Bibliography : Instrumentation and Space Science

Jun 2016 - 2 Abstracts found

1.- Jun 2016 - Ap&SS - (2016Ap&SS.361..184L)

LUT observations of the mass-transferring binary AI Dra

Liao, Wenping; Qian, Shengbang; Li, Linjia; Zhou, Xiao; Zhao, Ergang; Liu, Nianping

Keywords: Stars, Binaries, Close stars, Eclipsing stars, Individual (AI Dra) stars, Multiple stars, Evolution
(c) 2016: Springer Science+Business Media Dordrecht

2.- Jun 2016 - FrASS - (2016FrASS...3...19P)

Baldwin Effect and Additional BLR Component in AGN with Superluminal Jets

Patiño Álvarez, Víctor; Torrealba, Janet; Chavushyan, Vahram; Cruz González, Irene; Arshakian, Tigran; León Tavares, Jonathan; Popovic, Luka

Keywords: galaxies: active, Galaxies:jets, quasars: emission lines, Baldwin effect, Flat spectrum radio quasars
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