Keywords: galaxies: evolution, galaxies: formation, intergalactic medium, quasars: individual: SDSS J213748+001220, SDSS J215200+062516

77.- Dec 2016 - ApJ - (2016ApJ...833....5S)

Vector Magnetic Field Measurements along a Cooled Stereo-imaged Coronal Loop

Schad, T. A.; Penn, M. J.; Lin, H.; Judge, P. G.

Keywords: Sun: chromosphere, Sun: corona, Sun: magnetic fields, sunspots

78.- Dec 2016 - ApJ - (2016ApJ...832..173S)

Two Regimes of Interaction of a Hot Jupiter’s Escaping Atmosphere with the Stellar Wind and Generation of Energized Atomic Hydrogen Corona

Shaikhislamov, I. F.; Khodachenko, M. L.; Lammer, H.; Kislyakova, K. G.; Fossati, L.; Johnstone, C. P.; Prokopov, P. A.; Berezutsky, A. G.; Zakharov, Yu. P.; Posukh, V. G.

Keywords: hydrodynamics, planets and satellites: atmospheres, planets and satellites: individual: exoplanets, planets and satellites: physical evolution, planet–star interactions, plasmas

79.- Dec 2016 - ApJ - (2016ApJ...832..139H)

Optical and Ultraviolet Observations of the Very Young Type IIP SN 2014cx in NGC 337

Huang, Fang; Wang, Xiaofeng; Zampieri, Luca; Pumo, Maria Letizia; Arcavi, Iair; Brown, Peter J.; Graham, Melissa L.; Filippenko, Alexei V.; Zheng, WeiKang; Hosseinzadeh, Griffin; Howell, D. Andrew; McCully, Curtis; Rui, Liming; Valenti, Stefano; Zhang, Tianmeng; Zhang, Jujia; Zhang, Kaicheng; Wang, Lifan

Keywords: galaxies: individual: NGC 337, supernovae: general, supernovae: individual: SN 2014cx

80.- Dec 2016 - ApJ - (2016ApJ...832..130J)

Pre-flare Coronal Jet and Evolutionary Phases of a Solar Eruptive Prominence Associated with the M1.8 Flare: SDO and RHESSI Observations

Joshi, Bhuwan; Kushwaha, Upendra; Veronig, Astrid M.; Cho, K.-S.

Keywords: Sun: activity, Sun: corona, Sun: filaments, prominences, Sun: flares, Sun: X-rays, gamma rays

81.- Dec 2016 - AJ - (2016AJ....152..179I)

Submillimeter Observation of Jupiter’s Stratospheric Composition: Detection of Carbon Monosulfide (J=7-6) 19 Years After the Cometary Impact

Iino, T.; Ohyama, H.; Hirahara, Y.; Takahashi, T.; Tsukagoshi, T.

Keywords: planets and satellites: atmospheres, submillimeter: planetary systems

82.- Dec 2016 - A&A - (2016A&A...596A..97D)

Dust-depletion sequences in damped Lyman-α absorbers. A unified picture from low-metallicity systems to the Galaxy

De Cia, A.; Ledoux, C.; Mattsson, L.; Petitjean, P.; Srianand, R.; Gavignaud, I.; Jenkins, E. B.

Keywords: ISM: abundances, dust, extinction, quasars: absorption lines

83.- Dec 2016 - A&A - (2016A&A...596A..88L)

ALMA observations of the Th 28 protostellar disk. A new example of counter-rotation between disk and optical jet

Louvet, F.; Dougados, C.; Cabrit, S.; Hales, A.; Pinte, C.; Ménard, F.; Bacciotti, F.; Coffey, D.; Mardones, D.; Bronfman, L.; Gueth, F.

Keywords: stars: individual: Th 28, ISM: jets and outflows, techniques: interferometric, submillimeter: ISM, stars: formation, circumstellar matter

84.- Dec 2016 - A&A - (2016A&A...596A..85L)

Radiative and mechanical feedback into the molecular gas in the Large Magellanic Cloud. I. N159W

Lee, M.-Y.; Madden, S. C.; Lebouteiller, V.; Gusdorf, A.; Godard, B.; Wu, R.; Galametz, M.; Cormier, D.; Le Petit, F.; Roueff, E.; Bron, E.; Carlson, L.; Chevance, M.; Fukui, Y.; Galliano, F.; Hony, S.; Hughes, A.; Indebetouw, R.; Israel, F. P.; Kawamura, A.; Le Bourlot, J.; Lesaffre, P.; Meixner, M.; Muller, E.; Nayak, O.; Onishi, T.; Roman-Duval, J.; Sewiło, M.

Keywords: ISM: molecules, Magellanic Clouds, galaxies: ISM, infrared: ISM

85.- Dec 2016 - A&A - (2016A&A...596A..72P)

A novel approach to measure photodesorption rates of interstellar ice analogues. The photodesorption rate of CO ice reinvestigated

Paardekooper, D. M.; Fedoseev, G.; Riedo, A.; Linnartz, H.

Keywords: ultraviolet: ISM, methods: laboratory: solid state, ISM: molecules, ISM: abundances, molecular processes, astrochemistry