Bibliography : Astronomy and Astrophysics
Dec 2017 - 87 Abstracts found
Predicting emission line fluxes and number counts of distant galaxies for cosmological surveys
Valentino, F.Keywords: galaxies: distances and redshifts
2017 The Authors Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of the Royal Astronomical Society
Inside-out growth or inside-out quenching? Clues from colour gradients of local galaxies
Lian, JianhuiKeywords: galaxies: evolution
2017 The Authors Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of the Royal Astronomical Society
Dust masses of z > 5 galaxies from SED fitting and ALMA upper limits
Hirashita, HiroyukiKeywords: dust
2017 The Authors Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of the Royal Astronomical Society
Uncovering multiple populations in NGC 7099 (M 30) using Washington photometry
Frelijj, H.Keywords: Hertzsprung
2017 The Authors Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of the Royal Astronomical Society
Capability of detecting ultraviolet counterparts of gravitational waves with GLUV
Ridden-Harper, RyanKeywords: black hole physics
2017 The Authors Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of the Royal Astronomical Society
Investigating the physical properties of transiting hot Jupiters with the 1.5-m Kuiper Telescope
Turner, Jake D.Keywords: techniques: photometric
2017 The Authors Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of the Royal Astronomical Society
Determining the torus covering factors for a sample of type 1 AGN in the local Universe
Ezhikode, Savithri H.Keywords: galaxies: active
2017 The Authors Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of the Royal Astronomical Society
The NGC 454 system: anatomy of a mixed ongoing merger
Plana, H.Keywords: galaxies: elliptical and lenticular
2017 The Authors Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of the Royal Astronomical Society
Complex UV/X-ray variability of 1H 0707-495
Pawar, P. K.Keywords: galaxies: active
2017 The Authors Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of the Royal Astronomical Society
Simultaneously constraining the astrophysics of reionization and the epoch of heating with 21CMMC
Greig, BradleyKeywords: galaxies: high-redshift
2017 The Authors Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of the Royal Astronomical Society
Ultraviolet spectra of extreme nearby star-forming regions - approaching a local reference sample for JWST
Senchyna, PeterKeywords: stars: massive
2017 The Authors Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of the Royal Astronomical Society
Dissecting the IRX-β dust attenuation relation: exploring the physical origin of observed variations in galaxies
Popping, GergöKeywords: dust
2017 The Authors Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of the Royal Astronomical Society
Characterizing the UV-to-NIR shape of the dust attenuation curve of IR luminous galaxies up to z ˜ 2
Lo Faro, B.Keywords: galaxies: evolution
2017 The Authors Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of the Royal Astronomical Society
First Detection of Interstellar S2H
Fuente, AsunciónKeywords: astrochemistry
X-Ray Brightening and UV Fading of Tidal Disruption Event ASASSN-15oi
Gezari, S.Keywords: accretion
No Evidence of Circumstellar Gas Surrounding Type Ia Supernova SN 2017cbv
Ferretti, RaphaelKeywords: supernovae: individual: SN 2017cbv
Kinematics and Optical Depth in the Green Peas: Suppressed Superwinds in Candidate LyC Emitters
Jaskot, Anne E.Keywords: dark ages
The O VI Mystery: Mismatch between X-Ray and UV Column Densities
Mathur, S.Keywords: atomic data
Intermittent Reconnection and Plasmoids in UV Bursts in the Low Solar Atmosphere
Rouppe van der Voort, L.Keywords: magnetic reconnection
ALMA Reveals Metals yet No Dust within Multiple Components in CR7
Matthee, J.Keywords: dark ages
A Model for AR Scorpii: Emission from Relativistic Electrons Trapped by Closed Magnetic Field Lines of Magnetic White Dwarfs
Takata, J.Keywords: binaries: close
Modeling Type II-P/II-L Supernovae Interacting with Recent Episodic Mass Ejections from Their Presupernova Stars with MESA and SNEC
Das, SanskritiKeywords: circumstellar matter
Simulating Coronal Loop Implosion and Compressible Wave Modes in a Flare Hit Active Region
Sarkar, AveekKeywords: methods: numerical
iPTF 16asu: A Luminous, Rapidly Evolving, and High-velocity Supernova
Whitesides, L.Keywords: gamma-ray burst: general
Modeling UV Radiation Feedback from Massive Stars. I. Implementation of Adaptive Ray-tracing Method and Tests
Kim, Jeong-GyuKeywords: H ii regions
Characterizing Dust Attenuation in Local Star-forming Galaxies: Inclination Effects and the 2175 Å Feature
Battisti, A. J.Keywords: dust
Resonant Electron Impact Excitation of 3d Levels in Fe14+ and Fe15+
Tsuda, TakashiKeywords: atomic processes
The Asymmetric Bow Shock/Pulsar Wind Nebula of PSR J2124–3358
Romani, Roger W.Keywords: dense matter
Cosmic Reionization after Planck and before JWST: An Analytic Approach
Madau, PieroKeywords: cosmology: theory
Cosmic Star Formation: A Simple Model of the SFRD(z)
Chiosi, CesareKeywords: dark matter
HST Imaging of the Brightest z ∼ 8–9 Galaxies from UltraVISTA: The Extreme Bright End of the UV Luminosity Function
Stefanon, MauroKeywords: galaxies: evolution
General Physical Properties of CGRaBS Blazars
Paliya, Vaidehi S.Keywords: galaxies: active
Ion-Ion Equilibration and Particle Distributions in a 3000 km s-1 Shock in SN 1006
Raymond, J. C.Keywords: ISM: individual objects: SN 1006
On the Spatially Resolved Star Formation History in M51. II. X-Ray Binary Population Evolution
Lehmer, B. D.Keywords: galaxies: evolution
On the Spatially Resolved Star Formation History in M51. I. Hybrid UV+IR Star Formation Laws and IR Emission from Dust Heated by Old Stars
Eufrasio, R. T.Keywords: galaxies: individual: NGC 5194
Three-minute Sunspot Oscillations Driven by Magnetic Reconnection in a Light Bridge
Song, DongukKeywords: Sun: chromosphere
Lessons from the Short GRB 170817A: The First Gravitational-wave Detection of a Binary Neutron Star Merger
Granot, JonathanKeywords: gamma-ray burst: general
The Hard X-Ray Emission of the Blazar PKS 2155-304
Gaur, HaritmaKeywords: BL Lacertae objects: general
The Constant Average Relationship between Dust-obscured Star Formation and Stellar Mass from z = 0 to z = 2.5
Whitaker, Katherine E.Keywords: galaxies: evolution
The Hawaii SCUBA-2 Lensing Cluster Survey: Are Low-luminosity Submillimeter Galaxies Detected in the Rest-frame UV?
Hsu, Li-YenKeywords: cosmology: observations
Rayleigh Scattering in Spectral Series with L-term Interference
Casini, R.Keywords: line: formation
Interstellar Silicon Depletion and the Ultraviolet Extinction
Mishra, AjayKeywords: dust
Rapidly Interpreting UV-optical Light Curve Properties Using a “Simple” Modeling Approach
De La Rosa, JanieKeywords: stars: massive
Numerical Simulations of Turbulent Molecular Clouds Regulated by Radiation Feedback Forces. II. Radiation-Gas Interactions and Outflows
Raskutti, SudhirKeywords: hydrodynamics
The Horizontal Branch Population of NGC 1851 as Revealed by the Ultraviolet Imaging Telescope (UVIT)
Subramaniam, AnnapurniKeywords: globular clusters: individual: NGC 1851
Environmental Effects on Galaxy Evolution. II. Quantifying the Tidal Features in NIR Images of the Cluster Abell 85
Venkatapathy, Y.Keywords: galaxies: clusters: individual: Abell 85
Using radio astronomical receivers for molecular spectroscopic characterization in astrochemical laboratory simulations: A proof of concept
Tanarro, I.Keywords: methods: laboratory: molecular
Stellar population of the superbubble N 206 in the LMC. I. Analysis of the Of-type stars
Ramachandran, VarshaKeywords: stars: early-type
VLT/FORS2 view at z 6: Lyman-α emitter fraction and galaxy physical properties at the edge of the epoch of cosmic reionization
De Barros, S.Keywords: galaxies: high-redshift
What does CIVλ1549 tell us about the physical driver of the Eigenvector quasar sequence?
Sulentic, J. W.Keywords: quasars: general
Chandra imaging of the kpc extended outflow in 1H 0419-577
Di Gesu, L.Keywords: quasars: general
Chemical enrichment and accretion of nitrogen-loud quasars
Matsuoka, K.Keywords: galaxies: active
ALMA imaging of C2H emission in the disk of NGC 1068
García-Burillo, S.Keywords: galaxies: individual: NGC 1068
The WISSH quasars project. III. X-ray properties of hyper-luminous quasars
Martocchia, S.Keywords: galaxies: active
The implications of the surprising existence of a large, massive CO disk in a distant protocluster
Dannerbauer, H.Keywords: galaxies: clusters: individual: MRC 1138
Transmission spectroscopy of the hot Jupiter TrES-3 b: Disproof of an overly large Rayleigh-like feature
Mackebrandt, F.Keywords: planets and satellites: atmospheres
The white dwarf binary pathways survey - II. Radial velocities of 1453 FGK stars with white dwarf companions from LAMOST DR 4
Rebassa-Mansergas, A.Keywords: stars: low-mass
2017 The Authors Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of the Royal Astronomical Society
Multiband photometry and spectroscopy of an all-sky sample of bright white dwarfs
Raddi, R.Keywords: catalogues
2017 The Authors Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of the Royal Astronomical Society
Star cluster formation in a turbulent molecular cloud self-regulated by photoionization feedback
Gavagnin, ElenaKeywords: stars: formation
2017 The Authors Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of the Royal Astronomical Society
X-ray photoevaporation's limited success in the formation of planetesimals by the streaming instability
Ercolano, BarbaraKeywords: planet-disc interactions
2017 The Authors Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of the Royal Astronomical Society
QSFIT: automatic analysis of optical AGN spectra
Calderone, G.Keywords: methods: data analysis
2017 The Authors Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of the Royal Astronomical Society
Dissecting the long-term emission behaviour of the BL Lac object Mrk 421
Carnerero, M. I.Keywords: galaxies: active
2017 The Authors Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of the Royal Astronomical Society
ExoMol molecular line lists - XXIII. Spectra of PO and PS
Prajapat, LaxmiKeywords: molecular data - opacity
2017 The Authors Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of the Royal Astronomical Society
The globular cluster-dark matter halo connection
Boylan-Kolchin, MichaelKeywords: globular clusters: general
2017 The Author Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of the Royal Astronomical Society
Multiwavelength observations of the 2015 nova in the Local Group irregular dwarf galaxy IC 1613
Williams, S. C.Keywords: novae
2017 The Authors Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of the Royal Astronomical Society
Tethered Prominence-CME Systems Captured during the 2012 November 13 and 2013 November 3 Total Solar Eclipses
Druckmüller, MiloslavKeywords: Sun: corona
The Combined Ultraviolet, Optical, and Near-infrared Light Curves of the Kilonova Associated with the Binary Neutron Star Merger GW170817: Unified Data Set, Analytic Models, and Physical Implications
Villar, V. A.Keywords: catalogs
A Study of External Magnetic Reconnection that Triggers a Solar Eruption
Zhou, G. P.Keywords: Sun: activity
Type III Solar Radio Burst Source Region Splitting due to a Quasi-separatrix Layer
McCauley, Patrick I.Keywords: Sun: activity
Association of Radio Polar Cap Brightening with Bright Patches and Coronal Holes
Selhorst, Caius L.Keywords: Sun: chromosphere
Toward Understanding the 3D Structure and Evolution of Magnetic Flux Ropes in an Extremely Long Duration Eruptive Flare
Zhou, ZhenjunKeywords: Sun: coronal mass ejections: CMEs
A Universal Transition in Atmospheric Diffusion for Hot Subdwarfs Near 18,000 K
Brown, T. M.Keywords: globular clusters: general
Observations of the Coronal Mass Ejection with a Complex Acceleration Profile
Reva, A. A.Keywords: Sun: corona
On a Small-scale EUV Wave: The Driving Mechanism and the Associated Oscillating Filament
Shen, YuandengKeywords: Sun: coronal mass ejections: CMEs
The Stellar Activity of TRAPPIST-1 and Consequences for the Planetary Atmospheres
Roettenbacher, Rachael M.Keywords: stars: activity
Observational and Model Analysis of a Two-ribbon Flare Possibly Induced by a Neighboring Blowout Jet
Joshi, BhuwanKeywords: Sun: activity
Photoionization Modeling of Titan’s Dayside Ionosphere
Shebanits, O.Keywords: atmospheric effects
Characteristics that Produce White-light Enhancements in Solar Flares Observed by Hinode/SOT
Watanabe, KyokoKeywords: Sun: flares
Transition and Electron Impact Excitation Collision Rates for O III
Tayal, S. S.Keywords: atomic data
HST/COS Far-ultraviolet Spectroscopic Analysis of U Geminorum Following a Wide Outburst
Godon, PatrickKeywords: novae
Large-amplitude Longitudinal Oscillations Triggered by the Merging of Two Solar Filaments: Observations and Magnetic Field Analysis
Luna, M.Keywords: Sun: filaments
Thermal and Nonthermal Emissions of a Composite Flare Derived from NoRH and SDO Observations
Lee, JeongwooKeywords: methods: data analysis
Observational Study of an Unusual Cataclysmic Binary 2MASS J16211735+4412541
Zola, S.Keywords: binaries: eclipsing
Spectroscopic and photometric oscillatory envelope variability during the S Doradus outburst of the luminous blue variable R71
Mehner, A.Keywords: stars: massive
Effect of stellar flares on the upper atmospheres of HD 189733b and HD 209458b
Chadney, J. M.Keywords: planets and satellites: atmospheres
Comparing 3C 120 jet emission at small and large scales
Zargaryan, D.Keywords: galaxies: individual: 3C 120
Extended Schmidt law holds for faint dwarf irregular galaxies
Roychowdhury, SambitKeywords: galaxies: ISM