Bibliography : Astronomy and Astrophysics
Jul 2018 - 88 Abstracts found
Establishing the spectral turnover of blazar PKS 2155-304 as an outcome of radiative losses
Jagan, Sitha K.Keywords: acceleration of particles
2018 The Author(s) Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of the Royal Astronomical Society
Kiloparsec-scale gaseous clumps and star formation at z = 5-7
Carniani, S.Keywords: galaxies: evolution
2018 The Author(s) Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of the Royal Astronomical Society
Evolution of the UV upturn in cluster galaxies: Abell 1689
Ali, S. S.Keywords: galaxies: clusters: general
2018 The Author(s) Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of the Royal Astronomical Society
On the origin of gamma-rays in Fermi blazars: beyondthe broad-line region
Costamante, L.Keywords: Galaxies: active
2018 The Author(s) Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of the Royal Astronomical Society
The NuSTAR view on hard-TeV BL Lacs
Costamante, L.Keywords: radiation mechanisms: non-thermal
2018 The Author(s) Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of the Royal Astronomical Society
Long-term decline of the mid-infrared emission of normal galaxies: dust echo of tidal disruption flare?
Wang, TingguiKeywords: accretion
2018 The Author(s) Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of the Royal Astronomical Society
ETHOS - an effective theory of structure formation: predictions for the high-redshift Universe - abundance of galaxies and reionization
Lovell, Mark R.Keywords: galaxies: high-redshift
2018 The Author(s) Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of the Royal Astronomical Society
HST-STIS spectra and the redness of Saturn's rings
Cuzzi, Jeffrey N.Keywords:
(c) 2018 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
Determination of the coma dust back-scattering of 67P for phase angles from 1.2° to 75°
Fink, UweKeywords:
(c) 2018 Elsevier Inc.
HDUV: The Hubble Deep UV Legacy Survey
Oesch, P. A.Keywords: cosmology: observations
A Galaxy Redshift Survey Near HST/COS AGN Sight Lines
Keeney, Brian A.Keywords: galaxies: distances and redshifts
A Light Curve Analysis of Recurrent and Very Fast Novae in Our Galaxy, Magellanic Clouds, and M31
Hachisu, IzumiKeywords: novae
Spitzer Space Telescope Infrared Observations of the Binary Neutron Star Merger GW170817
Villar, V. A.Keywords: gravitational waves
Detection of Photospheric Features in the Near-infrared Spectrum of a Class 0 Protostar
Greene, Thomas P.Keywords: circumstellar matter
An Analysis of ALMA Deep Fields and the Perceived Dearth of High-z Galaxies
Casey, Caitlin M.Keywords: dark ages
Reproducing Type II White-light Solar Flare Observations with Electron and Proton Beam Simulations
Procházka, OndřejKeywords: Sun: chromosphere
UV Surface Environments and Atmospheres of Earth-like Planets Orbiting White Dwarfs
Kozakis, TheaKeywords: astrobiology
Modeling of the Hydrogen Lyman Lines in Solar Flares
Brown, Stephen A.Keywords: line: formation
Spectroscopic Determination of Capella’s Photospheric Abundances: Possible Influence of Stellar Activity
Takeda, YoichiKeywords: binaries: spectroscopic
Effect of the Heating Rate on the Stability of the Three-phase Interstellar Medium
Hill, Alex S.Keywords: galaxies: ISM
Young Accreting Compact Objects in M31: The Combined Power of NuSTAR, Chandra, and Hubble
Lazzarini, M.Keywords: galaxies: individual: M31
Comparison of the Extraplanar Hα and UV Emissions in the Halos of Nearby Edge-on Spiral Galaxies
Jo, Young-SooKeywords: dust
Discovery of a Very Large (≈20 kpc) Galaxy at z = 3.72
Lee, Kyoung-SooKeywords: dust
The Extended Distribution of Baryons around Galaxies
Bregman, Joel N.Keywords: galaxies: halos
HST Follow-up Observations of Two Bright z ˜ 8 Candidate Galaxies from the BoRG Pure-parallel Survey
Livermore, R. C.Keywords: dark ages
The Ultraviolet Extinction in the GALEX Bands
Sun, MingxuKeywords: dust
Three-phase Evolution of a Coronal Hole. I. 360° Remote Sensing and In Situ Observations
Heinemann, Stephan G.Keywords: solar wind
Bright Network, UVA, and the Physical Modeling of Solar Spectral and Total Irradiance in Recent Solar Cycles
Fontenla, J. M.Keywords: Sun: activity
Critical Magnetic Field Strengths for Solar Coronal Plumes in Quiet Regions and Coronal Holes?
Avallone, Ellis A.Keywords: Sun: corona
Type Ia Supernovae in the First Few Days: Signatures of Helium Detonation versus Interaction
Maeda, KeiichiKeywords: nuclear reactions
K 2 Ultracool Dwarfs Survey. IV. Monster Flares Observed on the Young Brown Dwarf CFHT-BD-Tau 4
Paudel, Rishi R.Keywords: brown dwarfs
Stability of CH3NCO in Astronomical Ices under Energetic Processing: A Laboratory Study
Maté, B.Keywords: astrochemistry
The Recoiling Black Hole Candidate 3C 186: Spatially Resolved Quasar Feedback and Further Evidence of a Blueshifted Broad-line Region
Chiaberge, MarcoKeywords: galaxies: active
Solar Cycle Observations of the Neon Abundance in the Sun-as-a-star
Brooks, David H.Keywords: stars: abundances
ALMA 26 Arcmin2 Survey of GOODS-S at One Millimeter (ASAGAO): Average Morphology of High-z Dusty Star-forming Galaxies in an Exponential Disk (n ≃ 1)
Fujimoto, SeijiKeywords: galaxies: evolution
Photochemical Haze Formation in the Atmospheres of Super-Earths and Mini-Neptunes
He, ChaoKeywords: planets and satellites: atmospheres
The Grism Lens-amplified Survey from Space (GLASS). XII. Spatially Resolved Galaxy Star Formation Histories and True Evolutionary Paths at z > 1
Abramson, L. E.Keywords: galaxies: evolution
Ultraviolet Observations of Coronal Mass Ejection Impact on Comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko by Rosetta Alice
Noonan, John W.Keywords: comets: individual: 67P&C-G
Two Procedures to Flag Radio Frequency Interference in the UV Plane
Sekhar, SrikrishnaKeywords: methods: data analysis
Nature of the energy source powering solar coronal loops driven by nanoflares
Chitta, L. P.Keywords: Sun: atmosphere
The low-mass pre-main sequence population of Scorpius OB1
Damiani, FrancescoKeywords: open clusters and associations: individual: Sco OB1
Structure of photodissociation fronts in star-forming regions revealed by Herschel observations of high-J CO emission lines
Joblin, C.Keywords: photon-dominated region
High-energy environment of super-Earth 55 Cancri e. I. Far-UV chromospheric variability as a possible tracer of planet-induced coronal rain
Bourrier, V.Keywords: methods: data analysis
A Virgo Environmental Survey Tracing Ionised Gas Emission (VESTIGE). III. Star formation in the stripped gas of NGC 4254
Boselli, A.Keywords: galaxies: individual: NGC 4254
Gamma-ray observations of Nova Sgr 2015 No. 2 with INTEGRAL
Siegert, ThomasKeywords: novae
Revised historical solar irradiance forcing
Egorova, T.Keywords: solar-terrestrial relations
Spectral models for binary products: Unifying subdwarfs and Wolf-Rayet stars as a sequence of stripped-envelope stars
Götberg, Y.Keywords: binaries: close
Nitrogen isotope fractionation in protoplanetary disks
Visser, RuudKeywords: protoplanetary disks
Multi-wavelength campaign on NGC 7469. III. Spectral energy distribution and the AGN wind photoionisation modelling, plus detection of diffuse X-rays from the starburst with Chandra HETGS
Mehdipour, M.Keywords: X-rays: galaxies
Identification of galaxies that experienced a recent major drop of star formation
Ciesla, L.Keywords: galaxies: evolution
Stellar populations of HII galaxies. A tale of three bursts
Telles, EduardoKeywords: galaxies: dwarf
Impulsive radio and hard X-ray emission from an M-class flare
Zhang, PingKeywords: acceleration of particles
Energetics of Hi-C EUV brightenings
Subramanian, SrividyaKeywords: Sun: atmosphere
Stellar population of the superbubble N 206 in the LMC. II. Parameters of the OB and WR stars, and the total massive star feedback
Ramachandran, V.Keywords: stars: massive
Clues about the scarcity of stripped-envelope stars from the evolutionary state of the sdO+Be binary system φ Persei
Schootemeijer, A.Keywords: subdwarfs
Probing star formation and ISM properties using galaxy disk inclination. I. Evolution in disk opacity since z 0.7
Leslie, S. K.Keywords: galaxies: evolution
Carbon line formation and spectroscopy in O-type stars
Carneiro, L. P.Keywords: stars: early-type
High redshift galaxies in the ALHAMBRA survey. II. Strengthening the evidence of bright-end excess in UV luminosity functions at 2.5 ≤ z≤ 4.5 by PDF analysis
Viironen, K.Keywords: galaxies: evolution
Recovering the systemic redshift of galaxies from their Lyman alpha line profile
Verhamme, A.Keywords: galaxies: high-redshift
2018 The Author(s) Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of the Royal Astronomical Society
Investigating the Lyman photon escape in local starburst galaxies with the Cosmic Origins Spectrograph
Hernandez, SveaKeywords: galaxies: ISM
2018 The Author(s) Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of the Royal Astronomical Society
The XUV environments of exoplanets from Jupiter-size to super-Earth
King, George W.Keywords: planets and satellites: atmospheres
2018 The Author(s) Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of the Royal Astronomical Society
A low Lyman Continuum escape fraction of <10 per cent for extreme [O III] emitters in an overdensity at z ˜ 3.5
Naidu, Rohan P.Keywords: galaxies: clusters: general
2018 The Author(s) Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of the Royal Astronomical Society
Broad absorption line symbiotic stars: highly ionized species in the fast outflow from MWC 560
Lucy, Adrian B.Keywords: accretion
2018 The Author(s) Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of the Royal Astronomical Society
Planck observations of M33
Tibbs, C. T.Keywords: galaxies: individual: M33
2018 The Author(s) Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of the Royal Astronomical Society
The search for multiple populations in Magellanic Cloud clusters - IV. Coeval multiple stellar populations in the young star cluster NGC 1978
Martocchia, S.Keywords: stars: abundances
2018 The Author(s) Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of the Royal Astronomical Society
Baseline-dependent sampling and windowing for radio interferometry: data compression, field-of-interest shaping, and outer field suppression
Atemkeng, M.Keywords: instrumentation: interferometers
2018 The Author(s) Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of the Royal Astronomical Society
The comparative effect of FUV, EUV and X-ray disc photoevaporation on gas giant separations
Jennings, JeffKeywords: planets and satellites: gaseous planets
2018 The Author(s) Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of the Royal Astronomical Society
Evidence for halo kinematics among cool carbon-rich dwarfs
Farihi, J.Keywords: proper motions
2018 The Author(s) Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of the Royal Astronomical Society
The environment and host haloes of the brightest z ˜ 6 Lyman-break galaxies
Hatfield, P. W.Keywords: techniques: photometric
2018 The Author(s) Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of the Royal Astronomical Society
Exploring the CO/CN line ratio in nearby galaxies with the ALMA archive
Wilson, Christine D.Keywords: ISM: abundances
2018 The Author(s) Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of the Royal Astronomical Society
The Long-term Secular Mass Accretion Rate of the Recurrent Nova T Pyxidis
Godon, PatrickKeywords: novae
A Vacuum Ultraviolet Photoionization Study on the Formation of N-methyl Formamide (HCONHCH3) in Deep Space: A Potential Interstellar Molecule with a Peptide Bond
Frigge, RobertKeywords: astrobiology
The Brightest Galaxies in the Dark Ages: Galaxies’ Dust Continuum Emission during the Reionization Era
Casey, Caitlin M.Keywords: galaxies: evolution
MHD Simulation of Prominence Eruption
Fan, YuhongKeywords: magnetohydrodynamics: MHD
A Photometric Redshift Catalog Based on SCUSS, SDSS, and WISE Surveys
Gao, JinghuaKeywords: galaxies: clusters: general
Clocking the Evolution of Post-starburst Galaxies: Methods and First Results
French, K. DeckerKeywords: catalogs
The Highly Polarized Dusty Emission Core of Cygnus A
Lopez-Rodriguez, EnriqueKeywords: galaxies: active
Modeling the He II Transverse Proximity Effect: Constraints on Quasar Lifetime and Obscuration
Schmidt, Tobias M.Keywords: dark ages
Organic Aerosols in Anoxic and Oxic Atmospheres of Earth-like Exoplanets: VUV-MIR Spectroscopy of CHON Tholins
Gavilan, LissethKeywords: planets and satellites:
Homologous Large-amplitude Nonlinear Fast-mode Magnetosonic Waves Driven by Recurrent Coronal Jets
Shen, YuandengKeywords: Sun: activity
Quantum-vibrational-state-selected Integral Cross Sections and Product Branching Ratios for the Ion-molecule Reactions of N2 +(X 2Σ g +; v + = 0-2) + H2O and H2O+(X 2 B 1: v 1 + v 2 + v 3 + = 000 and 100) + N2 in the Collision Energy Range of 0.04-
Xu, YuntaoKeywords: astrochemistry
A Comparison of Young Star Properties with Local Galactic Environment for LEGUS/LITTLE THINGS Dwarf Irregular Galaxies
Hunter, Deidre A.Keywords: galaxies: dwarf
Studies of the Central Engine in Radio Galaxies and the Unified Model
Hu, J. F.Keywords: active galactic nucleus (AGN)
Depletion of 15N in the center of L1544: Early transition from atomic to molecular nitrogen?
Furuya, K.Keywords: astrochemistry
Hot star extension to the Hubble Space Telescope stellar spectral library
Khan, IslamKeywords: atlases
The VIMOS Ultra-Deep Survey: Emerging from the dark, a massive proto-cluster at z 4.57
Lemaux, B. C.Keywords: galaxies: evolution
Cosmic evolution of the spatially resolved star formation rate and stellar mass of the CALIFA survey
López Fernández, R.Keywords: galaxies: evolution
Impact of young stellar components on quiescent galaxies: deconstructing cosmic chronometers
López-Corredoira, M.Keywords: cosmology: observations