Bibliography : Astronomy and Astrophysics
Feb 2018 - 86 Abstracts found
Predictions for deep galaxy surveys with JWST from ΛCDM
Cowley, William I.Keywords: galaxies: evolution
2017 The Author(s) Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of the Royal Astronomical Society
Dust inflated accretion disc as the origin of the broad line region in active galactic nuclei
Baskin, AlexeiKeywords: galaxies: active
2017 The Authors Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of the Royal Astronomical Society
The IRX-β dust attenuation relation in cosmological galaxy formation simulations
Narayanan, DesikaKeywords: dust
2017 The Author(s) Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of the Royal Astronomical Society
Spectral energy distribution variations of nearby Seyfert galaxies during AGN watch monitoring programs
Kilerci Eser, EceKeywords: galaxies: active
2017 The Author(s) Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of the Royal Astronomical Society
Radio emission from embryonic superluminous supernova remnants
Omand, Conor M. B.Keywords: radiation mechanisms: non-thermal
2017 The Author(s) Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of the Royal Astronomical Society
Green valley galaxies as a transition population in different environments
Coenda, ValeriaKeywords: galaxies: clusters: general
2017 The Author(s) Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of the Royal Astronomical Society
Dust-obscured star-forming galaxies in the early universe
Wilkins, Stephen M.Keywords: methods: numerical
2017 The Authors Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of the Royal Astronomical Society
The intrinsic far-UV spectrum of the high-redshift quasar B1422+231
O'Dowd, M.Keywords: gravitational lensing: strong
2017 The Authors Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of the Royal Astronomical Society
Some problems in interpretation of the New Horizons observations of Pluto's atmosphere
Krasnopolsky, Vladimir A.Keywords:
(c) 2018 Elsevier Inc.
Laboratory investigations of Titan haze formation: In situ measurement of gas and particle composition
Hörst, Sarah M.Keywords: Titan
(c) 2018 Elsevier Inc.
The Habitability of Proxima Centauri b: Environmental States and Observational Discriminants
Meadows, Victoria S.Keywords: Planetary habitability and biosignatures
Stellar Population Synthesis of Star-forming Clumps in Galaxy Pairs and Non-interacting Spiral Galaxies
Zaragoza-Cardiel, JavierKeywords: galaxies: fundamental parameters
The WISE AGN Catalog
Assef, R. J.Keywords: galaxies: active
Data Release of UV to Submillimeter Broadband Fluxes for Simulated Galaxies from the EAGLE Project
Camps, PeterKeywords: dust
ALMA Detection of Extended [C II] Emission in Himiko at z = 6.6
Carniani, S.Keywords: galaxies: evolution
Two-stage Energy Release Process of a Confined Flare with Double HXR Peaks
Ning, HaoKeywords: Sun: corona
Magnetic Reconnection at the Earliest Stage of Solar Flux Emergence
Tian, HuiKeywords: magnetic reconnection
Shaken Snow Globes: Kinematic Tracers of the Multiphase Condensation Cascade in Massive Galaxies, Groups, and Clusters
Gaspari, M.Keywords: galaxies: active
Extreme Variability Quasars from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey and the Dark Energy Survey
Rumbaugh, N.Keywords: black hole physics
The Spectral Energy Distribution of the Hyperluminous, Hot Dust-obscured Galaxy W2246-0526
Fan, LuluKeywords: galaxies: active
Evidence for the Magnetic Breakout Model in an Equatorial Coronal-hole Jet
Kumar, PankajKeywords: Sun: corona
The Strong Gravitationally Lensed Herschel Galaxy HLock01: Optical Spectroscopy Reveals a Close Galaxy Merger with Evidence of Inflowing Gas
Marques-Chaves, RuiKeywords: cosmology: observations
The Physical Characteristics of Interstellar Medium in NGC 3665 with Herschel Observations
Xiao, Meng-YuanKeywords: galaxies: elliptical and lenticular
Continuum Reverberation Mapping of the Accretion Disks in Two Seyfert 1 Galaxies
Fausnaugh, M. M.Keywords: accretion
Electron-density-sensitive Line Ratios of Fe XIII- XVI from Laboratory Sources Compared to CHIANTI
Weller, M. E.Keywords: atomic data
Frequently Occurring Reconnection Jets from Sunspot Light Bridges
Tian, HuiKeywords: magnetic reconnection
Following the Cosmic Evolution of Pristine Gas. II. The Search for Pop III-bright Galaxies
Sarmento, RichardKeywords: early universe
Full-data Results of Hubble Frontier Fields: UV Luminosity Functions at z ˜ 6-10 and a Consistent Picture of Cosmic Reionization
Ishigaki, MasafumiKeywords: galaxies: evolution
Swift Observations of Mrk 421 in Selected Epochs. I. The Spectral and Flux Variability in 2005-2008
Kapanadze, B.Keywords: BL Lacertae objects: individual: Mrk421
Hot Dust in Panchromatic SED Fitting: Identification of Active Galactic Nuclei and Improved Galaxy Properties
Leja, JoelKeywords: galaxies: active
Hydrogenated Benzene in Circumstellar Environments: Insights into the Photostability of Super-hydrogenated PAHs
Quitián-Lara, Heidy M.Keywords: astrochemistry
Studying the Ultraviolet Spectrum of the First Spectroscopically Confirmed Supernova at Redshift Two
Smith, M.Keywords: distance scale
Observations of Electron-driven Evaporation in a Flare Precursor
Li, DongKeywords: line: profiles
Spectra of Earth-like Planets through Geological Evolution around FGKM Stars
Rugheimer, S.Keywords: astrobiology
Galaxy Formation in Sterile Neutrino Dark Matter Models
Menci, N.Keywords: dark matter
Response of Solar Irradiance to Sunspot-area Variations
Dudok de Wit, T.Keywords: methods: data analysis
Hubble Space Telescope Wide Field Camera 3 Observations of Escaping Lyman Continuum Radiation from Galaxies and Weak AGN at Redshifts z ˜ 2.3-4.1
Smith, Brent M.Keywords: cosmology: observations
Photospheric and Coronal Abundances in an X8.3 Class Limb Flare
Doschek, G. A.Keywords: Sun: activity
The Coronal Monsoon: Thermal Nonequilibrium Revealed by Periodic Coronal Rain
Auchère, FrédéricKeywords: Sun: corona
Discovery of an Ultraviolet Counterpart to an Ultrafast X-Ray Outflow in the Quasar PG 1211+143
Kriss, Gerard A.Keywords: galaxies: active
The Ultra-fast Outflow of the Quasar PG 1211+143 as Viewed by Time-averaged Chandra Grating Spectroscopy
Danehkar, AshkbizKeywords: galaxies: active
Spectroscopic Diagnostics of the Non-Maxwellian κ-distributions Using SDO/EVE Observations of the 2012 March 7 X-class Flare
Dzifčáková, ElenaKeywords: methods: data analysis
Molecular Reconnaissance of the β Pictoris Gas Disk with the SMA: A Low HCN/(CO+CO2) Outgassing Ratio and Predictions for Future Surveys
Matrà, L.Keywords: circumstellar matter
A Statistical Study on the Frequency-dependent Damping of the Slow-mode Waves in Polar Plumes and Interplumes
Mandal, SudipKeywords: Sun: corona
Tackling the Saturation of Oxygen: The Use of Phosphorus and Sulfur as Proxies within the Neutral Interstellar Medium of Star-forming Galaxies
James, B.Keywords: galaxies: ISM
Clumpy Galaxies in CANDELS. II. Physical Properties of UV-bright Clumps at 0.5 ≤ z < 3
Guo, YichengKeywords: galaxies: evolution
A Non-thermal Pulsed X-Ray Emission of AR Scorpii
Takata, J.Keywords: magnetic fields
Spectral evolution of the two classical novae PW Vul and V1668 Cyg using International Ultraviolet Explorer low-resolution spectra
Hamed, G. M.Keywords: novae
2018 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim
Diffuse X-Ray-emitting Gas in Major Mergers
Smith, Beverly J.Keywords: galaxies: evolution
Kinematics of the Horsehead Nebula and IC 434 Ionization Front in CO and C+
Bally, JohnKeywords: H II regions
Colors of Dwarf Ellipticals from GALEX to WISE
Schombert, James M.Keywords: galaxies: dwarf
Qatar Exoplanet Survey: Qatar-6b—A Grazing Transiting Hot Jupiter
Alsubai, KhalidKeywords: planetary systems
DZ Chamaeleontis: a bona fide photoevaporating disc
Canovas, H.Keywords: accretion
Clustering the Orion B giant molecular cloud based on its molecular emission
Bron, EmericKeywords: astrochemistry
Galaxy evolution in groups. NGC 3447/NGC 3447A: the odd couple in LGG 225
Mazzei, P.Keywords: galaxies: groups: individual: LGG 225
TANAMI: Tracking Active Galactic Nuclei with Austral Milliarcsecond Interferometry. II. Additional sources
Müller, C.Keywords: galaxies: active
A mildly relativistic wide-angle outflow in the neutron-star merger event GW170817
Mooley, K. P.Keywords:
(c) 2018: Macmillan Publishers Limited, part of Springer Nature. All rights reserved.
Multiwavelength observations of nova SMCN 2016-10a - one of the brightest novae ever observed
Aydi, E.Keywords: stars: individual (SMCN 2016-10a)
2017 The Author(s) Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of the Royal Astronomical Society
Feeding the fire: tracing the mass-loading of 107 K galactic outflows with O VI absorption
Chisholm, J.Keywords: galaxies: evolution
2017 The Author(s) Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of the Royal Astronomical Society
Modelling the cosmic spectral energy distribution and extragalactic background light over all time
Andrews, S. K.Keywords: galaxies: evolution
2017 The Author(s) Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of the Royal Astronomical Society
The velocity ellipsoid in the Galactic disc using Gaia DR1
Anguiano, BorjaKeywords: astrometry
Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of The Royal Astronomical Society 2017.
SAND: an automated VLBI imaging and analysing pipeline - I. Stripping component trajectories
Zhang, M.Keywords: techniques: image processing
2017 The Authors Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of the Royal Astronomical Society
Jarosite dissolution rates in perchlorate brine
Legett, CareyKeywords:
(c) 2018 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
Carbon Stars Identified from LAMOST DR4 Using Machine Learning
Li, Yin-BiKeywords: catalogs
The GALEX/S4G Surface Brightness and Color Profiles Catalog. I. Surface Photometry and Color Gradients of Galaxies
Bouquin, Alexandre Y. K.Keywords: catalogs
Solar Radio Burst Associated with the Falling Bright EUV Blob
Karlický, MarianKeywords: plasmas
Detection of the Second Harmonic of Decay-less Kink Oscillations in the Solar Corona
Duckenfield, T.Keywords: magnetohydrodynamics: MHD
Erratum: “Quantum-state Dependence of Product Branching Ratios in Vacuum Ultraviolet Photodissociation of N2” (2016, ApJ, 819, 23)
Song, YuKeywords:
A Model for Protostellar Cluster Luminosities and the Impact on the CO-H2 Conversion Factor
Gaches, Brandt A. L.Keywords: astrochemistry
The Intricate Structure of HH 508, the Brightest Microjet in the Orion Nebula
Wu, Ya-LinKeywords: H ii regions
Multi-spacecraft Observations of the Rotation and Nonradial Motion of a CME Flux Rope Causing an Intense Geomagnetic Storm
Liu, Yi A.Keywords: solarâterrestrial relations
Spectroscopic Observations of Current Sheet Formation and Evolution
Warren, Harry P.Keywords: Sun: corona
Cracking the Conundrum of F-supergiant Coronae
Ayres, Thomas R.Keywords: stars: activity
Non-blackbody Disks Can Help Explain Inferred AGN Accretion Disk Sizes
Hall, Patrick B.Keywords: accretion
Observations of a White-light Flare Associated with a Filament Eruption
Song, Y. L.Keywords: Sun: activity
On the Role of Dissolved Gases in the Atmosphere Retention of Low-mass Low-density Planets
Chachan, YayaatiKeywords: planets and satellites: atmospheres
The Impact of Crustal Magnetic Fields on the Thermal Structure of the Martian Upper Atmosphere
Cui, J.Keywords: planets and satellites: individual: Mars
Magnetic Flux Cancelation as the Trigger of Solar Coronal Jets in Coronal Holes
Panesar, Navdeep K.Keywords: Sun: activity
Detection of Additional Be+sdO Systems from IUE Spectroscopy
Wang, LuqianKeywords: binaries: spectroscopic
Quenching or Bursting: The Role of Stellar Mass, Environment, and Specific Star Formation Rate to zsim 1
Darvish, BehnamKeywords: galaxies: evolution
The BOSS Emission-line Lens Survey. V. Morphology and Substructure of Lensed Lyα Emitters at Redshift Z ≈ 2.5 in the BELLS GALLERY
Cornachione, Matthew A.Keywords: galaxies: high-redshift
The GALEX View of “Boyajian’s Star” (KIC 8462852)
Davenport, James. R. A.Keywords: stars: individual: KIC 8462852
“Twisting” Motions in Erupting Coronal Pseudostreamers as Evidence for Interchange Reconnection
Wang, Y.-M.Keywords: Sun: activity
The Enigmatic (Almost) Dark Galaxy Coma P: The Atomic Interstellar Medium
Ball, CatherineKeywords: galaxies: dwarf
Discovery of a dual AGN at z ≃ 3.3 with 20 kpc separation
Husemann, B.Keywords: Techniques: imaging spectroscopy
Isotopic ratios in outbursting comet C/2015 ER61
Yang, BinKeywords: comets: general